
The Cast

NPC's Referenced

Koro is planning a quick jaunt to the inland Mantis lands to investigate the last name on his list that the group has any information about. The reference to and whereabouts of the person listed as Master Tiger is unknown. We'll be heading south past the rest of the Hub Villages.

Mikio asks Koro if it would be acceptable for him to enlist the aid of a servant. Mikio's concern is the sensitivity of their investigations and word getting out. Koro says he trusts Mikio and would trust Mikio's decision. If anything untoward was to occur Koro expects Mikio to take care of it. Mikio accepts this condition and begins to think about what he would like a servant to take care of for him.

Hoshiko looks around for a messenger to take her new kimono north to Phoenix lands to be embroidered with several mons before Winter Court. A very well dressed man approaches Hoshiko and introduces himself. His name is Miya Gennai. He will be travelling north to Phoenix lands to begin preparations for Winter Court. He offers to take anything Hoshiko needs to deliver to the area. Hoshiko thanks him profusely. She returns to her tent and wraps the kimono in silk, writes the name and address of the embroiderer provided by Daidoji Hatsumoto on a slip of paper and delivers the package to Miya-san's tent.

The trip is planned from Mura Kita Chushin (A5 - West Hub Village), we'll pass the western edge of the Ruins of Otosan Uchi (A9), Mura Minami Chushin (A10 - South Hub Village), Mizen Mura (A12 - a small village that borders Imperial & Crane lands), Shizuka Toshi (CN20 - A major dojo for Doji magistrates), Kyuden Doji (CN 5 - Crane Clan Palace), then either the path through the mountains passing Kyuden Ashenagabachi (Wasp Clan Palace) or down the coast to the Valley of the Centipede (M8 or AAA in 2nd edition maps) where Moshi castle is located.

As we travel, we pass the Hub villages and come upon Mizen Mura a small town marking the border between and Crane lands. We pass Mizen Mura and come across Kyuden Doji, the Crane Clan Palace. Upon reflection, Koro decides that the city surrounding Kyuden Doji would be a good place to locate a kimono suitable for Winter Court. Mikio reflects that if they have ships here he may be able to find a kimono suitable for himself...

While here, Hoshiko sends a letter to Lady Agasha (Koro's mother) asking if she could prepare Hoshiko's kimonos' that were left there at their last visit to Phoeenix Lands for court. Hoshiko also includes five koku and a request for Lady Agasha to add to Hoshiko's collection.

Mikio ruminates upon kimonos and decides that he would like a kimono that looks like a butterfly. He speaks with the kimono maker and finds that the master is indeed able to dye a kimono to resemble a butterfly, working in the Ichiro mon as part of the veins of the butterfly's wings. Final cost is 4 koku. The kimono is of fine quality (Roll of 41 on 10k5). NOTE: The Kimono maker was shooting for a Legendary quality (TN 55 - This was modified up by 5 for asking conditions, materials - this was represented by a 1d10 roll - 1-3 was a -5 penalty to their creation roll, 4-7 no modifier, 8+ would have been a -5 TN). The kimono makers surrounding Doji Palace would be some of the finest in the Empire, and thus VERY GOOD, but also very arrogant about their craft and only try to make a masterpiece with each attempt, which would have cost a LOT more.

Mikio also selects a second fine kimono in dark Ichiro colors. For the size the kimono maker needs to work with the amount of fabric pushes the cost to two koku.

Koro has a kimono made for him in the colors of greys blues whites and gold made to resemble a storm at sea. The final charge is 6 koku for an excellent quality kimono. It will be delivered in time for Winter Court. (D10 roll of a 2 for -5 penalty, and 10K5 roll of 46).

Hisa has a kimono made for himself of red color with gold trim with blue wave forms along the hem. (D10 roll of a 8 for +5 bonus, and 10K5 roll of 83). This is a legendary quality - for design, no other benefits yet. Jenn may assign some will consult with her. This is appropriate considering Hisa's merit of Chosen By the Oracles - Water and someone who will be met in game soon.)

