
The Cast

NPC's Referenced

Arrangements are made to leave Kyuden Doji, on a Mantis ship. The captain was less than friendly, but not quite rude. The group observed that there was one other passanger, assumed to be a Mantis, who the others seemed to want to avoid. Mikio sat beside him for a while, working on a scrimshaw carving of an ocean scene and chit-chatting. The man introduces himself as Masaru. He says he has business at Winter court, and the two part ways.

Upon arrival at the dock, a servant sent by Agasha Koro's mother meets the party and takes them to where they will stay the night. Koro's mother ensures that everyone has what they need for traveling, including providing a groom to look after the horses. Koro asks his mother where he might procure a scribe, and she suggests that he look at Winter Court. She tells him his father is there, and she will follow in a day or two.

A day's travel gets the party to Shiro no Unmei (GM note: 'Castle of Destiny'), and Koro stops by the local magistrate's office. The Magistrate aper after Koro introduces himself and tells them to present it to the gate guard at the wall around the school. Magistrate Koro and his entourage are assigned a suite of rooms on the third floor of the main building. Koro then announces he is returning to the magistrate's office to get the information on the murder of Isawa Morisawa.

Mikio, Hoshiko, Hisa, and Koro troop back to the office, where an Utaku is waiting for her papers. The magistrate finally finds them in the sea of paperwork, she turns to leave. Koro introduces himself and extends his wishes for a later meeting, which the Unicorn politely returns.

Magistrate Shiba finally finds the report pertaining to the murder, and gives Koro directions to the home of Morisawa, where the party is greeted by an elderly woman dressed in white. There is a young man raking the yard, and he does not look as they pass. A young woman is directed to bring them tea. Hisa and Koro go outside with Morisawa's daughter to look at the scene of the murder. While they are gone, Mikio asks the young girl why she is so frightened. The girl explains there have been several people at the house inquiring about the death of her master: The Shiba magistrate, another Jade Magistrate wearing Scorpion colors, and a rather persistant man who Morisawa's daughter threw out of the house as soon as she saw him.

Hisa and Koro are questioning the Earth, Air and Water kami as they are investigating the suspicious death of Isawa Morisawa. They discovered that Morisawa was attacked by a Kansen (a corrupted Earth spirit), Shugenja, and a probable bushi, one of them is tainted. One was dressed in a gray kimono and another dressed in dark robes, possibly black. Hisa and Koro found a stone described by the Earth Kami as "Very, Very, Very tainted." Hisa and Koro request silk from Morisawa's daughter. They wrap the stone in the silk and prepare to leave.

Koro and Hisa meet with Mikio and Hoshiko in the house where they have been taking tea as they wait. Hisa takes Hoshiko with her jade and return to the school where Winter Court is being held.

As Hisa and Hoshiko approach the school they see a monk walking up. The gate keeper sends them along with great alacrity. The monk hangs back as Hisa, bearer of the evil object, and Hoshiko rush past to find a teacher.

The monk states he is on a pilgrimage and introduces himself as Chun Wang. The gate keeper directs him to the garden to wait.

Hisa and Hoshiko are approached by a beatiful and elegant lady dressed simply in white. Hisa states who he is and what they have discovered. He clarifies that the Earth Kami explained the stone in the silk was "very, very, very tainted". Isawa Morisawa was killed by a kenson who sucked the power and soul out of him.

Richard: No they did that with a marriage license.
Room: ::wince:: ::Groan::

The lady says she'll take the object and reaches out for the top of the bag. Hisa turns it over and the lady turns to leave. Hoshiko follows her. The lady stops her before entering a room with, "You may not want to come in here." Hoshiko stops and waits outside the temple room. She grabs a passing peasant to take a message to Koro-san.

Chun Wang is meditating in the garden and is approached by a monk named Shoji? Wang-san is asked why he is there and answers that his elders have sent him on a pilgramage. Further, he is looking for information on Lady Midori.

Chun Wang says, "It could have been worse, one of the elders could have come."

The monk suggests Wang-san stay around and he'll see if he can find something more befitting his talents.

Mikio shares what he has learned with Koro-san. Another Jade magistrate has visited the house. The description of the magistrate was very similar to the lady described to Mikio by the Ichiro sensei back at the Setsuban Festival in Unicorn lands. He says as much to Koro and states that he expects to meet the lady here at Winter Court. Mikio further explains that there was a man wearing a gray kimono bearing the spider mon who was turned away by the mistress of the house.

Koro is questioning the servants of the Isawa household. He discovers that a young woman in black and red has been by. She identified herself as a Jade magistrate even showing her plaque. She left the name Chouchou and said she can be found at the local inn. Koro cautions everyone that the people he is looking for are enemies of the empire and to alert him if they are seen.

