IRL: 4-10-04 Game time: March 2064 Sly Fox(y)_Lady is at the stern near the spear gun Grendle feels a movement around his waistband and pulls his pants out to look down.. Little Sister walks around the corner and stops stunned as she sees Grendle talking to the inside of his pants.... A furry paw reaches up and hands him a eucalyptus leaf "Eat the leaf" sounds in his head.. He asks why and is told "It'll make you feel better" "I'm fine except for a slightly heavy feeling in the front" "It'll make you feel better" Thought occurs that nipples are located in a marsupials pouch "Hey do I still have nipples?" As he starts to feel aound in the pouch the koala says a "Little to the left" Socrates wakes up and looks out the porthole sees this conversation going on and goes back to sleep blissfully choosing ignorance Sissy walks around the corner at the point Grendle asks Sissy if he has nipples in his pouch "What did you pick?" "Did you ask for male or female?" "Female" "Well if she chooses to snuggle you might grow a nipple later" "What?!" "Just pulling your leg, mate." Socrates comes out and hands Grendle a beer. "Here drink this" ::to his pouch:: "your not going to make any more physical changes to me are you?" a chuckle issues from his pouch "And while we're on the subject, what are you using these leaves for anyway? Making more changes to me?" "You have the protection of the spirit. You can enter the Dreaming." "How do you enter the dreaming." "Follow the songlines." Grendle astrally perceives the leaf and finds it's a bright green leaf. Grendle eats the leaf and chases it w/ the Fosters... Grendle offers the last of the Fosters to the koala The koala drinks it. We notice that at this point the sun has come out. Grendle notices that MC is stripping Meg flesh and feeding it to the stuffed cat. Astrally the cat is eating it. Grendle notices that there are about 20 koalas watching him from an astral forrest. Sly Fox(y)_Lady has made little bunnies out of the C4... Slidelock takes away all the explosives from Sly Fox(y)_Lady and stows it all away with his gear MC tries to give the rope from the harpoon gun to Sly Fox(y)_Lady Slidelock advises MC that he really doesn't want to do this. MC asserts that he does want to. The cat looks up to MC and says he really doesn't want to do this... MC agrees with the cat... Little sister States that she has a bad feeling Socrates is getting an "itchy" feeling... New Orleans type itchy... Sissy asks after Vidar... "Where is he? Did he go walkabout?" Converation ensues at to where Vidar could be... Last thing seen of Vidar was he was seen laying down on deck after the battle he stands up as he appears to listen to the wind Tuckers scrubs the video and finds that he says something about the rainbow serpent...Vidar then stepped off the side of the boat and vanished According to Socrates book of Nautical Terms for Dummies one should shout "Land Go" when land is sighted. So he does. Tucker slows down to avoid the reefs... Grendle goes back to looking astrally at the forrest and speking with his pouches occupant. Socrates notices the magic in the area feels more 'primitive' Sly Fox(y)_Lady comes out in gucci-flage, camoflage patterned tube top and hot pants, stealth fishnets with high heels. Sissy is doing her best to not hear this conversation... Grendle runs back to his cabin and pulls the dbl sided tape from his makeup kit and hands it to Sly Fox(y)_Lady advising s/he to tape things up out of the way to avoid unfortunate accidents in the field.... We have a hovercraft for a landing craft which holds an ATV for land use. Grendle is told to beware of storm wraiths by his pouches occupant. We got to shore and Tucker pulls the Bison out of the hovercraft Coversation ensues on where to stash the hovercraft. Since the hovercraft has a flux capacitor on it he can redock it on the ship. Tucker asks MC to bury the suitcase with the inflatable raft in it and to remember the spot. Mc puts the stuffed cat on the spot to remeber where it is Conversation ensues as to what to do with the ship. Sissy suggests to use the cammoflage. Tucker gets a little _put out_ w/ Sissy's slang and almost introduces Sissy to her cricket bat. Tucker cammoflage's the ship. Tucker runs thru the commands list for the Bison Basic jungle survival gear in the Bison Sissy warns us not to anger the spirits of the area by cutting things down. Sissy also points us in the direction of the nearest road. Discussion ensues on which route to take based on map from Bison Perception check... MC is talking to the stuffed cat... We drive through what appears to be an abandoned town overgrown by the forest with trees growing throw bldgs that can't be more than 20 yrs old. Grendle speaks to Sissy about following the song and the dreaming... Grendle unzips his cammo suit and pulls open his pouch to ask the koala what the song of the koala sounds like. MC decides "Hey! a place to put my cat!" As MC reaches to put the cat in Grendles pouch it becomes, to his perception, Vorpal Kitty to everyone else he seems to attack his face w/ the stuffed cat. Tucker "jumped into the