
The Cast

We have returned to town and are currently at Bayushi Castle. The shugenja looks at us and is surprised we lived. "Lord Bayushi shall be quite happy. It is his nephew that will be marrying Akiko." Koro asks how we will be returning to Winter Court. Sanzo states he will look into an alternative to how he brought us here, then leaves.

The shugenja offers us refreshment and entertainment.

We did bring along the guard that was tied up and stashed in the bushes. Koro suggestes that we see if the Scorpion recognize him. Koro asks for a room with implements in which to interrogate the prisoner. Masaru points out that he will not be able to present for such questioning. The shugenja points us in the direction of a house near a grove that can be used for such questions.

Masaru and Wang-san elect to stay behind and engage in a game of go. Hisa does so as well in anticipation of the poetry contest. Mikio is engaged in depleting Bayushi Castles food stores with great gusto. He's missed such flavorful food. The rest of the group accompanies Koro.

We see a man with the classical appearance of a monk - shaved head, robes, the whole nine yards. The people there recognize the prisoner. The prisoner is terrified as he recognizes the grove. It's a place where the Scorpion deal with traitors. The quiet place, the building near the grove, comes equipped with it's own attendant. Koro states that the man doesn't need to stay. Before he leaves he states to the prisoner, "Co-operation will make things go faster for you."

At the sake house it appears that a party is in the offing. The poetry contest is open-mike night where no one is all that concerned with the quality of the poems. Wang-san and Masaru have found a go board but they're not all that focussed on the game. The geisha are much more - interesting.

Koro begins - "You are a man with no clan, no master and have returned under a death sentence. You look like a man used to bartering your services. "What do you want to know? It was just a job for money." Koro, "That's unfortunate. Everything you can tell me keeps you alive that much longer." Koro can tell that he is lying though he's doing it for the right reasons, either he's afraid of his boss or what will happen when he's taken to the grove. The prisoner states, "They're trying to put together a new ritual to kill someone important." Koro asks how they met and received they're orders. The prisoner admits that he received his orders via courier while the shugenja received his via spell both from Suzumu. Koro wants to know how thy recognized each other. They wore a patch. There is one leader though the prisoner doesn't believe it - Daigotsu, Fu Leng's minion. Koro asks about the cipher they used for their communications. The prisoner admits to knowing the cipher used for his communcations but not the others. Koro tells him to write it down. It's a reletively simple cipher and could be broken with little effort by those that employ such measures. No meetings have been revealed to the prisoner though he knows they are supposed to meet with a shugenja named - . The prisoner knows that there was supposed to be something happening at the northern Winter Court. The spell they were working on was to target someone at Winter Court. They were going to be working with the Air & Fire Kami. The target was to be a woman after which things would be better one she was out of the picture. There are supposed to be two safe house - a road house in Unicorn lands and one in the town surrounding Kyuden Agasha. Koro recognizes the description of the house as his mother is friends with the matriarch there.

When Koro leaves he encounters the man in black outside. The man offers his services in obtaining any additional information. Koro indicates that won't be necessary yet.

The Emerald Magistrate is to be found in a geisha house. Koro and co. make their way in that direction. They find that it is a celebration for the Emerald Champion's son-in-law's gempu. Koro offers his compliments and arranges to meet with the magistrate tomorrow. The company splits up and enjoys the festivities. Each person is offered a small gift - Hoshiko receives a fan, Wang-san receives the go set they were playing...

Masaru discovers that one of the geisha is a master of the tea ceremony. He speaks with her and they arrange to meet in the morning for a demonstration of the tea ceremony. The geisha states her price after which Masaru leaves the party.

Hisa, drunken, has a brilliant idea. He conjurs pulling together all FIVE elements and creates a sunflower. He passes it along to Hoshiko who calls for a vase. After having received it Hoshiko sends the geisha's servant in search of Masaru.

