
The Cast

Recurring players

It is late morning and we've just rounded a bend in the road and see North HubVillage a mile or two away. Koro stops to commune with the Fire Kami. Hisa decides that's a good idea and communes with the Earth Kami. Mikio checks his armor and makes sure his tetsubo is in easy reach. As Hisa speaks with the Earth Kami he finds that where we are standing and the buildings are good. Koro sacrifices the small display case he had been crafting since Toshi Rambo to the fire kami. Koro asks the fire kami if he can call upon it for assistance while we are in Otusan Uchi. The kami considers the request and agrees to answer one favor.

Note: Richard wants to increase his court Ettiquette. Kevin explains that Toshi Rambo would have been a bad place to begin, not at the fallen capitol. You want the beginner slopes not the triple diamond slopes. More opportunities will be available for this skill very, very soon. Valen clarifies with asking that we're going to send the one who wants to split Hares to the bunny slopes of etiquette?

Mikio offers a prayer to Bishamon while the shugenja commune with the kami. Hoshiko says a quiet prayer to the Jade dragon.

We finally approach the eight foot tall wall around North Hub Village. There are guards at each gate. Mikio smacks the wall as they pass through the gate. The wall is quite sturdy. The buildings are pretty in contrast to the business-like purpose built wall, which seems like an afterthought when you see the styles and materials the rest of the village was made with.

In between the buildings and the wall are large fields populated by troops. Lion, Crane, Crab, Phoenix, Imperial Legions, Mantis and some others that are we do not recognized. There is no specific banner over the village.

Hoshiko, seeing Crab banners amongst the troops, asks Mikio to watch Koro for a little bit during the time they are here. Mikio looks at Koro. She clarifies that she wants Mikio to watch Koro's back. Mikio looks at Koro's back and then understands. Koro begins talking about dressing up the wall. Hoshiko points out that decoration provides means to climb the wall. Mikio points out that the wall is sturdy. Koro says that it would look nice decorated. Hisa says that Mikio-the-wall needs to be dressed up. Mikio responds that he's not a geisha. Koro says he doesn't dress his geisha he un-dresses them. Mikio vaporlocks. He wants to get away but has agreed to watch Koro's back for Hoshiko. Uh... Mikio bites his lower lip and shifts his grip on the tetsubo he hadn't remembered grabbing.

The village is larger than we had first anticipated. It's actually a busy little town. Koro looks around for more crafting supplies to build another project. As Mikio accompanies him they put forth the name of Merchant Bob and find that 'Crazy Bob' is "Way down that way."

We find an inn and retain rooms and drop off our gear. Koro decides that, since it's approaching early afternoon, it's time to stop for tea and a light meal. Koro pays for the meal. Mikio enjoys the meal. Perception check - Hisa, Hoshiko and Horotu recognize the mon of the ronin family the Yotsu. There are a lot of them around. Hisa further recognizes a small symbol of a black spider on a few other ronin.

After the meal Koro asks our hostess where the Tortoise encampment is. He's told where the local clan elder is. Koro and company make their way to the Tortoise encampment. Meanwhile Mikio makes his way to find Merchant Bob. He finds an elderly man alone with no guards. Mikio enters and explains what he is looking for - a thumbs length of jade carved in the shape of a tetsubo. The old man shows him a chest of jade pendants in the shape of tetsubo. Mikio chooses two and finds the price is two koku each. Mikio explains one is a gift but he can't afford both. He hands one back and offers two koku to Merchant Bob. Mikio inquires after the missing guards and Merchant Bob explains he has a stick which he shows Mikio. It's a nice stick with a large knob on the top. Mikio nods, waves and walks on. As Mikio enters the street horns from various directions sound off.

Just as Koro and company reach the Tortoise area they hear the horns. Koro attempts to stop a samurai or two to find out whats' going on. The samurai are all running in various directions. Koro and company converge at the southern gate with Mikio arriving momentarily.

Koro inquires what is going on of the guard at the gate. The guard hurriedly explains they need to report to their units, NOW. Koro says he and his group want to help. The guard nods and mentions that all conscripts are needed for the defense of the area. Koro corrects him stating that they are travelers passing through and offering their services for the battle. Koro and Hisa are sent off to join the other shugenja and Hoshiko, Horotu and Mikio are sent to join the heavy defenders. Since Mikio doesn't really know what's going on he's going to follow Hoshiko's lead.

