
The Cast

Koro, accompanied by Hoshiko, is with the Scorpion shugenja collecting ingredients for explosives. The rest of the group is taking tea with Sanzo.

Utaku Tara mumbles that she is halfway across the country from her horse. She is not happy. One of the potted ferns requests a cup of tea. The group look a little askance at this and then a proffer a cup of tea to the plant.

Sanzo is simply looking at the group. Masaru asks if Sanzo knows anything else about the caves where Akiko-san is being held. Sanzo says that they are primarily used for meditation though they are also apparently used for kidnapping. Also, there is only one entrance though there are a couple of short passages. Mikio suggests asking one of the earth kami to see if there are other entrances. While the idea has merit there is potential corruption to deal with and we're to far away currently. Wang-san suggests a lone monk looking for shelter may fool them. Masaru agrees that could actually work.

Jenn doubles over in laughter after Brian inquires after the (honking) sounds coming from down the hallway...

Masaru asks if there is anything else that Sanzo could tell us. Sanzo suggests we have adequate bows and arrows. A few chambers in this cave are large enough that they could be used. He also suggests torches or paper lanterns. Masaru suggest paper lanterns. There was also a legend that an ogre used to live in this cave. Sanzo asks if there is anything else he can offer us. Hoshiko asks if he could supply Tara with a bow. Sanzo motions and a servant disappears then reappears carrying a yumi bow and quiver of 10 willow leaf arrows. Mikio asks if he has a supply of soapstone. Sanzo allows as to how he may have some around somewhere.

The idea is that we get closer and speak with the earth kami. The backup plan is to use Wang-san's diversion.

While waiting for Koro the group fills in Masaru, Tara and Wang-san on the martial capabilities of the rest of the group. After the conversation, Masaru asks if there is a training area of uneven ground he can use for warming up. Sanzo stands and says he can escort Masaru to an area of uneven ground. Mikio stands and offers to support Sanzo.

Sanzo leads Masaru outside and to an area of level and uneven ground. In the level area there is a man in black robes with white symbols, hood, mask. He is working out with a staff equipped with halfmoon blades on either end. It looks like he is running through a kata. Wang-san assesses the style and sees it is a short-fist, external style. Wang-san decides to practice behind the man. Masaru thanks Sanzo for such an excellant training ground then begins to work on his kata jumping and leaping from stone to boulder. Mikio looks at the stones, shrugs, and, starting with smaller rocks, he bends over, picks up a stone and puts it down. He slowly works his way up in size.

Sanzo, noticing Mikio's behavior, calls out to the man in black in another language. The man looks at Mikio curiously and replies to Sanzo. The share a chuckle. Mikio stops and turns to Sanzo, "Sanzo, before we leave we need to take a cask of sake with us." Sanzo replies, "Does it need to be of good quality?" Mikio answers, "No, just something to take with us." Sanzo, "Ok, I think I can find something." Mikio thanks him and returns to hefting rocks in preparation to possibly wrestling with an Earth Kami.

Hoshiko asks if there is a peasant family who grew up in the country near the cave. Sanzo explains that no one lives in the country they either live in the castle or in the town.

Koro joins us on the practice ground and an impromptu council takes place. Tara brings up the concern of a local kami who has been courted by one of the shugenja, would the kami favor such a shugenja and alert them to our presence? Koro answers not necessarily, esp. if they had brought a kansen with them.

Sanzo has elected to accompany us. Mikio is concerned for Sanzo's safety. Sanzo assures him that he is well enough. A suggestion to Tara to ride the Rokugan pony in sight on the side of the training grounds is met with less than enthusiastic delight. Tara makes a few disparging remarks along the lines of the pony being more of a dog. The pony hangs it's head. Hoshiko tells Tara to apologize to the pony. Tara, slightly exasperated, does so. The pony is seems a bit happier. It would seem that Tara speaks equine...

We adjourn to the cave -

The terrain is lightly forested and approach to within six feet of the cave entrance. The cave entrance is about seven feet tall and six feet wide. A guard is noticed in the entrance. Hisa casts Please Sleep Now and the guard slumps against the wall. Mikio restrains the sleeping guard and Hoshiko gags him then proceeds to tie his hands and feet behind his back. They then stash the guard in some bushes nearby.

Hisa communes with the Earth Kami and asks 1) How many corrupted spirits are in the cave? Answer - Two. 2) How many are in the cavern? Answer - Six. Koro decides to have an Air Kami guard the entrance and inhibit the escape of the kidnappers and corrupted spirits. Sanzo clarifies Koro's plan and asks if the size of the spirits inside had been ascertained. No, that wasn't asked.

Marching order - Hoshiko with tetsubo and Wang-san to her left, Tara w/ bow, Mikio with tetsubo, Koro and Hisa, Masaru, with Huruto and Sanzo guarding the rear.

We enter the cave...

No torches or lanterns are in evidence. The passage runs straight. Wang-san and Hoshiko hear voices ahead. Wang-san deterines that they are coming from the left. They switch sides so Wang-san is on her right, now. Wang-san steps back at Hoshiko's request to avoid her swing. Hoshiko and Wang-san move forward, quietly, towards the voices. They make out two men arguing about getting out of the cave. One suggests killing it and then getting out that way. The other asks if he's sure he can kill it. Yes, we can just use magic. Hoshiko stops and asks for Koro to come forward. Koro scootches his way past Mikio and steps up front where Hoshiko relays that there are shugenja ahead.

