
The Cast

Richard reads the last session's notes. Heckling was done by all :)

Horiuchi-san and Utaku Tara speak on the idea of sending messages back to the Unicorn. Apparently Horuichi-san is the /only/ daimyo of the Unicorn. All the other Unicorn families are leaderless.

After the Emerald Champion's announcement Koro steps aside to speak with Yoritomo Masaru. They return after a few minutes of private conversation. Koro introduces Hoshiko and Mikio to Masaru as a new member to the party. Masaru is greeted kindly. Hoshiko points out that she sleeps in front of Koro's door and asks that Masaru not step on her. Masaru points out he is smaller than Mikio and should be able to deftly avoid her. Masaru opts to stay in the quarters he has currently as they are already paid for.

Masaru takes his leave and returns to his quarters to change out of his grey ronin kimono and into his proper Mantis colors.

Tara-san is informed that she has a meeting with a Jade magistrate in the morning.

The Scorpion are conspicuous only in their absence for the rest of the night.

Morning after the Emerald Champion's announcement...

Shoji tracks down Chun Wang. Shoji states, "I need a favor. I need you to keep an eye on a Scorpion for me." Shoji identifies Bayushi Sanzo-san. Wang-san asks why? Shoji says that Sanzo is being influenced by someone or something. The motivations of the one providing the influence is unknown and that is why Shoji is asking. Wang-san agrees.

Koro arranges a meeting with Horiuchi Shem Zhe. This sets Koro up for a full day - horseback riding with Utaku Tara, a meeting with Bayushi Sanzo and now with one Horiuchi Shem Zhe later in the day.

A few tournaments have been arranged - Go, Poetry, Sudane, Wrestling, Iajutsu, Archery.

Mikio inquires after a source for soapstone. There's a merchant in town who can provide such materials. Mikio heads for the practice grounds and beats the pells with his tetsubo. While there, Mikio sees Masaru working out with an unsual weapon - a kama as well as the typical katana. Bayushi Sanzo makes an appearance performing kata with both open hand and with a metal fan. Chun Wang shows up and sets up an odd looking device in an out of the way corner of the training grounds. The object appears to be a vertical log with three branches coming off of it at angles to each other. He receives a few odd looks for this.

Hoshiko lets Mikio know that the party has a standing invitation to accompany Utaku Tara on her morning rides. The rides include basic instruction in horse grooming and care. Mikio is relieved to hear this as he has wanted to learn how to better take care of his steed.

During the morning's riding session (before breakfast)-
Apparently the groom for Utaku Tara is also taking care of the parties horses since they are of Unicorn stock. His name is Utaku Kenji. Hoshiko introduces Mikio to Tara. Mikio also makes the aquaintance of Kenji.

After the riding lesson everyone breaks for a bath and then meets for breakfast. After breakfast Koro and Tara have appoinments. Koro explains to Tara that there is another Jade magistrate - Choucho. Upon further conversation they discover that they both have meetings at the same time in the same place - the Scorpion's suite. Mikio elects to accompany Koro.

Scorpion Suite -

Huruto remains outside in the hall with the guard. Bayushi Sanzo and the Jade magistrate Choucho sit side-by-side. Koro bows to Sanzo as if Sanzo were his better and Choucho his equal. Sanzo asks if he can enlist Koro's aid in an investigation as he believes they are related. Choucho knows where the kansen involved in the murder came from. The rock in the void temple was not its origin though the temple has some further information. Koro asks if there is any further information on Mikio's case as it may shed some light on the investigation. Sanzo says he has already provided Mikio with all the information he can. There is a little more that he knows but it is incomplete information and he wishes not to besmirch anothers reputation due to inadequate understanding of the circumstances. Choucho states that the only information she knows beyond what she has already shared is simply some social aspects. Sanzo explains that the circumstances leading to Mikio's and Bayushi Yodai's memory loss was a spell triggering an effect.

Isawa-sama's daughter ran off a personage dressed in grey who approached her home after the murder of Isawa-sama. Sanzo believes this is the same person who was involved in the spell that affected Mikio and Yodai. Because of this it is thought that Hisa-san may be in some danger.

Midori-sama is not in danger as she is well protected both by the monk in her presence as well as the clan and the powers looking to make her the next Oracle of Water. Sanzo and Koro agree to pass along any relevant information that each learns to the other.

Choucho states that she will meet with Koro when he goes to meet the Horiuchi daimyo as they both need to hear this. Choucho states to Tara that she has received the approval of the Horiuchi daimyo and the Utaku sisterhood to place Tara-san in the employ of Koro. Tara agrees to this as long as Koro feels he can find a use for her. Koro states that a Unicorn perspective will be useful.