drone" in order to ignore the background chatter of those in the back of the Bison. Sissy lights up some incense for a ritual. Lays a large polished fire opal in front of her, pricks her finger with a knife and drips blood on the opal, swirls the blood around on the opal. "Do you see the spirits?" Grendle looks out and sees all the koalas looking up. He sees the storm wraiths flying above and getting closer. They look like a large black storm Grendle tells Tucker to "Drive Faster!" Tucker obliges Grendle and asks what the problem is. Everyone seatbelted themselves in. Slidleock had to pull Sly Fox(y)_Lady off him and physically restrain her into a 4 point harness... We find out that these are storm wraiths and they will be manifesting physically soon. Tucker cannot outrun them. Grendle finds out from the koala spirit that there are caves about 1/2 mile away that will be able to shelter us. It gets really dark, rain begins to fall and lightning begins to strike everywhere. Two dark things manifest in the vehicle. They're storm wraiths. Dark manifestations of manna storms. They look like dark clouds with small lightning bolts all around them. MC's cat digs it claws into his chest. Grendles koala pulls the top of the pouch in after it and hides. MC attacks them w/ his axe - to no effect. Socrates attacks w/ his staff. Grendle reachs into the cloud and uses Killing Hands Sissy engaged the wraith in a banishing contest and it got smaller... Sly Fox(y)_Lady is looking out the window and screaming.... Slidelock stabs one of the wraiths and ends up taking a medium wound of electrical elemental damage... Tucker powerslides up to the cave entrance and pops the rear door open... "getthefuckout!" Mc hits the release on his seatbelt and dives thru the spirits and out the back. He is immediately soaked to the bone by the tropical storm outside. Socrates attacks again with his staff and does some damage Grendle attacks the spirit Sissy is locked in a banishing contest with and does some damage The spirit Grendle attacks explodes in a shower of mini lightening strikes Mc dodges thru the foliage covering the cave entrance Little Sister jumps out the back of the truck and follows MC Slidelock unbuckled, grabbed his pack and just before leaping out the back popped open Sly Fox(y)_Lady's seatbelt. Slidelock takes another medium wound for a total of a serious wound. Sissy and Grendle exit the vehicle Grendle counter-attacks the wraith outside and does some damage. Socrates runs out of the truck and tackles Slidelock into the cave. New Initiative. Wraith attacks Grendle outside of cave. Grendle counter-attacks the wraith outside the cave and it explodes in a shower of lightning Tucker is attacked by the Wraith and manages to avoid damage by dodging the spirit and is pulled into the cave by Sissy At this point everyone is in the cave. We are now in a dark earth smelling and a bit damp cave. Tucker looks out and sees many spirits around truck. Tucker locks up truck remotely. Socrates heals Slidelock. Grendle goes stealthily looking around Socrates looks astrally around. MC places himself between the entrance and Tucker. Slidelock loans his Benelli M1 shotgun to Tucker Socrates suddenly calls out "Beware of spiders!" Grendle comes back with two devil rat heads and drops them. He then explains that we have a couple of bunk mates in the form of spirits and we shouldn't go past the boundary or our bodies are forfeit Mc stands watch and the rest of us get some sleep. Around the edges of the cave following the boundary of the devilrats heads Slidelock is able to see webbing. Slidelock is rather edgy considering his background w/ Insect Spirits It storms and rains for the next 5 hours. The floor of that cave runs wet with 2" of water. Tucker wakes up to a howling out in the jungle. Grendle is woken up from a couple of pokes from his pouch companion... Turns out Socrates is able to ID the howl as a Tazmanian Devil. Sissy stated that it was time to leave. We head to the van and find that it looks like a whirlwind hit the inside. Everything is trashed and thrown all over... We head out and get on the road We're headed from Weymouth to an abandoned airport in Launceston. Tucker finds an old hanger and parks inside. Grendle and Slidelock head out scouting in opposite directions. Little Sister projects astrally and follows Grendle. Slidelock sees the odd snake or rat... Every so often he hears the odd bark singly and in multiples. An old male aborigine appears in front of Grendle. He's wearing a loincloth mult. fetishes, holding a spear, hairs rather kinky. Grendle astrally perceives him and sees no difference in his appearance. He feels something behind him and sees Little Sister. Grendle then notices that his surroundings are now a forrest and there's another little girl behind Little Sister. Slidelock narrowly avoids stepping on a colorful snake, looks up and notices a rather large kangaroo in his path. He steps to the side to walk around and the 'roo hops over in his path again. AS impossible as this all is he decides to put away his pistol and notices it's now a boomerang and