They peer around the corner and see two men: one dressed in black holding Akiko and the other in grey and a short grey skinned goblin-like thing. Hoshiko mouths to Wang-san, free the girl, I'm going after the grey skinned creature.

Masaru makes his way up to Mikio. The others up front notice that the room is fairly open but there are a few piles of rocks that appear to have fallen off the walls. A few notice a door in the back of the room.

Wang-san charges past everyone and streaks towards the man in black holding Akiko. Wang-san nails the man with a series of lightning strikes and he falls seriously dazed.

Koro casts Please Do Better Now on the party so their strikes fly more true. Tara draws back and lines up her shot on the man in grey. The man hears the twang of the bowstring and manages to drop to the ground in defense. Tara tries again but the quick shot arrow goes wide. Mikio charges forward with his tetsubo towards the goblin. Huruto moves forward as does Masaru. Masaru runs forward and throws his kama into the man in grey on the ground. Masaru rips the kama back out and is now in melee range. Hoshiko runs past Mikio, swings at the goblin and misses. To Wang-san it appears as if the tetsubo twisted out of the way at the last moment.

Akiko is now using the Please Don't Hurt Me Now defense - she's kneeling on the ground crying.

Masaru leans down and viciously rips through the prone man with both kama

Wang-san picks up Akiko and quickly exits the room. Koro casts Fires from Within. A small fireball streaks past Wang-san as he carries Akiko over his shoulder. The fireball strikes the man in black and is now burning. A second fireball strikes the goblin who simply blinks. Hisa casts Jade Strike at the goblin. The green phosphoresence flashes past Mikio and strikes the goblin who flinches and staggers.

Appearing from around a corner at the far end of the room is an ogre. Tara releases three arrows at the ogre. Two strike with only one actually scratching it. Mikio charges in full attack striking home solidly with his tetsubo. The ogre takes a step back. Huruto lunges forward with his Kaiu blade and leaves a nasty gash across it's torso. The ogre doesn't appear to be phased. Hoshiko joins the fray and goes medieval on it. Two solid tetsubo strikes make a bit of an impact on the ogres attention.

A wave of fear rolls out from the ogre, washes over Mikio but for some reason doesn't seem to affect him. Koro casts Jade Strike at the ogre and discovers - shockingly - that the ogre isn't tainted. Hisa casts Please Hit Him Again, same on Mikio, Huruto, and Hoshiko. Koro shouts out, "It's not tainted!" Hoshiko, "What?! Back off!" Mikio drops his tetsubo. As Huruto and Hoshiko back off Mikio stops a step ahead of them with his hands down facing the ogre.

The ogre looks at Mikio and bows. Mikio returns his bow as formally as he can. Hoshiko says, "We are sorry. We didn't understand." The ogre replies in accented Rokugani, "Most people do not." Hisa walks forward and takes the ogre's hand casting Regrow the Wound. The ogre steps backward and points at Sanzo saying, "He can help me." Sanzo's eye goes wide. He walks forward and states, "I really didn't think you existed." Hoshiko mutters, "No shit?"

The ogre reaches forward and picks up a quartz crystal and says that we need to take this with us. Further questioning reveals that the crystal holds Isawa inside. We're not sure in what form but he's in there. Mikio pipes up, "Ogre-san, if I find myself back here sometime would you like to wrestle?" The ogre replies, "That would be fun." We find further that the ogre has a brother but he doesn't know where. He's brother's name is Meiyo. Mikio inquires as to the ogre's name - Makoto. Makoto allows as to how he could use some writing supplies and implements. Hisa and Koro offer some supplies. Mikio picks up his tetsubo.

Masaru asks to speak with Koro-san, privately. Shouldn't we ask Makoto if he wants his presence known? Masaru points out that others knowing about Makoto's presence could cause problems for Makoto. Makoto points out that Koro should be selective in who he tells as some would find it to be an opportunity for education and others would find it to be a martial opportunity.

Wang-san, concerned for the others safety, re-enters the cave with Akiko behind her. He finds the others speaking with Makoto. Wang-san bows formally to Makoto and asks if the kidnappers were here with permission. Makoto replies no. Wang-san suggests that we should stop occupying Makoto's time or offer him tea. Hisa says we have no tea but we do have a cask of sake. Mikio trots out of the cave and comes back with the cask of sake. He hands it to Makoto. Masaru asks if Makoto heard what the kidnappers were talking about. Makoto says that they were planning on taking Akiko out the back of the cave.

Masaru asks Sanzo if we can borrow a map of Scorpion lands north of here to get a better idea of where the kidnappers were going. Makoto explains after Hoshiko asks that in order to strike an earth kenson she must swing without the intent of hitting it. Wang-san says, "Ah, that makes perfect sense." Hoshiko says, "How do you do that?" "I can set your feet on the path but you must walk it."

Sanzo says, "I have your brother's journal and the Scorpion banner you brought with you. I shall send you the journal." Makoto thanks Sanzo.

Mikio asks Koro if there is a way to innate a Jade Strike type spell into our weapons to tell if a creature is tainted or not.

We return to town in preparation to being whisked back to Winter Court.

4 points to everyone.