
The Cast

NPC's Referenced

We are in the outskirts of Kyuden Doji. Discussion ensues re: the best path to Winter Court. Koro decides to travel overland since we have the horses and enough time to make it to Winter Court. Hisa goes in search of porcelain tea set for his star-crossed love and his "anchor" (wife). Koro sends a letter to his parents informing them of being invited to Winter Court and that he will be arriving soon. Hisa settles on a tea set with a blue rim for his "anchor" (wife) and finds a 1 Koku cute cat good luck charm for his star-crossed love. The establishment offers to have them delivered tomorrow, for a fee. (Apparently, they have a centipede tattooed messengers on retainer.)

Before we leave a messenger arrives for Koro. The man appears to be a ronin in typical ronin dress complete with conical helmet. The man goes down on one knee and states he has a message for Koro. Koro asks for the message and the man reaches into his obi withdrawing a long wrapped object. Koro unwraps it only enough to confirm his sinking feeling. It's Moshi Rei's cursed tanto. Hoshiko looks at the little she can see and realizes that it feels different than it did when she was stabbed with it. Hoshiko states as much to Koro. The messenger states that Daigotsu Kunto apologizes for his deception but that he feared Koro wouldn't have allowed him to continue had Kunto asked. There was a Kuni Witch Hunter near the Temple of the Sun that Daigotsu Kunto knew of. The Witch Hunter performed a ritual to remove the taint on the tanto. Hoshiko notices that there is jade inside the bag holding the tanto. The messenger offers a second item stating that Kunto-san found someone that Koro was looking for and offers the item to Koro. It is a drawing of a tigers paw. The man states that he can guide us to ambush this person. Koro asks the ronin's name to which the man replies, "I am Izo." The man freely offers his life if Koro mistrusts him. Koro says the man should keep his life. Izo nods and withdraws a third item from his obi. He hands a map to Koro, "Daigotsu-san says you may want to ambush or question this man. He will be there tonight" Koro agrees and states that we'll be going after Master Tiger. Thinking of an ambush Mikio turns to Hoshiko and asks, "Have you ever thrown a tetsubo?" To which Hoshiko replies, "Why disarm myself? Arrows are better." Mikio's a little puzzled why he'd want to throw arrows but shrugs and decides to think about it later.

Koro goes in search of some "unstable" herbs for his fire potions. He's able to find them readily enough though the Crane merchants are a little puzzled as to why Koro wants them.

We set out and follow Izo-san. We journey about ten miles outside of town and find a place to hole-up for the day. Izo-san suggests we stay out of sight for the rest of the day as we have no idea how many guards or scouts Master Tiger may have in the area. He further suggests that we approach with stealth. Mikio begins questioning Izo-san on the area in preparation for a stealth approach. It's pretty much a small village with a number of peasants. The meeting itself will be taking place in a house outside the general village. He will not be taking us there rather to a mine shaft. The house is a diversion, it covers a second entrance into this mine. The mine shaft itself is a secret exit that we will be using to launch our ambush. Mikio asks if Izo-san has been in the mines. He has. Mikio asks if he will fit in the tunnels with his armor on. Izo-san says yes, but it will be a tight fit and better without the armor. Mikio nods and turns to Koro, "I think... I think I have some knowledge of sneaking but will not be able to use my armor or tetsubo." Hoshkio's head snaps around, "Excuse me?!" Koro clarifies where the meeting is taking place. Izo-san says there is a large cavern in the mine where the meeting is to be held. Mikio offers to scout ahead for Koro and the group then begins to remove his armor. Koro agrees to Mikio's offer and says, "Take this with you." He then reaches out, up, and places a hand on Mikio's shoulder. Koro begins casting "Never Alone" with the aid of a potion and a scroll. It is agreed that Izo-san will be going ahead of Mikio. Hoshiko says, "Don't lose him." Mikio turns his head sideways and then asks, "Got a rope?" Hoshiko roots around and finds one. Mikio internally debates the wisdom of tying a leash to their guide.

The ronin pulls out a small paper bulls-eye lantern and lights it and offers a second one to Mikio. Mikio accepts and sees that it's not exactly paper. Izo-san and Mikio set out and enter the mine shaft (Izo-san Stealth roll: 34, Mikio: 24). Izo-san stops Mikio and puts out the lanterns. Mikio sees a light source ahead. He motions Mikio to stay for a moment. Mikio nods and watches the ronin move forward. There's a little scuffle and then the ronin is back dumping a body on the ground. Izo-san motions us to move forward. We all hear a forceful voice, "Have you found what I wanted?" A muffled voice replies, "Hai, Kasuga-san. With this deed you have proved your intentions and will be accepted into the ranks of the Order. Know that we have agents everywhere that can help serve your ambitions assuming you wish to serve yourself." Kasuga-san replies back, "Hai." We further hear movements that identify two other people in the cavern.

Koro passes along, in quiet whispers, to prepare to attack. Another voice says, "Hold." and we hear the sound of a katana being drawn from a saia. A form steps around the corner and into the tunnel.


The man stepping around the corner is in light blue robes, white hair and is /not/ pretty (not scarred just really ugly). We can see three others beyond him - the Kasuga (who has his katana out), a man in all brown robes w/ a tiger-faced mask, and a non-descript man with no apparent weapons.

