
The Cast

Recurring players

During the next week - continued.

Mikio would like to get his hands on a tetsubo of his own. The best possible place to get one would be in Lion lands.

Discussion ensues on the best route to Unicorn lands. Specifically we are following up on a lead of Morihito Fuma

A Crab Bushi by the name of Toritaka Akinari came by and evaluated Toritaka Horuta (a member of the Toritaka Bushi school). He demonstrated that he has improved on the skills taught by the school. Toritaka Akinari's comment was he considered Toritaka Horuto passable, and instructed him in his next technique. (Akinari then sent a letter off to Crab lands to the Falcon's Spirit Dojo to inform them of Toritaka Horuto's advancement to Rank 2).

Koro receives paperwork officially confirming him as a Jade Magistrate. It is presented by a Jade Magistrate, Yasuki Ryozo, who delivered it to the City of Rememberance. When Koro examines the paperwork authorizing him as a Jade Magistrate he finds they have been signed by the Jade Champion himself - Kuni Daigo, a high ranking Shugenja of the Kuni School. In conversations with Yasuki Ryozo-san, Koro learns some about the Jade Magistrates, what is expected of him in his obligations and duties and what aid he can call on. In the time they are speaking Koro learns that while Yasuki Ryozo-san is a member of the Asahina Shugenja school, which is known by everyone as complete pacifists, Ryozo-san displays knowledge of many combat skills and tactics and is quite militant in thinking, not pacifistic.

Koro is a specialized magistrate dealing with magical threats, other magistrates would take precedence in mundane legal matters. If no others are available he can take over in that situation. If he is challenged he need not participate in a duel though he will be expected to defend his honor if he carries a daisho. A champion may be selected if he does not carry a daisho (both Katana & Wakizashi). He needs to be careful who he accuses even if he's right, accusing someone of a higher social rank can have dire consequences. He may have up to five yoriki (deputies), who he takes all responsibility for. Essentially, he is their daimyo. Peasants are suggested for porters, scribes, etc. Koro checks with Ugi-sama on finding a scribe. It's suggested that Shotaro be Koro's advisor in etiquette.

Shotaro chooses to rent a room in town with Miya Zao's assistance for a formal dinner in the manner in which it would be conducted at court.

Before the end of the week everyone receives and invitation to a formal dinner in town. Not long after, Hoshiko inquires after Agasha Fumiko's (Koro's mother) whereabouts. Koro summons a servant to take Hoshiko to his mother.

Koro offers Hisa a postion as one of his yoriki. Hisa decides to accept because it would please his family and dismay his wife. Koro and Hisa discuss a yoriki's duties. Koro is somewhat dubious at asking the others to take on the role of yoriki. Hisa asks for Koro's help in preparing for the formal dinner.

Hoshiko is conducted to Fumiko and finds Koro's mother weaving at a loom. Hoshiko requests assistance in finding appropriate attire for the formal dinner. Fumiko asks how long they have and finds that there is two days to prepare. She summons a servant to prepare a palanquin into the city. This at first dismays Hoshiko because - um, a Crab in a palanquin - but honestly a high born lady of Phoenix decent of her station (Glory Rank 4, Status Rank 5) would not walk around. She also cannot wear her armor or carry her tetsubo.

Horuto takes his invitation to a geisha house and asks for their assistance in preparing for the dinner. The price is 5 bu. Horuto manages to absorb a fair amount of which the geisha teaches (Toritaka Bushi - a number of free raises on Perception checks equal to your School Rank helps).. He does have some difficulty with the idea of 'no armor'. The geisha advises bathing before attending the dinner.

Fumiko takes Hoshiko around town and points out many kimono tailors. As they are conducted about Fumiko provides Horuto many pointers. Fumiko takes Hoshiko to one of the tailors she frequents and they pick out a kimono. Sadly it is not in Hoshiko's clan colors. A clan, family, or personal mon can be added to the kimono. Hoshiko asks to have the Crab mon embroidered on the breast.

Hisa goes in search of a small porcelain sake set (for a gift).

Mikio asks a servant for the directions to the geisha that visited him. Another servant comes up and offers his assistance. Mikio nods. The servant advises Mikio remove his armor. Though Mikio doesn't like this he agrees when he finds out he can keep his swords. The man helps him remove his armor. The servant identifies himself as a man of Miya Zao when Mikio asks. Mikio is taken to a kimono maker. They have to custom make a kimono in his size. They provide him a well made kimono in the colors of yellow with gold trim. Later, Mikio is taken to a sword polisher. The servant shows the personal chop of Miya Zao, though Mikio doesn't know this, and the sword polisher becomes very respectful and no price is discussed. Mikio needs to leave his daisho with the sword polisher for several hours. Later, they stop at an inn for an impromptu lunch.