Koro and Co. adjorn to the Temple of the Void. The Master of Void is outside waiting for us. She wants to know where we found the rock. Koro explains it was found steps from the site of Isawa-san's murder. The Master of Void explains that they cannot cleanse the stone so they have decided to destroy it. Koro asks for an explanation. Master Void relates that the stone was brought to Phoenix lands from the Shadowlands. Hoshikio perks up at that. Master Void says that one person carrying it from there would still be alive though not well, they would have been corrupted. Mikio suggests a few manners in which this may have been able to accomplish this. No creatures or people could have travelled that distance and not been noticed by the Kuni Witch Hunters. A quartz crystal box could have been used to transport the stone. The Crab and Unicorn are the only ones that know how to do this. The stone was either a vehicle used to transport the Kansen from wherever it was or a method used to disguise the murder of Isawa-san. Koro says that our next step then is to track down the Kansen. He thanks the Master of Void for her information. The Master of Void advises that any questions to be plied to Isawa-sama's daughter be done soon as they have advised her to move. Koro thanks her again and we leave.

Chun Wang has been wandering around and keeping an eye on Bayushi Sanzo and making mental notes. It appears the lion's share of his time is spent speaking with shugenja more-so than bushi. Sanzo is aware of Wang's presence as evidenced by the slight shake of his head each time Sanzo glances in the monks direction after completing a conversation.

Chun Wang moves along to keep an eye on Doji Akiko as Sanzo had requested. Chun Wang finds she is much easier to watch, she's typically the center of a groups attention, and she's easier on the eyes.

Koro and co. make their way to Isawa-sama's home. Koro speaks with Isawa-sama's daughter and explains what we have just learned. She allows that perhaps her father knew of such techniques. Further, Isawa-sama had a piece of crystal that is now missing. Hisa asks if he can examine where the crystal resided. He is informed that everything has been packed away in preparation for the move but the crystal sat on a low table next to Isawa-sama's wakizashi in the south-east corner of the room.

Hisa enters a trance and communes with the earth spirits. Hisa asks if the crystal object is in the general area, how far and in what direction? The Earth Kami answer's it is not to far away travelling towards the Great Maze. Further than you can travel in seven days. The murder occured a couple of weeks ago. The question occurs now as to why this sacred object was taken.

Isawa-sama's daughter returns and asks Koro if there was anything further she could provide. Koro asks if there is anything her father may have related in regards to the sacred crystal object. She says that the only other person who knew has just had his swords returned to the clan. Koro asks after the man that she turned away and was informed that this person was dressend in shades of grey that bore a Spider mon. Koro thanks her and we leave.

After we have had lunch and prepared for Koro's meeting with Horiuchi Shem Zhe. A knock on the door announces Bayushi Sanzo who asks to accompany Koro. Shem Zhe returns everyone's bows and offers seats. "What can I do for my friend Koro?" Koro asks after his protege and finds she is doing well but was injured when the family-at-large refused to support the Khan's coup. Koro asks what Horiuchi can tell him in re: to the Khan's coup and why it was attempted. Shem Zhe explains that the Khan thought it was his duty to take the throne if he could show he was the strongest candidate. The Khan's protege did not take part in the coup and expects to take the Khan's place. Koro explains that we are invesitagating Isawa-sama's murder and asks if Shem Zhe or anyone else taught Isawa-sama about crystals. Shem Zhe states that his predecessor did so. Koro explains the origins of the corrupted stone and how it may have arrived. Further, he details the damage done to Isawa-sama. Shem Zhe doesn't believe it could be used for maho. Hisa mentions that the crystal is a week away heading towards the Great Maze. Sanzo looks up and says, "The one at Bayushi castle? That's almost a months travel away."

Koro asks if there is a reliable way to track and/or restrain a kenson? Shem Zi says he could do so but that it would some time and additional shugenja.

Chun Wang is still shadowing Doji Akiko. She slips into a bath house and Wang-san is waylaid before going in. The servants stop him from entering then follow Akiko-san. Wang-san stays outside for a little bit and then gets a little concerned. He knocks on the door and there is no answer. Wang-san enters the bath house and sees the bodies of the servants dead on the ground. He investigates and finds a loose panel in the back wall near the farthest body. He opens the panel and goes through then finds some drag marks on the ground. Wang-san grabs the nearest servant and sends him to Bayushi Sanzo.

A harried servant enters the room and communicates to Sanzo that the monk needs him now and that she has been taken. Sanzo looks to Shem Zi and leaves. Koro looks to Shem Zhe and asks to leave. Shem Zhe agrees and Koro, accompanied by his entourage, leave the Scorpion's suite and make haste to the bath house. There, we find the monk Wang-san who makes a brief report to Sanzo.

The drag marks are followed, Huruto leading the way. We pass the temple, go through the woods and stop at the river. No one has seen anything suspicious - a woman being dragged or a boat recently launched. Hisa stops to commune with the Water Kami. 1) The entities tainted with death plus the one that was taken: what transpired when they reached to river and where did they go?

Mikio notices Sanzo facing away from the river and appears to be praying. To Huruto it appears that Sanzo is having a conversation.

The Water Kami shows two people carrying a third. One of the two raises his hand, gestures, and all three disappear. To Hisa this appears to be an air spell. Koro casts By the Light of Lady Moon to reveal any hidden objects or personages. No one appears to be hidden. Sanzo's mask flares for a moment and there is a slight flicker in front of him.

