
The Cast

NPC's Referenced

We have been travelling overland to the Valley of the Centipede. Mikio and Hoshiko lead the party with Haruto bringing up the rear. As we are riding through a gorge, humanoid shapes rise up on the cliff edge twenty feet above us on both sides and attack. On the cliff edge to our left an older female form appears slightly better dressed than the others. In a rough crackling voice she states, "Koro-san, I was expecting you. The sun will burn your soul and all the evil things that you are trying to prevent." All her minions reveal they are holding bows. They draw arrows back and release them at us, save one who has drawn a katana and scrambled down the cliff scattering screaming as he goes. From her hands the cackling woman releases a wave of black flames that splashes down around all of us. Everyone takes 17 pts damage. Two arrows strike the party (of the dozen who as are attempting to shoot at them) - Koro takes 6pts and Hisa takes 4pts.

The katana wielding person is charging up the gorge floor towards Haruto. Haruto is in full defense. The man feints attempting to drive Haruto in the opposite direction.

[Note] - Richard has stated that it is his job to protect the rear and he's not opposed to using his B1rd if necessary.

Hisa stays on his horse and casts Please Don't Die Right Now (aka - Path to Inner Peace) on Koro. Koro is almost completely healed. Haruto calls to B1rd and commands it to attack the katana wielder. B1rd does so. Mikio dismounts, grabbing his tetsubo as he does so, and begins scaling the cliff on the right. Koro dismounts and goes into full defense. Moshi Rei begins muttering in a corrupt tongue and her dagger begins to glow a sickly, ominous red. Hoshiko dismounts onto the steep incline on the left and begins heading towards Moshi Rei.

Hisa dismounts and goes into full defense. Haruto decides that intimidation would be the better part of Bushido at this juncture and attempts to remove the head of the katana wielder, declaring a full attack. The man flinches at the last moment (now up close to see Haruto - who is wearing his Helm and Mempo) and simply receives a close shave. (The Superior quality Memo gives the equivalent of a Fear 2 effect and + 2 Free Raises on Intimidation checks. The attacking swordsman rolls against a TN 15 and rolls a 3, 1,1 = 5. Well he didn't fail by 15 so doesn't run in Terror, but subtracts the Fear Rating from all dice rolled aka -2).

In return the man attempts to catch Haruto's Kaiu Blade and disarm him. B1rd distracts him (-2 to each dice rolled and the +5 TN modifier for the distracting bird) and the disarm attempt fails (He called enough raises to place the katana where he wanted it to go - but missed the TN by 1). Mikio has reached the top of the incline and goes on full attack. He drops the first archer and uses the momentum of his tetsubo to carry the attack onto the second archer. The second archer attempts to duck, fails, and ends up serious case of kinetic poisoning. Koro pulls out a scroll and then a flask that appears to hold liquid fire. He immediately begins a second spell, Fires from Within, and throws the flask. It explodes halfway between Koro and Moshi Rei. Moshi Rei and the two henchmen closest to her burst into flame. Hoshiko has reached the top of the left hand incline and closes on Moshi Rei. Hoshiko's tetsubo strikes home solidly and an echo of the blow reverberates through Hoshiko's torso (she seems to have felt some of the effect of her smashing Moshi Rei as if she had struck herself). Falling back on her training Hoshiko invokes her chi and shrugs off the damage. Moshi Rei turns to face Hoshiko. Hoshiko notices that Moshi Rei's fingernails are longer than normal, claw like and as black as night. A rictus of a grin spreads across the face of Moshi Rei and she drives the point of her sickly glowing tanto into Hoshiko. Hoshiko drops to her knees in agony. Moshi Rei states, "Bare your throat." Hoshiko feels a brief stab of fear and then drops her tetsubo and begins to remove her gorget, unable to resist the command.

Haruto feels an eerie creepy presence as the hair on the back of his neck stands on end. He looks up, behind the party, and sees a large pair of eyes and a mouth in the sky. It is more than 2 lengths of a man from side to side - even at this distance. It seems to be smiling or maybe laughing - with the sounds of battle going he isn't sure. The rest of us hear the sounds of feet on the path and turn to see a dozen men with yari approaching from the direction we were travelling in.

