
The Cast

Korugan's Bluff...

Lady Otomo arrived at Winter Court while we were away. She is the leading contender and closest thing the deceased emperor has to an heir. She is staying on the floor above ours.

We have been invited to dinner. Mikio is standing guard outside Koro's chambers while Hoshiko uses his chambers to get ready for dinner with Lady Midori. Tara has returned from seeing to her mount and is in the bath chambers. Masaru has adjourned to the bath house to clean up for the dinner. The monk who normally accompanies Lady Midori is in the bath chambers. He is sitting quietly and barely breathing. He is covered in tattoos from neck to wrist. They appear to Masaru to be religious verse. Masaru bows and heads to the other bath accompanied by Tara.

As they step into the other bath the monk opens one eye and stares at them.

Mikio stands outside of Koros quarters on guard with his tetsubo grounded infront of him. Down the hall the Scorpion are coming and going. As he stands there more and more Scorpion are coming out of their suite. About ten or fifteen minutes later a young man exchanges whispers with another Scorpion and then runs down the hall to Mikio. He addresses Mikio stating that Sanzo-sama has requested his attention. Mikio responds that he will attend Sanzo-san as soon as he is able. The man bows and returns to the Scorpion suite. A few minutes later the man that returned us to Winter Court, a friend of Sanzo's, walks by nodding slightly to Mikio. Mikio returns his nod. The group of Scorpion outside the suite grow gradually quieter. They bow as the Shugenja approaches. He doesn't acknowledge them and enters the suite.

The four servants assisting Hoshiko dress make strong recommendations for her attire. They dress her in a slightly subdued manner and suggest options for non-traditional weaponry. They finally agree on a tanto in her obi. After they finish accoutering her they have Hoshiko test her range of motion. It seems fine. They make arrangements to attire Koro about 30 mins before dinner. Hoshiko advises Mikio to bring no weapons other than a tanto. Mikio states he doesn't have one but he has a wakazashi. Hoshiko suggests that Mikio obtain the services of one of the older servants to dress as there is something else going on. Mikio bows to her advice but states that he has to see Sanzo first.

Back in the baths the monk asks Masaru where everyone else is. Masaru does his level best to provide an answer to everyone's whereabouts. The monk is surprised that Masaru has left out the Scorpion. Masaru states that the Scorpion is not part of our group so he hadn't considered that part of his answer but that in all honesty he doesn't know where he is. The monk states that the Scorpion is very much a part of the groups responsibility. There is a little tit-for-tat on the nature of the Scorpion and their tasks and responsibilities. The monk points to Tara and says that she needs such enlightenment. Masaru explains that Tara needs to experience more of the other clans and their ways. He then offers to scrub her back. Tara accepts. The monk takes his leave.

Mikio makes his way to Sanzo's quarters. There are two guards outside. Mikio hear's Sanzo speaking with someone inside, tiredly. One of the guards announces Mikio. Mikio enters when Sanzo answers. The shugenga is sitting there and has slightly removed his robes. He has blue skin and white tattoos. Mikio and Sanzo exchange pleasantries with Mikio stating his concerns for Sanzo's wellbeing.

Apparently, the prisoner from the caverns has remembered a bit more. When Sanzo, Yodai and Mikio were injured they were investigating a Blood Speaker group. Apparently one of them survived who Sanzo thought was dead. Mikio recalls the spider marked person back at Otasan Uchi who thought Mikio was dead. Conversation proceeds concerning the threats to the various female personages of note. Mikio and Sanzo exchange ideas regarding the various ideas to protect them. Sanzo points out that the shugenja with him is named Rashid and that he is from the Burning Sands. As long as we're not snowed in Sanzo intends to pursue the Bloodspeaker. Mikio offers to accompany him. They say their farwells and Mikio heads for the baths.

Hisa sends a quick note to his wife explaining that he is otherwise occupied and to have fun shopping. As the monk leaves the baths Hisa is entering. The monk rolls his eyes and Hisa states that he understands.

Hoshiko suggests to Koro, while he's being dressed, that he carry the jade-hilted tanto. It's strongly advised that he bear it at all official functions to avoid offending the giver.

Mikio arrives at the bath house to find Chung Wang there soaking. Mikio lights some incense and says a brief prayer to Bishimon. He then scrubs up and seeks the solace of the tub to soak briefly before heading up to get dressed for dinner.

After getting dressed Koro and company are escorted to the dining hall by one of the servants. There is a long table at which Lady Midori is sitting at the head. To her right is the Emerald Champion. To her left is a younger man in Phoenix clan colors with the Shiba clan mon on his shoulder. Behind her is her typical monk escort. A young woman in Dragon colors sits next to the Emerald champion. Next to her is Horiuchi Shem-zhi. Before we enter the room anyone bearing a katana or wakizashi is stopped. Two young samurai accept the blades and rack them in stands. A young Crab samurai, unhappy to be in Phoenix lands away from the wall, is there to hold Huruto's kaiu blade.

