
The Cast

NPC's Referenced

We have about two hours before the dinner begins. Hisa heads for the bath house. Hoshiko tries to remember everything that Lady Agasha taught her in getting ready for a formal meal. A servant approaches her and hands her a box. As she opens the box she finds a jade and blue kimono. She quickly looks out the door to find the servant so she can ask them who sent the gift only to find the servant is gone.

Mikio is approached by a trembling peasant who offers him a scroll. The scroll is from Choucho, a Jade Magistrate. Mikio deduces she is the one who has been making the deposits in his name to the Ichiro dojo. He finishes the letter and asks the man if there was anything else. Before he finishes the question the man offers him a small box. Inside Mikio finds a carved butterfly painted blood red and black with silver trimming. On the upper right wing is the Badger mon and on the lower left is the Ichiro mon. When Mikio touches it he has a vision of a slender woman with red lacquered nails and a half veil. Mikio assures the peasant he has done nothing wrong and sends the man about his business. Mikio places the butterfly carefully back in the box.

Hisa receives a letter bearing the personal mon of his sensei. It is signed by his sensei's daughter.

A short time after Hoshiko puts the kimono on and continues getting ready she begins to feel a headache coming on. Soon after that she hears a voice gabbling in a language that she cannot understand. She yells for Koro. Koro and Hisa come running. Koro at first doesn't recognize the stunning woman before him. After Hoshiko explains the situation Koro casts Jade Strike on the kimono (Hoshiko is still wearing it when he does this). It is not tainted. Hisa decides to see if he can sense anything strange and tries an unusual tactic, communing with a Kami that he is not familiar or trained to deal with, but may offer insight. (Note: Hisa rolled a 42 on his Commune with VOID to sense for anything wrong with the kimono. Nothing is wrong with it, but he can see that there is an elemental imbalance with-in Hoshiko.) After a bit of thinking Hoshiko begins to realize that this has happened before though this is the first time she can't write it off as something else. Koro offers to investigate further. Hoshiko thanks him. Hisa says there are some they can consult with, but they are a strange and rare group of Shugenja. The best place to find one is in Phoenix Lands. (This is the lead in to the change in Hoshiko's flaw. Jenn will have some rules in place soon and Kate will need to pick which element will affect her).

With about an hour before the dinner, Hisa sits down and performs the tea ceremony to replenish void. Hoshiko, Horuto and Koro join him. They send a messenger to see if Mikio would also like to join them.

A messenger arrives for Mikio extending an invitation to him to join the tea ceremony. "Tea good." Mikio joins them, not understand this was more than just a gathering to drink, but as he watches feels a deep peace come over him at the simplicity and elegance of the ceremony. (All who participated recover 1 spent Void Point immediately.)

Shortly after the ceremony concludes a servant arrives for Isawa Hisa. He notices the others there and asks if they are the rest of his group. Koro fumes for a second since he is the ranking person, but realizes this is a peasant who does not know any better lets the slight go. We are escorted to a large tent and enter an antechamber. There are approximately 10 guests here including Hisa and his group. Among the others are a Crane, Lion, Tortoise, Scorpion and a Dragonfly, as the group discovers by hearing their names and seeing their colors and mons. A man approaches, an obvious courtier in Imperial colors, and asks how we wish to be announced. Most of the others are straight forward, just their name, unit and rank. The Lion recites his lineage and noble deeds of himself as he has been previously acknowledged of. Koro states he is a Jade Magistrate and displays his plaque of office. The rest of the group gives minimal information. Mikio is not carrying a weapon beyond a small utility blade in his obi. All weapons are left at their own tents except for their wakizashi and Horuto's Kaiu Blade.

Kasuga Raikaru, a Tortoise, is recognized. He is unkempt and slightly disagreeable in appearance. This is the man that we have been searching for or at least his name is on the list that Koro has.

