IRL: 3-13-04 Game time: March 2064 Jim tells stories in cliff notes. Sandy tells the directors cut of Apocolypse Now. **Webpage was shown w/ pic of Sly Fox(y)_Lady... The next morning: Grendle left the Koala and went outside. Outside he sees a large hat w/ fishnetted knees and high heels under the brim. Grendle thumps the hat a couple of times. We find that Sly Fox(y)_Lady is not wearing anything other than the fishnets, high heels and the hat. Grendle manages to obtain a pair of shorts for Sly Fox(y)_Lady from Sissy. Grendle and Sissy take 2 bikes back to the plane... Sly Fox(y)_Lady rides w/ Sissy Grendle rides on his own. Grendle feels an object land on his back w/ 4 feet and claws. Tucker looks around for something to smuggle into Tasmania. She comes across a couple of locals that she'd been directed to They don't speak Tucker very well Tucker: "MC, shake him until he speaks English." MC: "Ok" The conversation doesn't proceed to well. The surrounding crowd is taking bets. Grendle, Sissy, and Sly Fox(y)_Lady ride up on their bikes Conversation ensues as to who "belongs" to who Slidelock strongly suggested to Sly Fox(y)_Lady she get in the back of the truck She doesn't get in fast enough and is knocked out by Vidar Two locals try to drag her off and Slidelock steps in the way. A brief altercation takes place and the 2 locals agree to give Slidelock back his "joey" Slidelock takes Sly Fox(y)_Lady by the back of the shirt which rips as he tried to drag her off. Vidar grabs Sly Fox(y)_Lady and puts her in a chair dressed with shirt/pants/sunglasses along the lines of A Weekend at Bernies Sly Fox(y)_Lady comes to and morphs to female Grendle has been gathering details on a tiger tattoo and finds that it's the symbol of the biotech division that Omar King runs. Turns out that Tasmania is full of herds of Paranormal creatures. Conversation ensues as to hiring a guide: Sissy Kiki. Sissy Kiki is a DreamWalker - an Australian Mage. Grendle and Sissy commence negotiations... Sissy agrees to 21K Y Slidelock asks Sissy if he can trust her. She responds that she walks the dreamtime and asks if Slidelock can. He responds no, but he knows those who walk a similar path. He decides to trust her and gives her a 5K Y down payment. Sissy and Tucker have a conversation on what can be bought and sold on Tasmania. Mainly to local pirate groups. We'll need a boat to get from Sydney to Tasmania. Trip will be about 1.5 days Grendle finds he has a marsupial pouch at his waistline MC has a severe aversion to the water and keeps insisting on a plane to get him to Tasmania. We found a 60 foot power launch to get us there. While MC is starting to go nuts Vadar hands him an oil can shaped container which MC then drinks from. MC falls over unconscious. Tucker proceeds to check out the ship. Full tank of gas, 2 hard points w/ Med. Machine Guns. Manual harpoon gun in the back VCR Rigged. Vidar tucks MC into a troll sized bed/cabin. Vidar also cleans up MC's cat and tucks him in next to MC. We get underway and it's been dark all day. Slidelock was rendered unconscious by an unknown mechanism. Time period is about 12 to 1 am. MC has become awake. Tucker gets a sudden ping on the sonar and the boat gets hard rocked to port. Everyone goes flying. Slidelock gets wakened up. Little Sister, Sly Fox(y)_Lady, and Slidelock get bounced out of their bunks and off the ceiling. Sly Fox(y)_Lady is on the floor naked... the rest is up to your imagination... Grendle and Vidar get knocked across the upper deck and grab the railing off the side of the ship. 2 Megalodons are in the water Initiative. Tucker fires the port med. Mach Gun. MC grabs life vest and runs up top. MC also makes sure the cat has a lifejacket of it's own and has beeen tucked into MC's armor Slidelock slaps on a stim patch and heads up top calling to Tucker to find out what they hit. Grendle pulls himself up over the rail to the deck and heads towards the port gun Tucker lets off another round from the port gun Grendle dodges the Megalodon near the port Mach Gun. Vidar gets a chunk torn out of his leg as a Meg leaps the ship from port to starboard. Tucker fires off the starboard gun and takes a large chunk out of the Meg as it passes over... MC heads to the stern and fires up his ultrasound sight on his Ares Alpha Tucker responds to Slidelock w/ "Megalodon!" Slidelock runs back to his cabin for several grenades and runs up top. Tucker fires off another round on port. Grendle goes full auto on one to port Sly Fox(y)_Lady heads top side/port after checking w/ Tucker for location of the Meg. Vidar casts StormStrike... Meg lept over ship from Starboard to port New Initiative Tucker keeps an eye out Slidelock hunkers down and keeps an out Grendle pulls his Kris knife and keeps an eye out. Tucker holds action and begins system check. Ships structural integrity is good. Megalodon comes up on port. Tucker lets loose w/ port side gun Grendle guts the Meg w/ a Kris Slidelock pitches a grenade into it's mouth which falls out the hole on the other side. The megalodon lands dead, cross-beam, near the stern and slides off the starboard side. Slidelock gets smashed by the Megalodon and is pitched to the starboard side and is hanging off the railing. Moderate Physical wound. Little Sister and Vidar are in the water off the port side. Vidar's StormStrike takes care of the other Megalodon Tucker leaves the cabin and pulls Sissy up onto the deck Tucker manages to locate 4 Megalodon teeth and takes samples of blood and skin. Slidelock locates 5 teeth, two in his leg, and some blood and skin Vidar pulls a tooth out of his leg and tosses it to Tucker then heals himself.