The Lt. assigning units to bushi quickly assesses the three volunteers asking them for their names and schools. Mikio responds with his name and "Wrestler". The Lt. quickly assigns them and then turns and asks Mikio, "Ichiro, how much?" Mikio is a little confused. "How much for the battle." Hoshiko asks how much the last last Badger requested. Mikio receives 5 koku from the Lt's personal coin for the battle. Mikio remembers the donations he learned of from the Ichiro dojo in the City of the Rich Frog and begins to understand.

Mikio looks out over the field in front of the 15000 troops and sees the skies darkening and notices a sickening sensation in his stomach. He pulls the jade tetsubo pendant from his obi and snags Hoshiko's attention. "I wanted to give this to you later but I think you need it now." He offers her the pendant. Hoshiko is surprised. Mikio says, "You helped me, I say thanks." Hoshiko puts the pendant on and slips it under her shirt.

First round - everyone is engaged except Hisa.who is back with the shugenja and triage units in disenganged.
Horotu - takes 10 pts damage, +3 glory
Hoshiko - Heroic opportunity: Hold this Ground. Successful.
Koro - Heroic opportunity: Break the Line.
Hisa - disengaged.
Mikio - takes 15 wounds, Grazed. Take a Unit, 1 glory pt for every round of battle he remains standing.

We are facing Zombies, goblins, skeletons, a few ogres, and some spell casters in the background.

Second Round -
Horotu - 6 pts damage, Opportunity to duel a skeleton warrior, he accepts.
Initiative to Horotu. Horotu scores 19 pts damage with his Kaiu blade removing it's left leg. It falls over and barely misses it's strike against Horotu. It's still moving on the ground. Horotu removes the skeletons right arm. The skeleton attempts to claw Horotu and he decaptiates it. +4 glory +1 Honor.
Hoshiko - Opportunity to duel a zombie. She accepts. Initiative to Hoshiko. Hoshiko strikes with her tetsubo. The strike is so good it seems as if the zombie lined the strike up for her. The tetsubo pretty much removes it's right arm. The zombie misses it's strike. Hoshiko follows it up with a severe blow to the zombies right leg. The zombie falls to the ground. As the zombie flails around on the ground Hoshiko pulps it's left leg and it stops moving. +4 glory +1 Honor.
Koro - Heroic Opportunity: Take the Enemies Banner. Single combat with a skeleton samurai in light armor wielding a katana, holding the enemies banner and with glowing green fire in place of it's eyes. Initiative to the enemy. The banner throws off the skeletons aim and he misses Koro. Koro decides to go full defense and pulls out a potion. Once again the skeleton misses. Koro casts Hurried Steps successfully and then Breath of the Fire Dragon and spits fireballs at the skeleton. The skeleton becomes a cinder. The skeleton gets back up (Unholy Regeneration) with most of it's wounds gone. Koro breathes fire on it again and it drops and stays down.
Hisa - Heroic Opportunity: Pickup the Banner. +1 glory each round.
Mikio - Stays where he is with the unit. Heroic Opportunity: Save Wounded Comrade. Mikio picks up the samurai and proceeds to carry him to the reserves. Mikio is now heavily engaged.

Third Round -
Horotu - Opportunity to Attack the Archers.
Hoshiko - Opportunity to Break the Line.
Koro - Disengaged.
Hisa - Opportunity to Attack the Shugenja.
Mikio - Heavily Engaged. 14pts damage. No other opportunity.

Fourth Round - Finally starting to win the battle.
Horotu - A few points damage. No opportunity.
Hoshiko - No damage, 2 glory points.
Koro - Shugenja's Gift. No damage. Cast's Path of Inner Peace on Mikio.
Hisa - No Damage, no opportunity.
Mikio - +2 points of glory. Heroic Opportunity: Avoid Fate.