Hoshkio's day is full - her brain gets filled very quickly and HURTS. She ends up with hair and nail decorations. She is frequently corrected by Fumiko and soon her knuckles are as sore as her head. (Fumiko is quick with using what ever is at hand to quickly reprimand and teach courtly ways).

That night most of the party are exhausted from the day's preparations. Shotaro is not seen most of the day aside of the mornings weapon practice.

The next morning Fumiko stops Hoshiko from morning weapons practice. Fumiko sends Hoshiko off with a servant to get her hair done.

Koro approaches Hoshiko while she is getting her makeup and hair done. The servant provides an over-kimono to Hoshiko and bows themself out. Koro offers Hoshiko the position as one of his yoriki. Hoshiko states that she must ask the head of her house. Discussion ensues concerning the duties of a yoriki. Hoshiko sends a note to Ugi-sama requesting a message be sent to her daimyo asking if she may be released from her service there to enter service as Koro's yoriki. Ugi-sama returns a note explaining that he had already taken the liberty of sending such a message when they accepted the challenge to go up to Road's End Village asking her Daimyo for a Instructor should she have gained enough experience out in the world to advance in her school studies and per mission if she accepted the position as Jade Magistrate or a Yoriki, to be released into his service or that of the newly appointed Jade Magistrate, which would most likely be his son, Agasha Koro. He has included her daimyo's return message. Essentially, permission is granted if that is what she wanted to do. If she does not accept she is to immediately pack up and return to the wall.

Koro asks Hoshiko for her assistance in determining whether Horuto would make a good yoriki. Koro is concerned that Horuto enjoys combat a little too much. Hoshiko states that she cannot vouch for Horuto as she knows him only about as well as Horuto. Hoshiko officially accepts Koro's offer as his yoriki and offers him the letter from her daimyo and the one from Ugi-sama for his records.

Koro approaches Horuto about entering his service as his yoriki but 'quite frankly you may be more trouble than your worth.' Horuto replies that if Koro doesn't trust him than Koro doesn't need him. Koro ask Horuto if it is possible for Horotu to restrain himself. Horuto replies that he will not promise to go against his nature but he will endeavor to make an effort. Horuto - 'I will fall on my sword before I will bring dishonor to my house.' Koro offers the position of yoriki. Horuto asks that when Koro feels he can trust Horuto to ask again.

Next day comes and goes and the time for the dinner arrives...

A banquet hall has been reserved that is sectioned off from the rest of the building. Servants receive and escort us in. Flower arrangements... the place is immaculate it looks as if someone has spent a great deal of time on this. It could be a picture of winter court.

Shotaru is there decked out in all his finery. The Kakita blade is on the opposite side as it should be. Shotaro guides each person to their place at the table. Miya Zao sits at the head of the table. Koro is off to the right of the head of table. Hisa is to the left of the head of the table. Mikio sits next to Hisa and across the table from him, next to Koro, is Hoshiko. Next to Hoshiko is Horuto. Across from Horuto is Shotaro. Next to Horuto sits his geisha escort. At the other end of the table sits Ugi-sama and his wife Fumiko to his right.

Tea is already put out by the servants who are dressed in Miya Zao's colors. After a round of tea the host, Miya Zau, makes his appearance.

A discussion ensues between the Fumiko, Ugi, the geisha and Shotaro concerning everyones' place in the Celestial Hierarchy. (Basics of Courtier - Rank 1). Shotaro made sure to make eye contact with everyone during the course of the discussion.

After that food begins to be served in respectable quantities. Shotaro arranges his food very carefully. Shotaro asks how everyone's week has been. Mikio ponders the question. Hisa answers, "Productive." Koro, "Enlightening." Shotaro asks Mikio how his week has been and Mikio answers, "Hopeful." Further, Shotaro asks after Mikio's scrimshaw.

Mikio answers truthfully that it is a joy to be able to see an object of beauty and to recreate it's essence. (Most of the players saw how Daidoji Shotaro arranged the food on his plate. Isawa Hisa - who has the Courtier skill, picked this up the best, although Horuto is focused and between queues from the geisha and his own keen eyes gets all but the finest of points. Hoshiko has some troubles but is not a complete mess, the same goes for Koro, but he has had his family dealings to fall back on.) Conversation flows from person to person, conducted by the masterful touch of Shotaro.