he's wearing a loincloth. He decides to ask the 'roo what he's doing here. Grendle and Little sister find they are also in loincloths. The little girl comes up to Little Sister and takes her hand. The old man and the little girl lead Grendle and Little Sister to a village. Slidelock is led off by the 'roo to a young aborignial woman in a loin cloth who leads him off in the direction of the fire he sees. in the distance. All pervasive is a sound of didgeridoos. Grendle and Little Sister see Slidelock led into the village by the young girl. Grendle now has no pouch and the koala sits on his shoulder. We are offered a large leg of cooked lizard. Little Sister takes a large toke off a pipe, as do Grendle and Slidelock At some point we realize that Sissy is part of the tribe. Slidelock starts tripping from the pipe. Grendle and Little Sister watch. Back at the Bison Tucker realizes Grendle and Slidelock have been incommunicado for over an hour and Little Sister has not come back to her body yet. MC tries to get Little Sister to tell Grendle Slidelock is missing. Socrates is apparently projecting since hs is non-responsive. MC asks his cat where everyone is. The cat responds that everyone is sleeping. Tucker points out that 3/4ths the group is sleeping and they don't know where. MC says kitty says they're in the village. Tucker wonders where Sissy put her bat. MC says kitty say we have to go to sleep to find the village. Tucker feels like MC just ain't speaking Tucker-ese. MC points out that Tucker can't drive to the village if she's asleep. Cat says that you go to sleep and go to the village. This makes no sense to MC. Tucker notices Little Sisters body rollover and reach out to nothing. Tucker points out that mages don't do that and MC responds that he's still trying to figure out how to get to the village if they're asleep. Mc explains that they're kind of on walkabout. This makes a little bit of sense to Tucker whos suggests that MC go find everyone. Tucker will be staying behind w/ stim patches. Mc says she has to stay with Tucker so they can get home in the ship. Well Tucker tells Mc that their fate is completely up to Sly Fox(y)_Lady. MC isn't to thrilled about that. Tucker explains the difference 'tween magical and technological worlds. MC decides to stay with Tucker at this point. Tucker notices that Little Sister is in a rather _contorted_ position. Socrates enters the Dreaming. A Kangaroo appears to Socrates. Socrates waves to the 'roo and says "pub?" The 'roo leads Socrates off into the forrest.. Socrates sees Little Sister, Grendle, and Slidelock in the village. Socrates accepts the lizard drumstick, and the pipe. Socrates calls his earth elemental Grignack to protect him. Tucker and MC are puished out of the van as a 15 meter tall rock appears in the van. Tucker tells Grignack to get out of the van or he'll move the van. Grignack gets out. Mc wants to send Sly Fox(y)_Lady out to kep Grignack company. The cat talks him out of it. Grendle wakes up in a puppy pile w/ Little Sister and Sissy. He looks around and finds Slidelock behind him. Little Sister wakes up w/ someones hand in a rather _compromising_ position and another arm from someone else across her middle... They begin extricating themselves from the puppy pile.. Tucker has been awake _all night_ on stim-patches Little Sister is questioning how Grendle, who can only astrally percieve, was able to astrally project... Little Sister notices Slidelock with a 'roo tail wrapped around him. Turns out that the woman he took the hand of was the 'roo he 1st met in the Dreaming. Well, she may be able to shape change but at least she's female either way... Slidelock gets up and looks down. the 'roo gets up as well. Slidelock asks the 'roo which is her natural form. She switched to her human form. Slidelock asks if there is a way to take care of the scratches on his back. She heals them. She offers Slidelock her hand. Slidelock asks to be taken back to his friends. Tucker, who has had 6 stim patches to stay awake all night, sees Grendle walk out of the trees holding hands w/ Sissy and Little Sister. As the emerege into the clearing Little Sister and Socrates disappear. Slidelocks and Grendles clothes reappear on them. Little Sister and Socrates wake up back on their bodies. Slidelock stops and walks back to the edge of the fclearing and looks back. He sees the village and the denizens. The 'roo is near the edge of the clearing as well. Slidelock asks if there is a token he can take away as a remeberance of the experiance. He then notices a rock in his pocket that, when examined, appears very old and has a carving of a kangaroo on it. He thanks the 'roo, unravels one of the braids in his beard, snips off a lock and hands it to the 'roo with a 'thank you'. She takes it and put's it in her pouch. Little Sister wakes up stiff and sore Socrates finds he's zip-tied and requests Grignack to undo him. Tucker says "I trusted you." to Socrates and turns around and heads back to the van, takes a couple of tranq patches and sleeps. MC mentions to Little Sister the video he took of her kama-sutra dreams...