April 2, 2005 @ 2100 hrs Felix and Cyano return from their shopping trip to the warehouse and hear marching feet, church bells, trumpets. Johann suggests that we gather the horses and gear and leave forthwith. The populous seems rather agitated. The people are headed into the city across the causeway with the look of frightened refugees. Johann asks Geoffrey to find out from someone what's going on. Geoffrey stops someone and we find out that the forces of Freiberg are marching on the city. It takes us about an hour to make our way to the causeway against the stream of refugees. Johanns map indicates that we need to head east. Incidently, the Posen army is headed south to oppose the incoming Freiberg army. Not only are the people fleeing from the direction were heading in but there are birds and animals and other creatures following the people. On the road we pass a sign , written in Eisen, which says Nestlenhorn which Geoffrey translates as the name of a town. Johann states that this is where we are going to. Eleanor asks why the animals and people are fleeing now. Johann says he doesn't know but that the map was given to him a couple of days ago by a couple of Fate Witches and the map could have been drawn at any time in the last couple of months. Geoffrey spots some headless bodies walking around in the fog and points this out to Johann. There are no creature sounds at all. The forest is completely silent. Johann quietly hands a folded parchment to Nikolo addressed to Monique and sealed with his family crest. Johann tells Nikolo that he will know the time to give this to her. Cyrano manages to locate a foot print on the trail. This footprint is as wide as three clydesdale draft horses. We continue down the trail and come across a clearing that doesn't appear to be natural as can be determined by the burnt edges. Felix sneaks around the edge of the clearing looking for anything else out of the ordinary. Cyrano crosses the clearing looking for the continuation of the trail. Felix notices a pair of glowing eyes looking at him. Soon followed by a rustling sound and the appearance of a short hairy purple-muzzled red-assed character with a staff. The baboon turns and walks up the trial. Cyrano and Felix turn to follow the baboon. A short distance up the trail the baboon stops, drops its staff, turns and bolts back down the trail past Cyrano and Felix. Cyrano shutters the lantern and steps into the shelter of the trees. Johann asks Gunthar to translate the runes on the side of the ungent. It reads "Apply to shot and blades" The ungent is passed along the line with the instructions. A black robed, disheveled man steps out of the woods in front of the Cyrano and says, "don't be alarmed." Cyrano asks, "why should I not be alarmed?" The man replies, "I don't know." The man begins swearing in Ussaran. Cyrano hands the man the baboons staff that was laying on the ground stating it might be useful. The rest of the conversation is drowned out by the sounds of snapping trees and underbrush. Johann readies his weapons and proceeds to explain to Monique to get out of sight and finds Monique already out of sight. Nikolo creeps out of sight. Initiative A tree is thrown at Felix who manages to dodge out of the way. Two more trees follow the first, one thrown at Nikolo and the other at Gunthar. Nikolo manages to slip out of the way. Gunthar isn't so lucky and becomes intimatly familiar with bark-burn. Eleanor manages to dodge out of the way of another tree. Johann gets smacked hard by yet another airborne chunk of lumber. Nikolo attempts to duck yet another flying tree and fails. A large house w/ glowing eyes and pointy bits sticking out is 25 yds away from us and moving closer. Johann takes aim and fires his rifle at the creature. Cyrano asks the baboon if he can fight at all and receives the answer "Maybe." Cyrano skewers the dragon with his rapier alerting said beast to his presence. A loud whistling pierces the air as the dragon stomps Cyrano who dodges under the dragon and rolls out the other side. Cyrano taunts the dragon "Come on, you oversized iguana!" Geoffrey attacks with his claymore and points himself out to the dragon then retreats out of range. Johann feels the sense of approaching doom. The stench of sulphur and methane permeates the air. As the dragon looses a stream of fire Johann dives out of the way leaving several rifles behind. Johann manages to get out of the way slightly warmed by the experience. Sharp cracks sound off behind him as rounds cook off in the now warped rifles. Don Alejandro manages to put a musket ball into the dragon. Eleanor seems to be inventing new and physiologically impossible phrases in Montainge as her musket ball flies wide of the mark. Cyrano reminds the dragon that he's still present with a piercing thrust to the hindquarters. The dragon allows as to how he hasn't forgotten about Cyrano as it mule kicks the Montaigne. Cyrano has been suitably impressed upon. Felix sharpens both blades upon the foot of the dragon attempting to nail it's foot to the deck. Don Alejandro safeguards the dragons well being by sending his next shot wide. Don Alejandro, unsatisfied by his last shot, repeats the attempt with his pistol and is much more successful. Eleanor manages to introduce the dragon to yet another musket ball. Nikolo manages to stab the dragon with one of his knives. Cyrano manages to make his way back to the melee and pokes the dragon a couple more times. Geoffrey obtains the dragons undivided attention by the judicious application of his claymore. Initiative The dragon smacks the hell out of Geoffrey who stands his ground and taunts the beast, "Is that all you've got? I've been hit harder by old ladies. And they smelt a bit like you too!" Johann fires another shot at the dragons eye and strikes it solidly. Cyrano stabs the dragon again. Geoffery leaps over the dragons paw as it takes a swipe at him. Felix stumbles as he attempts to dodge and fails to get comletely out of the way. Cyrano continues to poke the dragon in the hindquarters. Nikolo stabs the dragon with yet another knife. The black robed Ussaran has a hold of Cyrano's musket by the barrel and is wielding it like a club. Nikolo stabs the dragon again. Felix ToeKiller manages to trim the dragons toe nails. Don Alejandro lunges forward with his rapier demonstrating excellent form as the dragon becomes one with the pin cushions. Felix continues his pedicure and introduces the dragon to french cut nails. Gunthar proceeds to swing his axe and finds that, unlike trees, dragons don't stand still. Don Alejandro again strikes the dragon. Cyrano again pokes the dragon. Nikolo valiantly misses the dragon. Cyrano tirelessly stabs the dragons hindquarters. Eleanor pulls two pistols and finds the dragon just as hard to hit as previously experienced. The dragon, a little miffed by now, smacks Geoffrey with it's tail. Furthermore, with the irritation roiling in it's belly, it directs a stream of flame at Eleanor. Eleanor has a new perspective on barbeque now. It's at this point that Johann realizes Planchet has created quantum squick and sucked himself into an event horizon. The Ussuran holding the musket like a club appears to have much larger and hairier arms. Felix goes cuisinart on the dragons toenails and completes the manicure. The dragons flame mechanism overloads and the creature exploads. Gunthar catches a dragon steak to the side of the head. The area begins to get dry and hot. Felix begins to get a feeling akin to the sensation of tripping a trap. Cyrano snags a small dragons tooth. Nikolo grabs a dragons scale the size of a dinnerplate and runs back down the trail. As Johann walks down the trail, Planchett peaks out of the trees and asks, "Is it safe?" The group heads back down the trail to the artificial clearing to bind wounds and such. Monique manages to stop the bleeding for those who needed the assistance. We continue back up the trail and get to the hill overlooking the prison. Johann borrows Cyranos spyglass and begins looking over the prison. Cyrano works on loading his grappling gun. 6 Exp for all.