Koro asks Shotaro to guide him in the matters of law. Shotaro states he will do his best to tutor Koro before Koro departs. Koro offers Shotaro a position in his service. Shotaro states that only his lord, with a glance at Miya, can approve Shotaro's entry into Koro's service. (The Miya does not respond to this.)

More conversation ebbs and flows. We learn the geiaha's name is Miko. Shotaro notes a change in the 'air' as he glances at the Toritaka's and Mikio. Shotaro compliments Mikio on the polish on his blade. Horuto states that it is the wise warrior who keeps his weapons in good repair as they may one day save his life. Mikio replies that it is good for ones soul to be clean.

Dinner and conversation continue...

Part of the conversation covers the duties of Koro as a Jade Magistrate and the duties of the people who serve him. As dinner winds down, Isawa Hisa presents a small gift to Miya Zao. He does not do the standard refusal 3 times, and does not open it there, but thanks him graciously. (Being a higher rank and station he can bypass the 3 refusal custom).

In Shotaro's mind the dinner went well.

*NOTE: Everyone gains a full glory rank because of what they did in the previous adventure (enough insight to gain a rank) plus an additional .3 glory for exposing maho (and preserving Phoenix secrets). Koro gains an additional glory rank for achieving the position of Jade Magistrate.

Shotaro pulls Isawa Hisa to one side for a private conversation.

At the next mornings practice Shotaro brings out his no-dachi and offers it to Mikio to practice with. In Mikio's hands the no-dachi looks like a katana in someone else's hands.

Shotaro begins teaching Hisa the basics of kenjutsu. Hisa is learning this in order to use the flame katana spell effectively. He demonstrates the spell. Hoshiko turns to watch. (Water Shugenja casting Katana of Fire tends to get your attention).

Meanwhile, Mikio works through the same exercises with Shotaro's no-dachi. Hoshiko offers Mikio the tetsubo she was practicing with. Mikio happily accepts and tries to return the no-dachi to Shotaro. Shotaro places the saya on the no-dachi and asks Mikio to bear it in the execution of his new duties. Mikio explains that he has never carried such a fine blade. Shotaro counters that the blade has never been held by hands as strong. Mikio gratefully accepts. He then turns and places the no-dachi in the weapons rack and picks up the tetsubo. Mikio begins gleefully beating the pells with the tetsubo.

Hoshiko finds a yari in the weapons supplies and offers it to Mikio. Mikio holds it a little, turns it over a few times, then hands it back. (He does not understand how to use the weapon).

Koro requests a meeting with Miya Zau. A short time later, Miya Zao grants the interview. Koro asks if the Miya has considered Koro's offer to have Shotaro enter Koro's service as a yoriki. Miya points out that there are strategic advantages to not having Shotaro as a yoriki. Miya whispers to the scribe who clears the room. Miya makes some direct statements about his perception of Koro's future. There will be times in which hard decisions will need to be made. Shotaro may act as Koro's conscience. Miya states that as long as Shotaro is with Koro that Koro has Miya's full support. Miya makes a request, his family have been heralds and historians to Rokugan. There are certain things the Empire needs never to know. Truthfully, Miya hopes that Koro never encounters such threats. The request: as you are able to, in your various reports, please make a copy of your report, as clearly as you are allowed and making no infringement on your honor, to include in the Miya archives. Koro agrees. Miya hopes to continue the association of his family and Koro's into the next generations.

Later that afternoon, Shotaro takes his other bonsai out into the open to study and begin to find inspiration for it's form.

Hoshiko requests an audience with Fumiko. She asks Fumiko's maid to recommend a shop to purchase a fan. She is directed to a merchant. She finds a fan with the Agasha family mon. Hoshiko presents the fan to Fumiko.

Before we leave the city Shotaro will patron the geisha, Miko, that Horuto hired to tutor him.

Mikio spends the afternoon walking about the city looking contests of strength, wrestling what have you. Unfortunately he found none.

Sometime that week Koro sits down with Mikio and he explains what has been going on and how Mikio might fit in. Not a full disclosure but the broadstrokes of what he and his group do to protect the Empire. As Koro finds out more of Mikio's capabilities he will tailor Mikio's duties accordingly. Koro suggests Mikio look into sumai at winter court. Koro explains that they will be journeying to Unicorn lands to investigate the hint of corruption. Mikio explains that he wishes to feel of use. Koro tells him that they will find his purpose in time.

Koro interviews a few peasant scribes, examines their calligraphy and look into their references, those that have them.