Mikio declares full defense. Hoshiko yells, "Move!" (The obvious Kakita rolled a 71 on Initiative, more than 40 higher than anyone else for 4 Free Raises). The man with white hair uses an Iaijutsu strike and does 17pts to Mikio on the first strike and misses on the second strike. The slice across Mikio's torso hurts more than would be expected considering the man's apparent strength. Huruto is in full defense guarding the rear of the party. Hisa fires off a spell giving everyone a second action. Since the white haired man was kind enough to introduce Mikio to his school Mikio decides to return the kindness and hauls off and punches the man. As he reels back Koro using a fire potion, casts a fire ball at the white-haired man who succumbs to the sweet kiss of death. Kasuga-san, the non-descript man behind him and Master Tiger are all treated to the same fire ball spell from Koro.

Koro and Hisa notice the non-descript man in back is covered in tattoos. Koro casts Windborn Slumbers on all three of the standing targets. The Kasuga roars out, "Die Phoenix!" and charges the tunnel. Kasuga-san shoulder charges Mikio and gets rebuffed. He manages to get around Mikio and charges Koro slashing with his katana as he goes. Koro takes a slash to his torso. Hoshiko takes offense at Kasuga-san trying to peel Koro and swings her tetsubo mightily rocking Kasuga-san back. Master Tiger manages to stab past Mikio and pierces Hoshiko. Koro notices that Master Tiger's blade is coated with some kind of a liquid. Koro shouts, "Tiger uses poison!" The tattooed man at the back of the room rips off his burning outer kimono, draws a tanto, steps forward and slits Master Tiger's throat. Master Tiger falls to the ground.

Hisa casts "Please Don't Die Right Now" (Path to Inner Peace) on Koro healing a great deal of the damage Kasuga did and then turns the spell on Mikio healing him completely. Huruto moves forward and stabs into Kasuga-san. Mikio sees the tattooed man standing over Master Tiger with a blade extended and, drawing on his chi, introduces him to kinetic poisoning. Kasuga uses his combat reflexes and goes on full attack. His first strike misses Koro as does his second as Kasuga begins to feel the effect of his wounds. Koro, "I will always spit in the face of evil." and uses Breath of the Fire Dragon to project a spout of flame into Kasuga's face. Huruto sees in the back of the chamber a shadow step forward, grab something off the table, cradle it to its chest and step back into the wall, disappearing. Koro realizes that a symbol on the tattooed man indicates something unnatural and his instinct is to kill it. (The symbol is intermixed in with all the other tattoos, it is of a coiled snake.) Hoshiko moves forward into the chamber and employs her tetsubo to good effect against the tattooed man. The man falls to the ground.

Koro recognizes that the symbol he saw on the tattooed man, a snake, is the family mon of the Chuda family, a former vassal family of the Phoenix. Izo-san is seen making the rounds of the room checking shadows. He has removed six other opponents and discovered a side passage. Koro begins inspecting the room by using the prayer for "By the Light of Lady Moon." Mikio suggests taking Master Tiger's mask since masks are important. Koro finds a vial of liquid on Master Tiger. He discovers that it is a poison called Nightmilk. Hoshiko has begun to feel a bit weaker. Koro begins working on a cure. Hisa steps forward to check the tattooed man. He realizes that this man shouldn't exist and this family was wiped out 800 years ago. Hisa uses Kasuga's katana and removes the mask from Master Tiger. The man is an average Rokugan individual. His outer kimono is partially burned away. Underneath this he has an inner kimono which bears a partial Mantis mon. Specifically, it's of the Yoritomo family. Mikio offers to draw the mon for Koro's evidence. Hoshiko also asks Mikio to draw the tattoo.

Koro reaches out to check the mask of Master Tiger. Hoshiko stops him and asks him to cast Jade Strike.

Huruto notices that the katana the white-haired man wielded is wickedly sharp and actually has small serrations on it. Mikio confirms that it hurts (+2k0 to damage). Hoshiko disassembles the hilt of the katana and discovers the makers mark. Hisa asks Mikio to make a rubbing of the mark. Mikio does so.

Koro checks the peasants down the side passage using the paper lanterns. The cuts on these peasants are vicious and extremely effective. The cuts seem to be calculated to cause the most pain possible and cause the person to bleed out. These individuals seem to be ashigaru conscripts with better than expected armor and yari the quality being average rather than poor. Before we leave Izo-san asks if Koro wishes to have the peasants heads removed. Koro says yes. Just before we leave Koro sets the bodies on fire.

Izo-san asks Koro for a moment, "Agasha-san, I would like to make a request of you before you make your report. I know you think otherwise but I would ask if you would not speak ill of Kasuga-san. I can provide testimony that he was never tainted." Koro, "How so?" Izo-san, "You may not remember me but I was one of the men with Kasuga-san. On more than one occasion I saw he carried jade. He returned from missions and performed the required cleansing rituals." Hisa, "What did he bring them that gained him membership in their group?" Izo-san, "I don't know." Huruto chimes in with info about the shadowy figure he saw step forward from the wall and take the box. Izo-san explains that Kasuga's hatred of shugenja stems from his perception that they failed to save Otosan-uchi. Their wards which they claimed could not be broken, were. In his mind the arrogance of the shugenja caused the fall of the city, because the bushi believed in the shugenja's claims and were not as vigilant as they should have been." Hisa," Was the object he brought found in Otosan-uchi." Izo-san, "It was. I caution you that Kasuga-san was a member of a family that are imperial vassals. Negative statements against him could have profound effects for those making the report." Koro states, "We will explain that Kasuga-san died valiantly fighting a maho-tsukai." [GM Note - the above to be cleaned up.]

We exit from the mine and collect our gear and horses. We return to the outskirts of Kyuden Doji.

Everyone receives 8xp.