As we enter another name is called off, Shosuro Suki his build is strong, athletic and muscular. He wears red and black and a full mask, open around the nose and mouth. He wears several mons, Bayushi, Shosuro and another one that cannot be identified. This man is one of the others that they have been searching for or at least the name is on the list.

After everyone is introduced Daidoji Katai, the commander leading the reinforcements that seriously turned the tide of battle, and his wife Daidoji Hatsumoto are announced. After them arrives Seppun Toshimoko the general leading the early hours of he battle that did not go so well. Before everything begins the Seppun gives a slight nod to everyone there and then snaps his fingers. A Crab Bushi in light armor comes in and approaches the Seppun Toshimoko. Hoshiko realizes that he is not a Toritaka or Hida. Horuto recognizes the mon of the Hiruma and Hisa further realizes that the man is a Hiruma Scout. The Seppun speaks, "For your valiant service, Toritaka Horuto, and your enjoyment of the evening one of your clansmen is willing to stand behind you and hold your most honored weapon."

At this point the celebration begins. Everybody notices one thing over the course of dinner. The Tortoise, Kasuga Raikaru, has a great deal of manners despite his appearance. There are only two shugenja who are also Phoenix here - Koro and Hisa. Every time Raikaru looks at either Koro or Hisa there is open hostility on his face. If anyone else looks at him he hides his expression.

Hisa enters the conversational fray. Hoshiko plays shy as only one of the two women at the table, the other being Daidoji Hatsumoto. Mikio plays hungry and quietly watches the Scorpion, Shosuro Suki. Suki is quite animated and knowledgeable. Daidoji Katai says mostly nothing.

After the meal Daidoji Hatsumoto leans over to her husband and tells him something. She then suggests to Seppun Toshimoko that now that the meal is done this would be the perfect time for the gifts for their guests. A servant brings in stack of letters and arranges them next to him. During the presentation we find that the Kasuga has managed to obtain a great deal of glory. The Scorpion doesn't have a great deal of deeds mentioned but it is said that he dueled an ogre and killed it. It is also said that he was able to take down the enemy archer line single handedly. Mikio makes a mental note to speak with this man. (Memo to Valen - Remember that if he was wearing the mon of the fern on his front you'll never see him.) We learn that Horuto saved the general, your host, Seppun Toshimoko in the middle of the battle. The Seppun acknowledges how everyone did in the battle a peasant scribe who is just outside the room (and thus out of sight) records all the deeds to scrolls.

Honor & Glory Rewards

Horuto is raised to 3.7 glory and gains a pip of honor.
Hoshiko is raised to a full 4.0 glory and gains a pip of honor.
Hisa is raised to 4.0 glory and a 3.6 honor.
Koro is raised to a 5.0 glory and gains a pip of honor to 3.4 honor.
Mikio is raised to a 3.5 glory.

Various other awards are given out and we are officially recognized for our parts. Each of us is given a scroll to pass along to our respective daimyo's stating our deeds and that they have been recognized by Seppun Toshimoko. After the Seppun is done the Daidoji raises and states he would like to offer his own gifts. The Scorpion does observe the whole three polite refusals as does a Lion though he is rather stiff in his performance. Magistrate Agasha Koro is offered five gaijin steeds along with all their tack and supplies. He states that one is large enough for Ichiro Mikio should Koro wish to offer it to him. These are stallions and mares from his personal stables. He states that the stable has served him and the magistrate he served with well over the years. Koro accepts. Daidoji Hatsumoto hands Daidoji Katai a stack of letters. These letters are handed out to the party. They are an official invite to Winter Court this year in Phoenix Lands at Shiro no Unmei (Castle of Destiny - not on a map but just out of the woodlands South of Kyuden Asako) from the Seppun and Daidoji Hatsumoto. Mikio looks over the letter and then looks over the one that was presented to him with the gift of the butterfly. Apparently he is meant to be at the Phoenix Winter Court...