Round Five - We are seriously winning now.
Horotu - Engaged. Heroic Opportunity: Protect the General.
Hoshiko - Heavily Engaged. Heroic Opportunity: Draw the Line.
Koro - Disengaged. Heroic Opportunity: Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves. Has had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind for the last couple of hours. He finally hears the voice of his grandfather screaming in his mind "He's right there!". Koro sees a shugenja in the distance on the broken wall of Otusan Uchi laughing maniacally and raining death and destruction down on everyone. Koro dearly wants to attack but the enemy is out of reach.
Hisa - Disengaged. Heroic Opportunity: Save Wounded Comrade.
Mikio - Taking comrade to Reserves. Currently engaged. Puts down wounded comrade and finds someone who seems to be familiar. He thanks Mikio as he is waking up. As the ronin's eye focus on Mikio they show recognition and surprise. His retort is on of anger "You're supposed to be dead!" and bolts away further into the erserves, leaving the battlefield. Mikio reaches out to grab him but misses. As the man slips into the crowd Mikio notices he wears a spider mon.

Round Six -
The bulk of the nearby Crane forces arrive after an extreme forced march and boister the defenders. This allow the Imperial Forces to final crush the surge of the Shadowlands creatures that came pouring out of the ruined former capitol. As the Shadow Creatures begin to retreat the Shugenja that Koro's Grandfather wanted killed envolves the are he is in with unholy lightning and shadows, covering his own disappearance. Koro investigates the place on the wall where he saw this shugenja. Hoshiko catches up with him and asks him what he is doing. Koro responds that he is looking for Kobungo. He clarifies for her who that is, the man from his commune with his grandfather that she saw, the one the Kitsu helped with. That is the man who killed his grandfather, a corrupted shugenja of his family. Approx 15,000 troops responded immediately and another 10,000 reinforce us.
Koro investigates where he saw the maniacal Shugenja.

Hisa is relieved of the banner by an imperial samurai. It will be returned to the Imperial Legions.

The person who led the quick march of the Crane forces was Daidoji Katai. He had recently been recalled from his other duties and was on his way through the Crane garrison when the attack message came through. Since he was the highest ranking bushi there, he quickly mobilized the forces he could and left a message for the garrison commander once he could be found. After the battle he is seen talking with the various unit commanders, checking on the status of all the troops there. He was also searching for the Legion commander to see if they survived the battle. He meets him, Seppun Toshimoko, along with a Crab Warrior who all that was left of his guard when the command position was overrun, Toritaka Horotu. The bushi around Katai take over the duties of guarding the Seppun general.

Katai is a crane of average height and build, but wearing heavy armor (that is largely unadorned - strange for a Crane) as if he was a Crab. Hoshiko does notice a unit insignia on his armor, identifying him as one of the Iron Cranes. Upon recognizing the mon Hoshiko mutters, "That's an interesting man." He carries two yari, one wooden and one all metal, as well as his daisho.

After leaving the ruined wall, and doing what he can as a shugenja for the troops, Koro receives a message from a man wearing dark clothing with a confident bearing. His clothing displays no clan colors. He asks, since you are a Pheonix, "do you know who Agasha Koro is and could you help me locate him?" Koro replies letting him know that his is Agasha Koro. The man identifies himself as Yomutsu. He reaches into his obi and Hoshiko tenses. Koro notices a concealed magistrates badge inside the obi of Yomutsu. "I was asked to offer the message to Koro and his group that volunteered today. Daidoji Hatsumoto extends a dinner invitation for you to join them tonight. A place to cleanup and other arrangements have been made for us to present ourselves appropriately."

Hisa asks Mikio to stand still for a moment and then green light flashes over Mikio. They look relieved. Having received some fairly deep wounds from the shadowlands creature they wanted to test him for Taint.

Mikio's wounds are treated, as with everyone here, jade powder is applied to the bandages.

When Hoshiko sees Mikio she runs up and hugs him, "How are you? How did you do? How was it?" Mikio is a little dazed and a bit sore from his remaining wounds but perks up when he hears that they've been invited to dinner. "So, we won, I was paid and now we get dinner - and a new kimono. It was a good day"

The kimono provided to Mikio is plain but it's clean.

When Mikio has the chance he inquires after the spider shaped mon. All he is able to discover is that it is a group of organized ronin.

Glory/Honor - These will be recognized at the next game session by someone of authority who was at the battle. Horotu - 16 Glory / 1 Honor
Hoshiko - 21 Glory / 1 Honor
Hisa - 25 Glory / 1 Honor
Koro - 33 Glory
Mikio - 19 Glory

5 xp for everyone.