Horuto finds a fine kimono in Toritaka colors and has it sent to himself at the site of Winter Court. Nothing special is commissioned by him for his kimono.

The shopping excursion takes about a day. Some merchants turned us away and others we couldn't afford. After a day of shopping we head down to the docks to arrange passage to Moshi castle. Koro looks around for the harbor master. He finds a Yasuki in the role. Negotiations ensue. The Yasuki allows how he may be able to recommend someone. He implies he's looking for a price. Koro places three bu on the table. The harbor master says he can match the reputation Koro is looking for if Koro can match the coins on the table. Koro does so and the harbor master suggests the name of a Mantis captain, Tanjiro of Raiden's Blessing, as the Mantis are the only ships allowed in Moshi lands. Koro offers to pass the harbor master's name along. The harbor master states that will be unnecessary as Koro will need to do his own negotiations. Koro thanks him and we leave to look for Raiden's Blessing. We stop a dock worker who doesn't recognize the ship's name. Next Koro tries a peasant who is even more clueless. Koro orders the peasant to find the Raiden's Blessing.

Koro decides to wait for the peasant in a sake house in view of the spot where the peasant will return to. Mikio decides to setup and work on some scrimshaw. He doesn't attract much attention as there are a few others nearby performing similar skills. Two hours later the peasant returns. Koro questions him and finds he can lead us to Raiden's Blessing. We follow the peasant and Koro hands him a zeni in thanks with Mikio handing him the (failed) scrimshaw carving. Raiden's Blessing is a larger ship with a corral at the bow and appears to be very well armed. Koro accosts one of the dock workers and orders him to fetch his captain. The man demands to know who Koro is and then sends another man, his Nikutai (gunso - aka corporal), to speak with the captain in a sake house down the dock.

The mantis nikutai returns and speaks with the dockworker. Koro, realizing the dockworker is actually of the samurai class, does his best to moderate his tone and, after a little tit for tat, accepts an escort to the captain. There are a lot of people in the sake house. The captain, obviously Mantis by his colors, is sitting at a table in the corner with a couple of non-descript men. Hisa casts Reversal of Fortune on Koro. Koro stealth casts Bentin's Touch (Air Spell, innate ability) on himself and then approaches the captain (+1k1 for social tests).

Mikio stays back at the ship to keep an eye on things. A few of the men aboard are obvious peasants. The others are harder to determine - they are joking with each other and the peasants. Mikio sets to another scrimshaw carving, this time of a cormorant.

In the sake house, on of the men gets up, shakes the captain's hand, sees Koro and company and then walks out in a different direction. The Mantis escort moves forward and introduces Koro and Captain (Taisa) Watanabe Tanjiro then takes up position as his captains guard. Negotiations ensue. The captain inquires after Koro's travel papers. Koro hesitates a moment and the captain states that those papers can be arranged for. The captain states that he will be leaving in two days for Moshi lands. The journey can be completed within a day. Koro enumerates his companions and only then realizes that Mikio is not present. Koro explains that there is one other beyond those present and that other is of a large stature. Koro and Taisa Tanjiro negotiate back and forth and in the end Taisa Tanjiro agrees to six Koku for the passage with travel papers thrown in as a bonus. Koro accepts the offer. Taisa Tanjiro sends his Nikutai along with Koro to find a place to stay.

Mikio gets somewhat absorbed in his work but does notice that the sailors don't have a clear cut delineation between the peasants and samurai. Most of them are wearing fundoshi, are well muscled, no top-knots are in evidence with hair styles running from shaved to short to long and loose to braided.

As they head to the inn Mikio fills Koro in on what he witnessed about the crew of Raiden's Blessing.

That night Horotu heads out looking for a dice game that the Raiden's Blessing crew plays. Horotu manages to win more than he looses over the 2 hours he plays (simulated by 2 gambling rolls). He manages to find out that the crew is fairly mercenary. Their captain hasn't made any allegiance to either of the claimant's to the position of clan champion - Yoritomo Katao and Yoritomo Kumiko. Other than that everything is fairly aboveboard. They're in acquisitions and deliveries. All the sailors are Mantis bushi, meaning samurai. Other than the captain there is one other, a shugenja. Everybody, including the captain if needed, is a rower.