The Kasuga doesn't even open the letter. The Shosuro opens the letter, bows and puts it away. A few moments later the Seppun says his thanks and gets up and leaves. After a minute or 2 more of conversation, Daidoji Hatsumoto announces that she wishes to retire, so she and her husband get up and leave. Shortly thereafter the Kasuga gets up and walks out very abruptly. The Shosuro makes polite conversation for a few minutes more and then excuses himself. Koro wanting to question the Scorpion quickly gets up and intercepts him, introducing himself to Shosuro as the Scorpion makes his way out. Shosuro bows deeply. Koro offers his praise and congratulations for his feats on the field of battle. Koro asks if he may speak with Shosuro in an "official capacity." Shosuro asks if it can wait until the morrow as he has some pressing business to attend to. Koro states that Shosuro's deed's have earned him at least that much. (Koro was trying to stress the importance and portray a feeling of it would be very bad to miss the meeting.) Shosuro raises an eyebrow at that then gracefully turns and walks out.

(NOTE for Rob - the use of my old PC - Daidoji Katai is not going to reoccurring, but this is a singular event designed to get something done - IE the invite to Winter Court. This was also to establish a timeline based on my discussions with Jenn about when Rex's game ended and hers will begin.)

Horuto accepts his Kaiu Blade back from the Hiruma Scout. Horuto takes the scout along with him for the evening paying for everything.

As the party gets up and leaves, Hoshiko hears a whisper as they leave the main tent. Hoshiko is quietly approached by Daidoji Hatsumoto. No one else has noticed her despite her graceful and stunning appearance. Hoshiko is somewhat surprised. Hoshiko calls to Mikio and asks if he is busy. Mikio responds that he has no plans. Hoshiko asks him to guard Koro. Mikio states it would be his honor. Hoshiko turns back to Daidoji Hatsumoto.

As Koro makes his way out the door, he sees a messenger deliver a letter to the Seppun who quickly reads it and places it down to the side on a table. As Koro passes (being curious - a meddling & contrary shugenja - and I do mean Koro's flaws - not the players) he moves so he is able to quickly glance at the note. He can see that the Seppun is being reassigned, because the Emperor is dead. He is unable to read more as that would risk being noticed that he was too close. The news is troubling to him, but he does not show it as he quickly leaves.

Hatsumoto says she hopes that the kimono met with Hoshiko's approval. Pleasantries are exchanged as Hoshiko thanks her for the loan. The Daidoji says that the gift is the invitation to Winter Court and that Hoshiko will need to be appropriately attired. Daidoji states that if there is anything Hoshiko would like embroidered on it the bill has been paid as she hands Hoshiko a slip of paper with a name on it. As Daidoji Hatsumoto returns to her husband, they appear to be happy together.

As Koro returns to his rooms Mikio asks if he can accompany Koro to meet with Shosuro-san. Koro asks why. Mikio states he simply wishes to send a letter to Bayushi castle. Koro is caught off guard for a few beats and then has an expression of WTF? ! (Koro is investigating this man in connection to a Bloodspeaker cult and Mikio wants him to be a messenger. Then there is the whole a Badger sending messages to Bayushi Castle ! Koro thinks that Mikio may have forgotten why there is an interest in Shosuro-san and simply lets the thought pass) Koro then says certainly Mikio may accompany him. Hoshiko catches up with Koro and Mikio. Hoshiko asks what the other letter Mikio had. Mikio takes the letter he received from Choucho and shows it to her. Koro sees it as well. Mikio asks if anyone there knows anything about the Spider mon and describes his encounter with the man who recognized him in battle.

(Richard sings out - "Spider mon Spider mon does whatever a spider can....)

No one has any further information on the Spider mon beyond what Mikio has already learned, that they seem to be an organized group of ronin like the Sword of Yotsu. Hoshiko takes over her yojimbo duties from Mikio.

Koro seeks to address the Air Kami that evening. "Where can I find the people who wear this mark of the spider on their backs?" Koro is thinking of the closest largest concentration of them. The Air Kami tells Koro to, "Search for them where others don't where trees flow and dreams are lost." Koro remembers that there is one reference from Rokugan history to dreams and that is the Naga who are referred to as the Children of Dreams.