Mikio, having sated himself at Bayushi's table, goes in search of Yodai. He finds the shugenja in the castle proper. Yodai is doing well physically but feels that something is wrong. Mikio asks if he has spoken with the Kami to which Yodai explains that they have not been forthcoming other than to say that it is not important at this time. Mikio offers himself for examination for comparison. Yodai does so and discovers that Sanzo is hiding the two of them. Mikio is puzzled as he didn't think Sanzo was a shugenja. Yodai tries to explain. Apparently, Sanzo is one of the small group of people who have the specific attention of a kami. Sanzo has apparently struck a bargain with this kami to obscure Yodai and Sanzo. Mikio is concerned that Sanzo is expending strength that he shouldn't be. Yodai says that Sanzo probably feels that it is. Mikio says that he needs to ask Sanzo about this. Yodai suggests checking the infirmary as he hasn't seen his brother in the castle. Mikio heads that way. Mikio finds Sanzo sleeping in the infirmary. Mikio finds a bunk nearby and catches some Z's...

Early the next morning Hoshiko wakes up Hisa with much banging on his door. She then proceeds to guard Koro's door while performing a kata in the hall. Hisa stumbles to Koro's door and demands a potion to quiet the kami hammering in his head. Koro, annoyed with being woken so early, finds the nastiest tasting potion he has and offers it to Hisa. Koro then casts Please Clear His Head Now on Hisa. Koro has amused several Kami recently with his antics and finds that his spell works quite well. Koro heads out shortly after to meet with the Emerald Magistrate.

This is the first magistrate Koro has seen with well organized paperwork. They exchange pleasantries. The magistrate informs Koro that the prisoner is at the castle. Koro explains that though he is a traitor he has provided information. Koro hopes and wishes to bring more of this group to justice as they are practioners of foul and dark arts. The magistrate decides to hang on to the prisoner until his lord returns. Koro decides to meet with the information acquistion specialist for further details. They again exchange pleasantries and part ways.

Koro heads to the hut and finds the specialist cleaning his garden. They converse for a bit during which time the specialist expresses the opinion that the prisoner will not be able to offer any further information. They will find what his fate is when others arrive home. They part ways.

Koro heads back and on the way passes the infirmary where he discovers Sanzo and Mikio. Koro stops by. Sanzo explains that he has found a ride for Koro and his group back to Winter Court. Koro expresses concern for Sanzo's health to which Sanzo replies that he is just a bit tired from the last experience.

Koro heads out to find the rest of his group. Hoshiko explains that Hisa and Masaru are observing the tea ceremony. Wang-san may well be at the geisha house. Koro and Hoshiko stop by the bath house and discover Utaku Tara within. Tara-san is quite happy to hear that we are returning to Winter Court.

Back at the infirmary, Mikio asks Sanzo if the cost of his obfuscation of himself and Yodai is worth it. Sanzo says it is. He understood the cost of the action when he undertook it.

The geisha is a true master. She has picked a space in the private garden. The experience is truly /fabulous/. After the ceremony Masaru and Hisa rejoin the rest of the group. Shortly thereafter Wang-san decends the stairs and rejoins the rest of the group. Koro offers him food and an old Agasha family tonic. Wang-san declines the tonic and accepts the invitation for food. When everyone is satisfied they adjourn to the infirmary.

Sanzo asks after Masaru's tea ceremony experience. Masaru states that it was divine. Sanzo turns to the rest of the group and explains that his friend has agreed to return us to Winter Court using a different type of magic. This is the man we saw yesterday practicing a kata with the half-moon bladed staff. Mikio notices that the man is almost as tall as himself and that his eyes are purple. Sanzo will be joining us at Winter Court.

We step outside and the man makes a statement to Sanzo. Sanzo sighs and nods. Mikio asks if Sanzo is ok and if he needs Mikio's strength. Sanzo says he's alright. The journey back is much smoother and virtually instantaneous. Our arrival has scared the daylights out of at least one servant who runs screaming into the house.

Koro's grandfather is whispering to him that those creatures, indicating the man who sent us back to Winter Court, are strange.

Tara-san bows to everyone and runs off for the stables. Midori-sama appears, without the monk that has been by her side all this time. She inquires after their journey. Koro explains that our experiences would best be related without worldly ears to hear them. Midori-sama agrees to have dinner with them.

Since we've been gone only one significant event has happened - A Lady Otomo has arrived. This person is rumored to have the best claim to the throne. She has arrived here becasue this is currently the most important Winter Court due to the fact that the Emerald Champion is here. Hisa decides to make his wife's day and goes to inform her of his continued existance. Koro goes to check his belongings and stash away the items he brought back. Hoshiko asks Mikio to stand Yojimbo to Koro while she borrows his room and gets ready. Mikio agrees. After which he'll head for the baths and dress in his butterfly kimono.

5 XP for everyone.