The group has been partying for the last week. The reason which is that we all survived. No one has seen the baboon in the past week. Nikolo has left with the General for Montaigne A gentleman has approached Geoffrey in the hopes of finding a group of heros to find his missing children. The children have been missing for a week. He has reported the incident to the authorities to no avail as of yet. The constable in charge of the incident is Sabine Astrid Von Askew at Loring Headquarters. The gentleman has no idea how the children went missing. They went out to play and didn't come home for dinner. Fifteen other children went missing that day. Sabine is at her desk mulling over the case. The kids were all last seen in Griffen Park. The rumor-mill states that the Griffen on occasion animates and flies off tho this cannot be confirmed. Griffen Park is a favorite place of the kids. There are a total of 33 kids missing all having been lost in the last two weeks. Only one child has been lost in the the past week, three days ago. They all disappeared in broad-daylight. No one saw anything. The Griffen statue is still in place. No obvious tracks indicate any traffic other than normal. Kelby Loring's wife sent someone, Tamara, an Ussuran, to Sabine who is skilled in tracking. The group heads to Loring Headquarters to speak with the inspector in charge of the case. On the way they stop at the street vendors to eat. They arrive at Loring Headquarters and find their way to Sabines office. Felix introduces himself and his party and proceeds to tick off Sabine. The aroma of the recently drinking group overwhelms Sabines' office. She stands up and opens a window. Conversation ensues re: the case. Grainne, Gunthar and Felix decide to head to the park to investigate. Sabine decides to send Tamara, with the group. The group is surprised as Tamara looks identical to Natalia, the Ussuran girl the group discovered in a tree on there way to Posen. Tamara sniffs in Gunthar's direction, he smells like monkey for some reason. The whole group is somewhat rank as they have not yet had a bath since their last adventure. They made it to the tavern, ordered drinks and stayed there, in the tavern, for the next week. As Felix, Grainne and Gunthar exit the building the pedestrians give them a wide berth. They decide to head to one of the local baths. The rest of the party discusses the case a little more and then heads to another bath house. Sabine has a clerk draw up a Letters of Deputization and copy the list of parents names. After which she meets Eleanor and her group at the Dancing Drachen Inn to hand the papers over. Eleanor takes 4 rooms. Sabine accompanies Eleanor and her group to Griffen Park. Felix, Grainne and Gunthar stop by a pastry shop and then headto Griffen Park. The find a large group of children in the park speaking in different languages. Felix, in Montaigne, asks if anyone wants a pastry. Four heads turn. A couple of local guards inquire what Felix is doing. Felix introduces himself and his companions. The guards consider running them in for being cheeky. Grainne simpers and flirts and asks them not to do that. The guard says he's off shift in 30 mins and he'll be at the local tavern. Grainne says she'll meet him there. The group finds a child who saw a shadow flinch from a man with a white crystal. The shadow was not cast or attached to anything. The description of the man reminds the group of the Vesten man who took the tapestry from them while on a ship to Posen. The child is friends with several of the missing children and discloses that his friends never arrived at the park to play on the days they went missing. Eleanor inquires from the Eisen children the same as above. Eleanor finds out that Gunthar, while having bathed had not changed or cleaned his clothes. Eleanor drags him off to a bath house she knows of and has several very large Eisen women hold him down and scrub him and his clothes. Grainne left to make her asignation with the guard and found that s she left the park her thumb stopped tingling. The group begins investigating the griffin. They find three-hundred years worth of initials carved into the base of the statue. When Grainne returns she begins circling the statue looking for magic. As she passes Sabine, who is in eye-sight of the group keeping back from making the kids skittish, her thumb tingles. Eleanor and Grainne speak with Sabine and find that she has something magical with her that is throwing off Grainne's detection. After Sabine moves off beyond Grainnes range, Grainne can detect no more magic. Don Alejandro finds out that there is an extensive sewer system under Freiberg. All players earn 4 XP