The next morning after we wake up and take care of morning routines a messenger arrives from Seppun-sama. The messenger presents a caged falcon to Horuto, as a personal gift for bravely defending his life when his own men had been overrun and slain. While it has been a little while since his training, Horuto takes a few minutes that morning to discover the quality of the falcon, it has been is well trained by his estimate and skill level of falcon handling.

Hisa sends a message to his daimyo and another to his wife alerting her to their invitation to Winter Court. Hoshiko sends a letter to her daimyo explaining her invitation to Winter Court and includes the letter stating her deeds in battle.

A messenger dressed in light armor, imperial colors and bearing a Crab based mon approaches Koro. He delivers a letter to Koro.

Mikio thinks about it a little and then comes to a decision. He takes three of the Koku he received along with the list of his deeds from the battle and includes a short note explaining that he plans to spend Winter Court at Shiro no Unmei. He also explains the situation with the Spider Mon bearer. The entire package is addressed to the Sensei at the Ichiro Dojo in the City of the Rich Frog. He then tracks down a runner to deliver the package.

Horuto puts together a report to his daimyo detailing the highlights so far and what he has discovered of the Mantis. He asks the Hiruma who honored him by holding his sword at the dinner if he is traveling south, and if so could he deliver a message to the Toritaka Daimyo. The Scout says he is going that way and can deliver any correspondence to Crab Lands.

Hisa asks Koro about the man in armor. Koro explains that something has occurred in Phoenix lands. Koro is waiting for the rest of his yoriki before he provides details. The group slowly assembles. When everyone is present Koro explains that he learned last night that the Emperor is dead. There has also been a death in Phoenix lands of Isawa Mirosawa. Hisa identifies the man as his sensei and explains that his daughter had sent a note, which he received last night, explaining the passing of her father.

When Koro seeks to go speak with Shosuro-san he finds the man has disappeared. Mikio decides to find another messenger to take his message to Bayushi Sanzo. As he asks around he finds that there is no large Scorpion contingent with the Imperial Forces around Otosan Uchi and the Hub Villages. About five minutes later a Bayushi Bushi shows up. He asks what he can do for Ichiro Mikio. Mikio asks him if he can deliver this message to Bayushi Sanzo. The bushi thinks for a moment and then says he can. He accepts the message, places it in his kimono and begins heading north. Mikio is a little curious since Bayushi Castle is south by west of where they are.

Koro asks around for Shosuro-san. Koro is met with blank expressions. Hoshiko suggests they ask how the invitation was delivered to him last night. They find that the Scorpion just showed up. Koro asks after Kasuga and the Tortoise contingent. He receives directions and head in a group to find Kasuga Raikaru.

Along the way a female ronin bumps into Koro. She offers her apologies and passes along but continues to pay attention to Koro. She follows along discretely though not stealthily. Koro looks around and doesn't see anyone else stalking us. At the first barracks we find that Kasuga is at another barracks. As we exit, we find the ronin outside the doorway. She is dressed in browns and grays with the typical conical hat, which obscures most of her face, and what is not covered due to her small stature is in shadow. She asks to speak with Koro privately.

They find a tea house across the street that would be out of earshot of the group, but within viewing range. Both Hisa and Hoshiko take out their bows with an arrow ready to be used at first sign of trouble by the ronin.

The tiny ronin woman offers apologies for Shosuro-san. "He has been called away on urgent business." Koro asks her to relay a message, which she agrees to do. Koro states that the meeting he had requested may have dire consequences. Koro further states that he expects to see Shosuro-san at Winter Court and if he doesn't show up that Koro will hunt him to the ends of Rokugan. Koro explains that there are shadows all around and a there are times when a loyal Rokugan must choose between them. "Times are coming when a loyal person will need to choose between light or darkness." The ronin replies that the Scorpion serve best in the dark but if it is Suki-san that Koro seeks then they shall be there. Koro offers to buy her tea and they then conclude their meeting. They take their leave, Koro returns to his group. In the instance when his body blocks view of her, she seems to disappear. Hoshiko walks into the tea house to the table, but is unable to see any trace of how she left and reports back only with, "She's gone."