Hoshiko is on her knees on the river bank apparently looking around with her hand in the water. She hears a voice, "They're not here." Hoshiko turns and passes that along to the rest of the group. She then turns back and quietly thanks the voice. She feels a sense of chuckling.

Mikio asks Koro-san if there are kiho that could do this. Koro answers he is not sure. Sanzo has apparently finished his conversation. Mikio asks Sanzo the same question. Sanzo doesn't believe so but there are two spells he knows of that can do this.

As Koro asked his next question of the Air Kami, "What happened to the beings that disappeared on the river bank?" an Air Kami actually appears, visibly to everyone, before him. Koro and Hoshiko bow low. Mikio tilts his head sideways in curiosity. Koro asks if the Air Kami knows what has become of Doji Akiko. The Air Kami explains that the man asked her cousins to take them somewhere else. Koro asks if it is possible for the Air Kami, or her cousins, to take us to where Akiko-san is. She says that she can bring us close though not exactly. Mikio asks Koro if we should outfit ourselves for battle. The Air Kami says she will wait for us to do so. Hoshiko, already outfitted, asks Mikio to grab Koro's armor. Hisa says, "Mikio." "Hai?" "Prepare for war." "/HAI!/" Mikio takes off at a run making no effort to be quiet or unobtrusive. Sanzo also leaves to equip himself.

Mikio quickly armors himself, grabs his weapons and Koro's armor. He picks up his pack and runs back making a brief stop by the kitchen on the way out to fill a bag with rice balls since he has no idea how long they will be gone for. About ten minutes later those that left to equip themselves have returned.

The Air Kami asks everyone not to move. The Air Kami puts her hands together and says, "Close your eyes" Everyone does. The wind picks up and whirls around us. When we are told we can open our eyes Mikio does so and recognizes Kyuden Bayushi. Sanzo stumbles and swoons in a seizure. The Air Kami gasps and says, "Oh Shit!" and disappears. Masaru-san asks where we are. Mikio replies, "Outside Kyuden Bayushi." "It's prettier than my step-mother led me to believe."

Koro renders brief aid to Sanzo to stop him from injuring himself. Mikio hands off the bag of rice balls to Koro and picks up Sanzo. "We go now." Hisa says, "Mikio, one small problem - we don't have papers." "Small problem. Deal with later. Fix Sanzo now." And Mikio starts walking. They enter the town. A child sees Mikio carrying Sanzo and runs off. By the time Mikio gets to the infirmary a shugenja is already waiting. Mikio is waved through with Chun Wang following closely. Mikio places Sanzo on the first cot he finds and then plants himself firmly on guard duty.

Outside, Koro relates the recent events to the Shugenja that greeted us at the door. The Shugenja gives Koro directions to the herb garden and then leaves to see to Sanzo. Hoshiko follows Koro as does Tara. Koro makes use of the herb garden to replenish his supplies. Hoshiko stays at the entrance to the garden on the path. Koro is accosted by a man with pale lavendar eyes and white hair, "Where is he?" Koro points back towards the infirmary. The man runs off.

Chun Wang offers to stay with Sanzo for Mikio. Mikio thanks him but states that he will stay. The Shukenja enters the room where Sanzo is and asks what happened. Mikio explains, "We were following kidnappers. An air kami transported us here. Sanzo fell over. I brought him here." The Shugenja diagnoses backlash. Mikio asks how Sanzo can have backlash if he is not a shukenja? "It's complicated." Wang-san, "You don't know Sanzo that well." Mikio, "He's still a friend." The Shukenja explains that Sanzo will be fine shortly and Mikio is welcome to stay. Mikio thanks him. Yodai stays with Sanzo, Mikio and Wang.

Koro questions the Air Kami again and finds that the kidnappers are with Doji Akiko north of the castle in a cave found in a forest.

A short time later, Sanzo wakes up. "My head hurts." He sits up and says we have apparently made it. Sanzo asks Mikio for help up. Mikio picks him up and sets him on his feet. Wang-san asks how we are to find Doji Akiko now that we are here. Sanzo says he has a plan.

Sanzo staggers out followed by Mikio, Wang and Yodai. We rejoin the others in the herb garden. Sanzo weekly leans against Mikio. Wang offers to look over Sanzo to ensure his health. Mikio takes the sack of rice balls back from Koro and proceeds to eat one, hanging the bag on his belt. A local magistrate arrives and asks what happened. Hisa points at Sanzo and says ask him. Half the people around us hit the ground and the other half bows low. Mikio munches on his rice ball supporting Sanzo with the other arm.

Sanzo orders the others off. He further tells the magistrate that we need to find Doji Akiko. That she has been kidnapped and is north of the castle. The Shukenja recognizes the cave's location. Some folks have used it for meditation. Sanzo states his need for tea. Mikio helps him off. Koro lists off a list of ingredients (for explosives). The Shukenja says they have them but would have to send someone for a couple of them.

The rest of the group has trailed off after Sanzo to join him for tea. Sanzo says, "I hate this." and several peasants gasp. Sanzo looks up and says, "The tea is fine." The relief is evident on their faces.

5xp for the session.