[GM NOTE - enter seating arrangements]
Hisa sits next to Shem-zhi, then Sanzo, Mikio,
Masaru, Chung Wang-san,

After everyone is seated a tall man of dark blue skin and with tattoos comes into stand behind Sanzo.

Lady Midori asks for an explanation for why everyone disappeared and then reappeared without notice and scared her servants. Koro offers the story of our adventures, quietly editing out the Ogre as well as the Isawa soul trapped in the crystal. After hearing the story Lady Midori gracefully begins the meal. Mikio picks up a pair of chopsticks in one hand and then gets a big grin on his face and picks up another set in the other hand. He begins creating the Dual Wielding Chopstick Style.

Lady Midori asks after the prisoner to which Sanzo defers the question to Rashid behind him. Rashid explains that he is at Bayushi castle awaiting the decision of other groups. Over the course of the meal various people rise and take their leave from Lady Midori until only Lady Midori and the other parties named above are still seated along with Koro's group. At the end of the table, opposite Lady Midori, is a young woman dressed all in white. She is focused on the conversation.

Once the room has cleared of everyone else Lady Midori asks specifically, "So what did the prisoner say?" Koro has to answer this one as he was the one performing the interrogation. Lady Midori points out the women who may be in danger from this spell [GM NOTE ENTER NAMES HERE] during which she names the lady at the end of the table as Lady Otomo. Masaru points out that Lady Midori would also be one in danger being of high stature herself. Midori states that she is not concerned with her own safety between Shoji, the monk behind her, and her husband, the Shoji next to her, she is fine for protection.

Mikio asks if there are enough loyal people to protect those in danger if not would it not be better to seek out the problem at the source and ask the Kami of Fire and Air not to take these actions. Lady Midori says that the kami do not always listen but that it would be helpful to discover who is perpetrating this action.

Lady Midori excuses herself briefly and leaves. Sanzo looks over at Mikio Dual Wielding Chopstick Style and shakes his head bemusedly. Hisa leans over and asks Horiuchi Shem-Zhi if Hisa could have a brief meeting later to discuss a sensitive nature.

Masaru looks over the young Phoenix at the end of the table and realizes that he is a renowned Shiba Bushi by the name of Asako Kanjaro. Masaru offers him a brief polite bow.

Lady Midori returns. As she passes the Shiba she touches him on the shoulder. He stands and steps to her right shoulder. Midori points out that though there is an Emerald Magistrate in town he is otherwise occupied. As such, she requests the aid of the Jade magistrate. Koro accepts the mission. Lady Midori says that she prefers to have the perpetrator alive but if it is necessary to protect others will accept the death of the offending personages.

Lady Midori states that Shoji, the monk behind her, will answer a single question from anyone. If the question is asked correctly the answer will even be clear. He will not answer any questions concerning the layout of any clan palaces or how to kill anyone. Mikio quietly, as quietly a mountain can rumble, asks Sanzo how this fits in with his quest. Sanzo says it fits quite well.

The Lady Midori states that the Ladies Kisuke, Otomo and Otaku should be focussed on as the recipient of this threat. Masaru bows as respectfully as he can to the Lady Otomo and asks if she has sufficient guards with her. She does. Hisa clarifies whether she has any spiritual support. No, those guides are in Crab lands. Masaru states that with the recent attacks on the emperors family it would not be out of the ordinary for her to have a few extra guards with her. As such, he offers himself as an extra guard. Lady Otomo declines the offer stating that the Seppun Guardsmen and the advanced students Lady Midori has offered from the local school shall be sufficient.

The Lady Utako of the Battle Maidens is not present at the table but she is at Winter Court. She currently is not feeling well but has eight Battle Maidens and four bushi as part of her retinue.

Hisa clarifies areas of the locale where kenson may be recruited.

Mikio asks if a bushi would be able to repel the attack of a kami. Hisa states that if they manifest physically the bushi can.

Chung Wang states that the current political climate offers two options 1) to remove one of the five ladies for political gain or 2) to remove one for personal reasons disguised as political gain. Lady Midori suggests that there are only three of the five that are in danger - Lady Midori, Lady Otomo and Lady Kituske. Shoji states that if we can determine who is the target we can put their chief guard in the way.

Masaru points out that many samurai overlook the peasants. It would be wise to keep an eye on them. Of Midori's household servants none have been here less than four years. Of her body servants they have all been with her since long before she was important. Wang-san points out, reluctantly, that anyone who can touch your body is suspect. Tara points out that yeah, you can be poisoned. Wang-san briefly shakes his head and sits back.