Koro and Mikio take their leave and head back to the school making for the temple where Hoshiko had sent word the artifact had been taken. Hoshiko updates Koro on the goings on. Koro takes a seat next to Hoshiko outside the temple to Void. Mikio asks if he may go to the inn to meet Chouchou. Hoshiko asks who Chouchou is. A young shugenja exits and explains that this will take time and they do not know what path they will take yet, cleansing or destroying. Koro asks to be advised of any developments. Koro and company leave and head to the inn.

When they enter the inn there are only two people in there, one a young woman in a red and black kimono and an older man across the room. Mikio approaches the young woman and says, "Chouchu?" She answers, "Mikio-san." Mikio introduces his companions and she already knows Koro is a Jade magistrate as well. Chouchou has apparently known Mikio for 4 or 5 years when he was working with Bayushi Sanzo. She doesn't know what happened to him just that he has lost his memory about 6 or 7 months ago. She asks if Koro-san has checked Mikio for odd magics. Koro allows they have some but he has learned more in the last few months.

Koro and Chouchou discuss the Isawa case with Koro bringing Chouchou up to speed on his discoveries and investigations. Chouchou will be staying for Winter Court and, pending what the Scorpion representative says, if she is free then Koro is welcome to her help.

Mikio also travelled with a Phoenix by the name of Isawa for a short time around the time Mikio travelled with Sanzo. This person is known to the Phoenix as missing though the Scorpion believe him dead. Mikio apparently never questioned the missions he went on, Chouchou stated she thinks he believed them to be important.

Koro and Chouchou switch out tea for sake. Mikio and Hoshiko join them for a cup and then switch back to tea. After some time they all leave and make their way back to the school.

Lunch the next day:

All five of us are having lunch in Koro's quarters with Koro's father. Koro, with some input from the others, fill in Agasha-sama on their most recent exploits. Huruto clarifies, before Master Tiger was sacrificed he saw a shadow creature emerge from the wall, take an object off the altar, and then step back and merge back into the wall. The report takes the better part of the afternoon and into the evening. After hearing the entire story, Agasha-sama states he will take some time to understand it and then will make his report to the Daimyo.

Mid-morning next day - First day of court, though not High Court.

Lots of people present. A great number of unescorted ladies are there in gaggles. No one else there quite Mikio's size. The Mantis Masaru, from the ship, is present. A Phoenix shugenja is sitting at the front of the room alongside a monk and with a staff leaning against the wall.

The Lady Midori is hosting this official Winter Court. She is to be raised as the next Oracle of Water.

About 45 mins into the affair a silence slowly radiates out from the entrance. Mikio, about three-quarters of the way into the room, looks over the sea of heads and sees a Scorpion delegation. He recognizes Bayushi Paneki, the Scorpion clan champion, and Bayushi Sanzo. Mikio steps over near the center of the room along their path. As they pass Paneki-san and Sanzo-san nod to Mikio.

Paneki-san is carrying a lacquered box in Phoenix colors wrapped with Scopion colors. It's about the length of a katana. Lady Midori is surpised to see Paeki-san. Paneki-san states that Sanzo has discovered something belonging to the Phoenix. He opens the box and inside is a battered daisho. Mikio notices that Lady Midori's hands are shaking. She thanks Paneki-san who bows. Paneki-san introduces their ambassador to Phoenix lands Bayushi Aki, Sanzo's sister.

As he turns and leaves Paneki-san stops to speak with Mikio. Paneki-san suggests that Sanzo may wish to speak with Miko. Mikio states that he would be happy to spend more time with his friend. They exchange words on the nature of friendship and memory then Paneki-san takes his leave.

Sanzo stops to speak with Chun Wang and asks him why he is there. Wang-san replies, "Temple business. Why?" Simple curiosity was the answer. To which..

Masaru-san stops and speaks with Mikio inquiring how Mikio came to be at Winter Court. Mikio explains that he received an invitation to Winter Court after a battle at Otasan Uchi. Then he was supposed to meet a friend, Chouchou, and points her out. Masaru-san asks if Mikio is working for the Phoenix. Mikio ponders the question a moment and says, yes then offers to introduce Masaru-san to Koro-san. Masaru-san agrees and Mikio inrtoduces them. Masaru and speak for a few moments.

Raised voices are heard from the corner of the room where Sanzo is being yelled at by a Lion. Mikio makes his way in that direction and stands behind the Lion. "Sanzo-san, it is good to see you again", Mikio states ignoring the Lion. The Lion turns and triesto push Mikio away. The Mountain Does Not Move. Mikio catches the Lion's wrist with his right hand and the shoulder with his left. "Careful of your footing, Lion-san." as Mikio pulls him slightly off balance. "You are ok? You feel well?" The Lion responds, "Yes. Fine." in a tight voice. Mikio helps the Lion stand up properly and releases the Lion. Chun Wang says, "You must be great friends!" Mikio follows this up with, "Hai, we be friends? Yes?" "Yes" the Lion responds and leaves. Chun Wang says, "So long!" and waves. Sanzo and Wang-san walk off with the intent of Sanzo introducing him to a young woman in a blue and white kimono. Mikio wanders back to Koro and the rest.