Hisa casts Jade Strike against Moshi Rei. The Jade Strike streaks towards Moshi Rei. As it hits there's a ripple effect of red energy as if the verdant stream had struck a crimson wall. When the pyrotechnics dissipate Moshi Rei appears unharmed. Haruto exchanges blows with the katana wielder and sees an opening. With a mighty cleave Haruto drops the man to the ground. Mikio continues in full attack to clear the cliff edge. He manages to land mighty blows on the next two archers injuring one and driving the second into the ground. Koro casts the same set of spells again. Moshi Rei bursts into flames andquickly becomes a large chunk of charcoal. The next two henchmen also become briquettes. As Mikio closes on the last two archers they drop their bows and run. Hoshiko no longer feeling the weight of the command given by Moshi Rei refastens her gorget and then flops over in pain (1 point into her Down box) Hisa casts a Please Don't Die Right Now (this time he casts and concentrates with his hands near her - Regrow the Wound) on Hoshiko and she begins to feel much better though rather the worse for wear.

Haruto notices that the approaching men are led by a samurai with a drawn katana. The man is wearing a dark colored kimono with a small dark spider mon on the left shoulder. Then mon is almost a black on black - more embroidery than anything else -- hard to see He sheathes his katana and goes down on one knee before Koro and offers his assistance. Koro suggests they track down the bandits. The man sends half his men after the rest of the bandits. Haruto begins to check the wounds of his opponent with the intent of questioning him afterwards. Mikio grabs the only living man on the cliff by a fistful of his kimono and drags him down the incline only to drop him at the lead samurai's feet. "For questioning", he states. Mikio then notices Hoshiko at the top of the other incline in an obvious state of weakness. Mikio trudges up the incline and, with a bit of an effort (she's in heavy armor after all), picks her up. Hoshiko, not struggling at all, finishes her conversation with a samurai who has refused to borrow one of her jade pendants as protection against taint as he carries the tainted blade away wrapped in coarse cloth and placed in a leather bag. Mikio, realizing he may have to carry Hoshiko to their destination, states, "We find horse now." In the meantime, Hisa has been healing the horses from the blackfire strike. The samurai leader has discovered from Koro that the peasants' ambushers aren't needed and quickly removes the peasants' head. We have completed the aftermath of battle and continue on to the Temple of the Sun.

The samurai leader asks us to wait outside the gate and takes one of his men to the doors of the temple itself. He speaks with them briefly and returns. He informs us that he has let the temple guards know we are here and asks if there is anything else we need. Koro thanks him for his help addressing the samurai as 'taisa'. The man thanks Koro for presenting him with such a promotion but that he has not earned it. Mikio has finally noticed the man's spider mon. Mikio asks if he recognizes Mikio's name. The Spider samurai does not recognize the man by his description. Mikio apologizes for his forthright manner and explains his distress in not knowing his past. The Spider suggests that perhaps Mikio is free of it rather than crippled. He states that if we ever encounter another of the Spider mon we may receive any help needed by using his name Daigotsu Kunto. (Lauren was told not to share any player knowledge about what he may know about this name from his reading of the novels or L5R Fiction).

Koro meets with the head priestess of the Temple of the Sun and explains the entire story from the beginning. When Koro finishes explaining the story he checks on our prisoner in the cell they provided. Koro examines him and is able to determine the man died by poison. Koro strips the man down, to find the site of administration but does not find any additional wounds, and finds that the man bears the brand of a scorpion on the back of the left shoulder. It is an old brand, and not new. Mikio recognizes it as the Bayushi mon. Koro requests a large bowl of water to perform Reflections of Pan Ku (a psychometry spell - Water) on the katana the man bore.

The first image is of its forging, with the peasant Weaponsmith, his apprentices and a shugenja saying his prayers. The images flows into one where a small woman, wearing a Red & Black kimono with a veil over the lower half of her face, is presenting the sword to a man that seems to be of the build and stature of the man it was taken from. It has no special colors or wrappings; it is just plain and unadorned. Next you see the image of a woman, beautiful and young, but the image shifts to that of a very old and spiteful looking woman - possibly the same woman - but aged greatly. The next image is of the man wielding it when attacking peoples with a old crone in the background cackling madly, the image of the crone is indistinct, but it does seem like it might have been Moshi Rei. The final image is of the attack by the wielder on a Crab Warrior in light armor as he is defending the rear of a small group.