Koro had requested some information. A scroll comes to him via a servant referencing the only know information on Morihito Fume. Shinjo Morihito managed to take over a section of Phoenix lands and hold them (in the year 1131) for many years on the Dragon/Phoenix border (Map of Rokugan, A27).

The Elemental Masters were dealing with other matters at the time, and only villages nearby, there was no ranking member of the Phoenix Clan who could see if they could end the occupation by a peaceful means. The closet ranking person was an Asako Henshen (Rank 3) named Asako Jonhi. There were higher ranking Henshen at the Monstary but they were beyond the ability of even the Elemental Masters to order around (Rank 5 Asako Henshen - and Monks as a whole are not within same part of the Celestial Order). Jonhi's group arrives and tries for several weeks to negotiate. Shinjo Morihito sends out one of his young (Rank 1) courtiers to meet with the Phoenix monks. This courtier was identified later as Morhito Fume. Records indicate he has attended the Ide Emissary Courtier school. The monks were unsuccessful in negotiating a return of their lands. Morhito claimed that if he was able to take and hold the lands he should be their master. The current Emperor (in that year of 1145) Tutori I, decided to reward the ambition and claims of Morhito (since he had held those lands for 14 years) and made him the founder of a new minor clan (the Ox Clan) with Morihito as their family name. As a gesture of friendship, Morihito offers the Phoenix clan several expensive Gaijin artifacts, which the Elemental Masters accept. Asako Jonhi returns to his monastery, but is not pleased by his failure and he outcome of the Ox situation.

Shotaro receives his yearly stipend from Miya a little early.


Everyone gains 3 XP for the session. This can be used to purchase Rank 1 Etiquette, if the player so chooses, due to the effort that everyone put into the formal dinner Daidoji Shotaro created.

GM Tasks:

Here are the Tasks I need to do, are there any others you can think of?
  1. Daidoji Shotaro - (request by Rob - Private)
  2. Daidoji Shotaro - determine beginning Patronage amount for the Geisha (Miko)
    Found a reference in the Emerald Empire sourcebook, pg130 to the 6pt. Advantage - Patron of the Arts. While it is specific to artisans, and mentions a 5 Koku initial investment, it is not exactly what you are looking for. I will determine something based on that advantage, unless I find a better reference.

  3. Isawa Hisa (Mike) - Enemy (Crane)
    Need to work on this in the next 2 weeks, will use conspiracy theories as voiced by Rob for my plot … I mean ideas.

  4. Investigate - Dueling (with special weapons - specifically Kaiu Blade)
    Problems with this -- or just my faulty memory.
    Task Complete
    I did search though the Sacred Weapon advantage (L5R 3E Rev), the dueling rules in L5R 3E Rev, the dueling rules in Art of the Duel, the Crab section of Art of the Duel, and the listing for the Tournament of the Emerald Champion (the Crab Contestant has a Kaiu Blade listed in his advantages), and did not see a problem. I also searched on the L5R Message Boards.

    by Ikoma SenahBirdR on Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:27 am
    The Kaiu Blade, Kakita Blade, Akodo Blade and Shosuro Blade are all katanas, the Twin Sister Blades are a katana and wakizashi. Katana are the standard weapon for iaijutsu duels. Facing someone in such a duel doesn't inherently earn one more honor. It may represent an honor gain if facing a clearly superior foe in defense of your clan, which a sacred blade may be part of the indication this is a superior foe. Utaku Saddle Cutters are no-dachi and would be very out of place, more often seen in a regular kenjutsu duel. Inquisitor's Strike is a wakizashi and would be worn during an iaijutsu duel. Storm Kama are of course kama and the chances of having an iaijutsu duel that allowed kama is quite... unlikely. Not impossible but has not happened yet that I know of. Would probably earn a bad reputation. The Mantis have Whilrwind Duels for using kama in matters of honor instead.

    by Doji Tsukaede on Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:55 pm
    Official L5R RPG Rules Deputy
    There is no inherent honor or glory loss for using a superior weapon in a duel.

    by Yoritomo Sanjuro on Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:00 pm
    On the other hand it would make sense that if a person defeated a wielder of such a famed blade in an honorable duel, that should be worth some extra glory.

  5. Jade Champion - Kuni Daigo (Kuni Shugenja - Rank 5)
    Task Complete -- info sent to Lauren and Valen (for his notes)

  6. Stipends
    a) Agasho Koro - Jade Magistrate and 5 yoriki
    b) Daidoji Shotaro - from Miya Zao

  7. Reason for Daidoji Shotaro to be traveling with/near Agasha Koro.
    (I will take any suggestions you have).

  8. Look up player advantages & disadvantages and begin to start working them into the various game sessions.