Mikio asks Lady Kitsuke if she, as a Kitsuke Magistrate, has any idea who would benefit from the removal of any of those in question. Lady Midori's removal would unbalance the Oracles, Lady Kitsuke has no heir to take over her school, Lady Otomo is closest to the throne, Lady Otaku is the current face of the Unicorn clan.

Wang-san thanks Lady Midori for her hospitality and takes his leave citing his

Discussion ensues re: which direction would destablize Rokugan the most. Sanzo points out there are two ways into Rokugan - The Badger who cannot currently hold their pass themselves and the Unicorn who, once removed, leave a way wide open to the center of the Empire. Some begin to see this as a generational plan. The Unicorn clan champion could very well have been tricked into taking action against the emperor.

Mikio asks Rashid what he sees based on his unique view. He says that a valuable resource has just walked out. He believes that the people around these targets need to be watched, why they have been targeted.

Koro suggests creating a mobile task force that can be dispatched to any of the five that find themselves in distress. Lady Midori takes her leave explaining that she and Lady Otomo will be in their quarters. She leaves, everyone bows respectfully. Shoji the monk stays behind. Masaru clarifies that the question Shoji is willing to answer may be saved. Shoji says it may be saved for a later time.

Masaru asks Koro if he believes the Irezumi monk to be of use. Koro says yes, if nothing else he's another person who can ask a question of Shoji. Shoji chuckles and states he appreciates the honesty. It is further pointed out by Masaru

Tara asks Shoji if he sees this as being motivated by personal or political views. Shoji says it's both - political due to personal views. Koro asks where we should begin looking. Shoji advises three things 1) Examinethe servent that helped Koro dress tonight. 2) who is not pushing an agenda 3) who does not fit in with the contingent they are standing with.

Masaru goes looking for Chun Wang. He's been searching for a little bit and is eventually pointed in the direction of Chun Wang who is conversing with a woman. Wang-san bows and asks how he can help. Masaru explains that he has personally asked if he could come to ask Wang-san to work with them. Masaru points out that even Shoji has advised that Wang-san can provide a unique viewpoint. Wang-san says he would be happy to be of service. He asks the ladies if there is any place they can giggle them all to for a more private conversation. They send a message to Koro that they are adjourning to a sake house.

During the course of the conversation Sanzo gets visibly more tired. Koro suggests Sanzo retire for the night. Mikio asks if he requires assistance to his quarters. Rashid says he can escort Sanzo. Koro receives a message from a servant. The message explains that Masaru and Wang-san have gone to the sake house for further conversation. Koro advises everyone of the new venue. Hoshiko asks if we can change before we join Masaru and Wang-san.

A short time later, suitably attired and armed, Koro and company arrive at the sake house. Wang-san apologizes for starting early but didn't want the sake to chill before their arrival.

Various sake house games and conversation ensue such as Go for Kimonos - Territory for Territory...

Hoshiko finds a seat against the wall and keeps watch. Shoji enjoys the show. Wang-san places another stone on the Go board. Mikio asks for mead, remembering a treat from Shem-Zhi, and receives only blinks in response. Hisa orders another bottle sake. Mikio looks at the small cup in his hand and asks for a bowl. He's given one.

Koro and Wang-san begin discussion re: the nature of their dilemma and the nature of people in general. Either we're looking for something truly evil or simply greedy. During the course of the conversation Masaru realizes that one of the ladies with them is a courtier. He asks her if she has observed anyone not putting forth any agenda. She replies that there are several people, though not groups, Scorpion, Lion, Dragon and Crane that the other courtiers haven't quite figured out what their position is. Wang-san suggests that finding a source of pillow talk would be a decent source of intelligence. The courtier points out that a Dragon would be the best to start with.

Wang-san asks Shoji who is attacking one of the five "It is being blocked by a power equal to or greater than myself." Further discussion elicts the freebie answer from Shoji that as soon as a new emeror is chosen this plot will no longer be a threat.

Masaru asks, If you are being blocked from seeing who "Who or what celestial entities are your equals?"

Shoji points out everyone not a member of Koro's group and says "Out." Everyone he points out leaves. He turns to Masaru and states that prescious few would have asked that question. Shoji says that his brothers and sisters, Bayushi Shinjo and Doji would have the capability. Mikio and Wang-san are a bit confused as Masaru and the others hit their knees. Uh, he's just named off the Kami's of the various clans. Koro asks "Why did you choose me?" Masaru says that this is no longer the age of the Kami that it is the Age of Man. Shoji says that Rokugan has moved to far away from the kami. It is why he is physically present and protecting the current and future Oracles of Water. Masaru says that if anyone could protect the Oracle of Water it would be Lord Shiba.

Shoji says that he believes that this will happen in the next 30 days in a public place in a public manner unless something changes. But he doesn't know who, why or exactly when.

4 XP for everyone.