Later, a Mantis guard approaches Koro and apologizes for his failure. He explains that he knew the deceased as Shosuro Suki. Hoshiko starts at this and examines the dead mans face more closely. It is not the same person as we met at the formal dinner. Hoshiko asks if anyone visited the prisoner. The answer is "No, no one was present other than the guard and his partner." The man submits himself to Koro's authority for punishment for his failure. Mikio steps forward and asks for Koro's indulgence. Koro grants it. Mikio places a hand on the hohei's shoulder, engulfing it. Mikio bids the man stand. The Mantis bushi propelled by the mountains strength, does so. Mikio states, "You did not fail. You have discovered an opportunity to learn. Do so." The Mantis looks up at Mikio and says, "It will not happen again." Mikio responds, "I know."

(Portion Removed - Letter from Mikio - it is in th GM Notes)

The Moshi treat us as honored guests. Hoshiko asks Mikio to stand guard for Koro as she gets her armor repaired. When Koro finishes his mantras he discovers Mikio there. He inquires after Hoshiko's whereabouts and seems satisfied when Mikio explains she went to get her armor repaired.

When Mikio has time he retires to a garden and continues his scrimshaw of the cormorant. A servant approaches and offers him a message. Mikio asks who sent it. He finds that it was sent by one of the Mantis in the temple. Mikio accepts it and sends the man along.

Hoshiko dreams that night:

As you fall asleep this night ….

You come to and realize you are standing by a blue-green lake, under a willow tree. Somewhere, someone is playing a flute, but when you look around, you cannot see anyone. As you continue to turn around looking for the source of the flute, a man that was not there before in a dark blue and light green kimono walks up to you. He smiles as he looks at you and bows. His voice is soft and calming, but there is a sense of strength in it.

Hoshiko-chan, I have been waiting. Why do you fight me so?

Hoshiko asks, "Who are you?" He replies "Your Friend." Hoshiko responds "I don't know you!" He smiles and shake his head as he replies, "Of course you know me. I have always been here"

The man holds out his hand. When she hesitates, he says, "Will you please take my hand, Hoshiko-chan?"

"Forgive me but I … " Hoshiko shows reluctance to take his hand, not comprehending what is going on.

The man sighs and smiles sadly, looking into her eyes. "I am sorry that I hurt you so, my little love. I did not know you would be that sensitive, and I know we could have done great things together. But I will help you as best I can. I am sorry for the pain." He turns to walk away.

Hoshiko asks "Who are you?" He looks over his shoulder and says, "Water." And then as mysteriously as he appears he fades away …

Hoshiko has a headache when she awakes. When Koro awakes he finds Hoshiko sitting cross-legged and cleaning her weapons. He asks if she slept at all. Hoshiko responds she has, that she dreamt of someone named Water and woke with a headache. They decide to go see Hisa.

Hoshiko sends a servant for water and receives a pitcher of water and a large bowl.

They wake Hisa up and explain the situation. Hisa washes in the water Hoshiko brings. Hoshiko, "I dreamt of someone named 'Water;. He's sorry that he has caused me pain, felt that we could do great things together and wanted me to hold his hands and I wouldn't."

Brian - That's because you couldn't hold his water!

Hoshiko: "Tell me Kami's aren't speaking to me."
Hisa: "Why not? They speak to everyone just some listen better."

Hisa and Koro try to attempt to explain the balance of the elements in each of us.

That morning Koro attempts to scry with the air kami to learn the location of Daigotsu Kunto. The kami seem to find no trace of him, no whispered words, scents or anything trace of a man of that name is found by the air.

Haruto investigates around for Daigotsu Kunto, asking the guards and priests and priestesses at the Temple, they have not heard of his whereabouts since he left yesterday. Inquiring of the peasants he finds that Kunto has left the area, moving on to other villages, but the stories conflict as the which way he and his small group of ashigaru went He spends his time organizing the peasants in the area for defense against bandits, teaching them techniques and simple formations and ways to barricade the ways into their villages against them.

That afternoon we return to the port and then take another boat back to the city surrounding Kyuden Doji. Our kimonos are ready as are Koro's special items from the leather worker.

Koro takes Haruto aside for a private meeting. Koro apologizes for his preconceptions. Haruto explains that there is no need for such an apology. Koro offers Haruto a proposition, one that he wouldn't offer anyone else. Koro accepts Haruto as one of his yoriki though, because of Haruto's particular skills, would rather not do so publicly so that they may maintain appearances and still make use of Haruto's skills. As a token of his esteem Koro offers Haruto the falcon's hood and glove. To celebrate Koro offers to take Haruto to a geisha house.

Brian - Yeah, get your falcon waxed. You got a new hoody and glove...

Everyone earns 4xp for the session.