
The Cast

Recurring players

Travel papers signed by Lion. Made his way from Bayushi Castle to Phoenix lands. Almost all Crane clan have white hair. A few lions have lions mane style hair, yellow in color.

Made it to City of Rememberance. Directions to Cherry Blossom House from gate guards. No Phoenix in heavy armor.

Met inn keeper, was offered tea. Turned over box to inn kepper in private. Took bath and cleaned up. Stayed the night with a plain rice/veggies meal. Offered services to inn keeper.

Inn keeper asked Mikio to pay a visit to a neighboring Sake house and make an example of the innkeeper there and his inn. Mikio paid the visit to the other inn and 'politely' advised the innkeeper to be more discrete as others are talking and his name has come up. The inn keeper shivered, stammered and agreed. Mikio clapped him on the shoulder and knocked him over. Mikio picked him backup. Bowed, took a step back, turned and left.

Upon return to the Cherry Blossom house Mikio found an out of the way place in the gardens and began a scrimshaw carving of a cherry tree.

Daidoji Shotaro
Sister, a courtier, is married to Isawa Hisa (Cahill's character). She has asked Shotaro to keep an eye on Isawa Hisa for her. Shotaro has snow white hair, much like amny of his clan, to honor his ancestors.

Mikio - Next day. Armor is completely cleaned, quite well done. Donned armor. Carving was not quite done. Asked for directions to the residence of Agasha Ugi. Innkeepers son served as his guide. It took a little while as the kid made a few digressions. Presented self to guards at gate. Gave kid carving of cherry tree.

Met chancellor of the estate. Mentioned that Bayushi-sama suggested I speak with him or a member of his family in re: to magic. Mikio was invited into a beutiful well kept estate. Mikio placed daisho on opposite side of obi. Waited for an hour or so and then was presented with the opportunity to meet the lord of the estate.

Agasha Ugi-sama doesn't know of any specific magic that would have caused Mikio's situation. He offers Mikio a position in his employ serving his son while they investigate odd situations that occur in the empire.

Mikio spends some time in meditation to focus and then opens his eyes to see the first flower and begin his new scrimshaw carving.

Agasha Koro
Father calls him in from the garden (which Mikio takes over unwittingly) and has a conversation with him. Agasha Ugi-sama explains that he has obtained the services of a Badger for his son's protection. Agasha Ugi-sama explains some of Mikio's situation and his interest in learning some more of magic.

Shotaro - Follows full pomp and circumstance in presenting himself to Agasha Ugi-sama and inquiring after Isawa Hisa.

Mikio - Hears the sounds of tetsubo practice and a feminine voice uttering a kiai. Mikio investigates and discovers that he would have to leave the little area he was told to stay within.

Isawa Hisa -
Is retrieved from the geisha house where he was learning the tea ceremony. Guard doesn't know why.

Agasha Ugi-sama introduces Shotaro to Hisa. Shotaro is sitting near Agasha Ugi-sama. Hisa is dismayed, internally, to find that his wife, Shotaro's sister, is still among the living. Shotaro asks after Hisa's adventures. Koro is sitting in on the interview.

Hisa briefly outlines the adventures, sanitized of the maho aspects, that he has been up to. Koro is somewhat surprised that Shotaro has been sent, a proficient swordsman, when any family member would have been capable inquiring after his health. Shotaro explains that it was the sibling bond with his sister that impelled him to go and that their older siblings were bound within duty and unavailable. Koro asks for a Kakita demonstration to which Shotaro points to the bonsai tree he brought as a gift for Asaga-sama.

Agasha Ugi-sama offers his hospitality to Shotaro. Agasha Ugi-sama explains that it would be no imposition and that as he wanders the grounds he may some interesting sights. To which Shotaro replies that is the essence of travelling. Agasha Ugi-sama explains that he must see to other duties and they are free to walk the grounds except the small garden that Koro was in and is now occupied by Mikio though that is not said. Hisa and Shotaro head off to talk.

Hisa and Shotaro end up watching a Crab (Kate's character - Toritaka Hoshiko) at tetsubo practice. Hisa introduces Hoshiko and Shotaro to each other.

Shotaro sends a servant to retrieve his belongings from the inn.

Everyone is alerted an hour before dinner so they may clean up. Everyone else is seated before Mikio is asked to enter. A rumble precedes Mikio into the dining room where is introduced as a special guest. A larger sitting area has been prepared for Mikio.

Miya Zau, in imperial colors, sits near Agasha Ugi-sama. Most people, except the two Crab and Mikio, finish eating and engage in polite conversation. Mikio keeps eating until he is pleasantly full, an hour or two later.

Koro initiates a bet with his father as to how many fish Mikio will consume. Koro's mother explains she needs to see to some details and excuses herself. Koro asks Mikio where he hails from. Mikio answers truthfully.

Hisa is a little dismayed at Mikio's story. Mikio explains to Koro that Agasha Ugi-sama has suggested that Koro may find a use for Mikio's service.

Koro offers everyone tea and/or sake after dinner. Mikio accepts sake. Shotaro accepts tea, whatever was the rave ofthe Phoenix parties at the last winter court. Hisa asks Miya Zau to recommend a tea blend.

Koro casts a stealth fire spell on his sake cup. A small flame appears over his cup. Miya Zau cautions Koro. Miya Zau takes his leave. When he does everyone else not already drinking sake switches to it. The sake is the best Mikio has ever tasted. Eventually Agasha Ugi-sama takes his leave a couple of hours after his wife. Not long after Koro takes his leave.

Shotaro is intercepted by a servant when he leaves the dining room and informed that the imperial personage wishes to see him. Shotaro is taken to the highest level of the house, past the master bed chamber. The servant knocks on a door, enters a moment later, there is a little conversation a light flames into being and Shotaro is called in.

A late night knock at Mikio's door. A geisha is at the door. Miko doesn't know it but this was arranged by Horuto (Richard) Mikio bows her in. She offers her services to him for the night. Mikio vapor locks and really has no idea what to do. She manages to keep him engaged in conversation and plays her biwa for some time. Mikio has no idea of the passage of time while she is there until he begins yawning frequently.

The next morning Mikio wakes up refreshed and a bit dazed. He doesn't remember the conversation but the music was pleasant.

Shotaro begins his katas the next morning. Hisa prays to the kami. Koro also prays to the kami. Hoshiko (Kate) is practicing katana. Mikio offers to spar with the Crab. Horuto accepts his offer.

Mikio and Horuto spar with bokken. Mikio scored a touch and Horuto returned it. Mikio uses Mountain does not Move and shrugs off the damage. Hoshiko notices the technique as coming from her school. They continue. They exchange a few more blows and then Hoshiko asks a few questions re: where he was trained. She hands him a tetsubo and points him towrds the pells. Mikio gets a great big smile on his face and has fun. They then face off in a jiujutsu contest. They both miss on their first grapples and essentially don't manage to score on each other. Mikio really enjoys himself.

In the next week:

Supplies are accumulated.
Koro is given his badge of office as a Jade Magistrate.
Koro is briefed on his responsibilities and duties. Primarily investigating magical disturbances.
Mikio's kyujutsu skills are tested. He can send an arrow downrange.
Horuto receives info on Mikio - no one's heard of him locally - & Shoruto who is reputed to have impressive dueling skills.
Koro hears the tale of the fall of the Badger clan.
Koro is allowed to have up to five yoriki (deputies).
Mikio presents Agasha Ugi-sama with the scrimshaw carving he began on his first day there. Due to all the time Mikio spent on the carving it turned out as a beautiful work of art.

Everyone gains 2 XP for the session.