Mikio heads out looking for a possible juijitsu tournament. He finds that this close to Kyuden Doji such unofficial tournaments are - discouraged. While out and about Mikio notices a great number of temples to the Fortunes. He realizes that he hasn't had the opportunity to visit a temple to Bishimon in some time and seeks one out. Mikio lights some incense at the altar and spends some time in prayer to Bishimon.

The next morning, quite early, we are awoken by Raiden's Blessing's Nikutai. We scramble to get everything and schlep it all down to the docks. Horotu passes along the information he learned during his evening of gambling. We see all the bushi bearing daisho but no armor. When Raiden's Blessing's shugenja begins casting a spell Hisa realizes that he is very strong in water. Koro notices that he is quite weak in fire and is pretty decent in water.

The Mantis as a whole don't really engage with our group. They have a pretty good camaraderie and esprit d'corps. The captain is right there with his crew. The shugenja manages to get the ship moving quite quickly. Mikio decides to continue working on his cormorant carving.

When we disembark Koro has to take a few minutes to get his land legs back. As he disembarks the captain hands him the travel papers Koro needed and tells Koro that he will be back here in a week but will not be able to wait with the cargo he has at that time. Koro indicates his understanding and states that he hopes to work with the captain again.

As we walk along the dock a harbor master approaches. "Papers." and holds out his hand. Koro pulls the papers out of his kimono and hands them over. The harbor master, without opening the papers, states that he will need to examine them as they need to make sure everything is in order. Mikio mutters that he thinks Koro forgot something. Koro offers to make a donation to the harbor masters favorite charity and flashes a koku. The harbor master accepts the donation on the behalf of the Yoritomo Home for Wayward Geisha. He further explains that after examining the papers (He never looked at them.) he can see that everything is in order.

Koro isn't quite sure where to begin to find Moshi Rei. We're about two hours from the Temple of the Sun, the main stronghold of the Moshi. Koro suggests to Horotu that he may have some luck in asking about using his skills. Horuto states that he'll back later.

Horuto stops at the bath house and then travels onto a geisha house. He manages to find out that Moshi Rei is a shugenja of the old school. She still worships Lady Sun (not Lord Sun). It is suggested that we seek her at the Temple of the Sun.

Koro has an errand to run and takes along Hoshiko and Mikio decides to accompany them. They arrive at a leatherworkers shop. Koro examines the wares on display and then engages the merchant explaining that he has heard of his work from as far away as Otosan Uchi. Koro asks if he has any falcon's hoods and falconer's gloves. The merchant says he can accommodate Koro and asks what decorations he would like. Koro states that the gift is for a Crab and suggests the artist take the initiative. Hoshiko shows the man her Crab mon as well as the Toritaka family mon. They agree on the design with Koro relying on the artists' discretion. The pieces will be ready tomorrow night, assuming not other priority projects come about that could delay their work. Koro states that no one is to let his surprise be known. Mikio asks, "What surprise?" Hoshiko explains to Mikio that we /didn't/ visit a leatherworkers shop today. We leave and stop by a few other merchant stalls. Koro decides that tea would be helpful in settling his stomach after the voyage. Mikio states tea is good.

A short time later we are ready to leave the village. A messenger comes running up with a scroll for Horuto. The scroll indicates that the geisha Horotu had been speaking with had heard that Moshi Rei has been sighted in a caravan to Kyuden Ashenagabachi (Wasp Clan Palace). Hisa asks if we need new papers to get there. Koro looks over the papers we received from the Mantis captain and finds they read "Good for one free entry into Mantis lands." (Well at least it wasn't a free entry into the Kakita Dueling Academy). Koro decides that they are non-specific and may work especially since those plus a koku managed to get us past the harbor master.

Battle plus perception rolls (no one makes above the TN - 38 - rolled by one of the group, I let them set their own ambush TN)

Initiative beginning next session, SURPRISE!

5xp for the session.