At the second barracks we find that Kasuga is out on patrol and is expected to be so all day. Koro says, "Let's go. I don't want to give this man a chance to slip away." The barracks commander offers to get one of his men lead the group to him. About an hour out we find the correct patrol. The guide goes forward and talks to Chui (Lt.) Kasuga Raikaru, who returns down the patrol path with his 10 men. He is pissed and openly hostile to Koro. He states his disdain for shugenja as a whole. Koro and he go back and forth in a quest to determine dominance. Koro states that he will submit now on his authority as a Jade Magistrate. The man says he has five minutes and five questions. Koro states, "Come with me so we can do a proper, (pause) interview". Kasuga's Reply, "NO. HERE, NOW! I'm on patrol."

(Description of the men with Kasuga Raikaru)
6 Ronin - who all wear light armor, it is decently kept as are their weapons, but not perfect.
2 Tortoise Bushi by their colors and mons, they are holding Sasumata - aka "Man Catchers" - see Core Rulebook (revised) pg.186). They are wearing Heavy Armor.
2 Mantis Bushi - who do have Kama and Katana, but are carrying Sodegarami - see Core Rulebook (revised) pg.187).
All of them have some kind of bashing weapon with them, and most have a bow and a single quiver of arrows.
Kasuga Raikaru wields an Ono, and does not seem to have any ranged weapon on him.

Koro's questions -

What is your association with Asako Jonhi?
Kasuaga's reply: I don't deal with the Phoenix.
Horuto is able to tell the man is lying, but does not say anything at this time.

Why did he apply for travel papers for all of Rokugan?
Kasuaga's reply: He requested to serve here at Otosan Uchi and has no use for anywhere else in Rokugan. He'll apply for papers in Toshi Rambo if needed.

Koro states that the man will come to no harm if Koro can determine the veracity of his statement. Koro further submits that to do so he needs to cast a spell on the man.
Kasuga's reply: NO! I live and die by my duty station here. I and my men have all volunteered to serve here even knowing that there is a danger of taint.

Hoshiko asks Koro if Kasuga bears jade. Koro so asks -
Kasuga says, "Show Them!." All his men bear jade - each piece partially blackened. Kasuga doesn't display a piece.

Koro asks Kasuga's men if they will vouch for their commander.
In unison, they reply "Hai !"

Koro says that Kasuga has good men. Kasuga states they have each been recruited for their deeds and their spirit. As Koro begins to explain why they have sought out Kasuga he turns and walks away with his men folding in behind him.

Koro wanted to Jade Strike or use one of his Fire Spells on him for the mans' dismissive and disrespectful behavior. The final insult being his turning away and dismissing Koro and the group as Koro was speaking. Koro though contains his anger and does nothing.

Horuto tells Koro that Kasuga was lying about knowing Asako Jonhi. As discussion ensues, Koro states because Kasuga (not using any honorifics like -san when using his name) did not submit to being tested or display any jade, there is doubt about him and suspicion that he may knowing have signs of Taint.

Horuto informs about the tainted Crab on the wall. Hoshiko explains that very few outside of the Crab know that they allow those tainted but still in control of themselves to serve the defense of the empire. Koro tells Horuto that he did well for the situation. In the future he suggests that there be some small signal to alert Koro to the fact one of his yoriki have noticed something. (Did anyone else notice this comment by Koro and how it was worded? Is this a subtle offer to Horuto?)

Further discussion concerning having this man watched ensues. Horuto states that he remembers hearing something about this Kasuga. He recalls that back in marketplace and town outside of Toshi Rambo a geisha stated that this man was not well liked for his treatment of women, when he inquired of them about him.

XP Award

7xp for the session.
(A couple extra were awarded for breaking up the GM with jokes.)