[GM's note - conversation between Chun Wang, Doji Akiko and Sanzo-san] Sanzo introduces Chun Wang to Doji Akiko, explaining that the Lion he was speaking to had been rather insistant that the young woman needed to be guarded. Sanzo asks Chun Wang to keep a VERY close eye on her.

Koro, Hoshiko and the Utaku are speaking. The Utaku's name is Utaku Tara. Conversation has covered wintering the horses along with kata and weapons practice.

Mikio receives an invitation to join Lady Midori for breakfast tomorrow morning along with Sanzo. Sanzo then takes his leave to avoid starting anymore fires.

Next Morning -

Mikio is in the garden with Midori, Sanzo, and an older monk. Midori asks after Mikio's memory. Mikio states that there was an accident. She states that the story of the sword Paneki-san returned to her involves Mikio so she thought that Mikio should be there. Mikio thanks her. She motions to Sanzo to begin the story:

'When I first began traveling, it was with a young Phoenix shugenja named Isawa Nobuhisa. We hired you to travel with us, though over time, we all became friends. Nobuhisa-san had information about a potential risk to the Empire, and we went to investigate. He disappeared, and I was fairly certain he had died after that first encounter.

We were then joined by my brother, Yodai, and continued to gather information about the men and women involved. In our final confrontation, there was an accident, the event which caused your memeory loss. It affected Yodai first, then you, and I am still not sure what happened, or how to fix it.'

Sanzo states that Bayushi Paneki has given him permission to investigate this matter to his satisfaction, and asks Mikio to ask Koro for a meeting at his convinience. Sanzo thinks that part of the puzzle might be solved along with the murder of Isawa Morisawa. Mikio agrees, and the older monk walks over to him. He questions Mikio about Sanzo, asking if he trusts him and why. Mikio says yes, because he is his friend. The monk points out that the Scorpion is witholding information, but Mikio says again that he trust his friends motives. Midori seems amazed by the exchange.

A message arrives informing each of us that the imperial representative has arrived and High Court will be tonight. Hoshiko asks Mikio to stand guard for Koro while she gets ready for court. Mikio agrees and turns his room over to her for her to get ready. The rest of the Unicorn clans representatives show up that day thus outranking Utaku Tara much to her relief. While Mikio stands yojimbo to Koro he passes along Sanzo's message.

We end up about half-way back in the room. Utaku Tara is near the front with the rest of the unicorn. Our old friend Horiuchi-san is here as the Unicorn representative. The other daimyos present are the Osako, Toritaka and Kitsuke families. There are two jade magistrates, Koro-san and Chouchou-san, and an emerald magistrate from the Kitsuke family of the Dragon clan. The magistrates are behind the clan representatives. The other Mantis there do not acknowledge Masaru-san. Lady Midori is present at the front of the room as the hostess and is accompanied by the older monk, behind her, and a man about three inches taller and bearing a strong resemblance to Midori. A door opens behind Midori and someone wearing the armor of the Emerald Champion walks out. Everyone bows.

The Emerald Champion walks out in front of the room and states, "For those of you who have been travelling, out of touch or under a rock, the Emperor has been murdered. In addition to that, you will notice that the representative here is the Horiuchi Daimyo that is because the Unicorn Clan Champion has staged a coup and was killed outside of Otusan-Uchi, but not before he killed the Empress, the Emerald Champion and the Shogun."

"There is no heir to the throne. The Jade champion is looking for an answer. In the history of our people this has never happened. In the absence of any guidance I am the highest authority living. Are there any questions, comments, pieces of information?"

Masaru-san asks how the line of succession will be resolved? "There are no living heirs." Koro-san asks, "If the Jade champion is involved does that mean the Emperor was murdered by magic?" The Emerald champion responds, "He was murdered by tainted creatures while inside a temple."

"I will be remaining here for the duration of Winter Court. The Jade Champion will be spending Winter Court in Crab lands. I will be speaking with your select people as needed. In closing, and before anyone asks or suspects, the Horiuchi daimyo is here at my request as a loyal member of the Empire."

Amidst the fallout of the Emerald Champions announcement Koro makes his way over to speak with the Mantis, Masuru-san. They are able to speak quietly amongst the crowd without being overheard.

Horiuchi-san mentions to Utaku Tara that once the Emperor was dead the Khan believed that he was the most suited to ruling Rokugan. Horiuchi-san is not entirely certain that the death of the Empress was intended.

4XP for the session.