Sabine 'Peers through the Veil' using her artifact and examines the Gryphon and the surrounding park. Nothing out of the ordinary. Grainne's thumb begins to really throb. Sabine recalls the legend of the Schattenmann and explains the legend to the group. Sabine explains that there is a Vesten in town but not of the same description as the man w/ the white crystal. This Vesten is of a very bad reputation as he sells runestones to anyone who asks, no questions asked. Sabine 'Peers Through the Veil' and checks the shadows in the area. Nothing out of the ordinary. Sabine asks Tamara to stay in the park and continue to look for anything else that appears suspicious. Cyrano stays with Tamara. The suggestion comes up of checking the sewers that Don Alejandro discovered. Geoffrey decides to stay behind and keep an eye on the park with Gunthar. Eleanor pours some perfume on a kercheif and ties it about her face. The group descends into the dark... There are no walkways along the sewers edge the water is ankle deep and the stench is quite unpleasant. There are a number of small beady eyes glinting in the lamp light. The rats are very very quite. Sabine is now wearing two panzerhands... The group catches up with Felix who explains the nature of the Freiburg sewer rats. Initiative. The Rats attack Grainne whodances back and only takes a nibble of damage. The rats have good taste. The rats decide to try Felix pedicure techniques and discover they work on him as well. Eleanor is next on the menu and gets nibbled as well. Sabine gets bitten next. Not liking that one bit Sabine wades into the fray and smacks and kills three rats. Eleanor skewers a rat with her rapier, teaching the rat the finer points of fencing. Felix attempts, not to be outdone by Eleanor, teaches the rats the elegance of the knife. Grainne manges to kill two rats with her dagger. Felix manages to kill four rats in one sweep and throws down the gauntlet challenging Sabine to best him. Sabine, not to be out done, smacks the rats and manages to slip on the sludge in the sewer and misses the rats. The rats decide Felix tasted good and close in to nibble on him again. The rats liked Eleanor to and return for more. The rats manage to miss Sabine and Don Alejandro who both scramble out of the way. Don Alejandro, showing great skill with his Gallegos blade, kills three rats. Felix manages to cull the rat population by four more. Grainne kills off two more rats. Don Alejandro shows three more rats to the afterlife. Suddenly the rats break and run away. Sabine 'Peers Through the Veil' Eleanor discovers that she is in a great deal of pain and one of her ankles is severely savaged. Grainne and Felix help her to the sewers entrance. Geoffrey watches the monkey toss a patron out of the tavern who was trying to remove the monkey. Sabine washes Eleanors wound off with wine and watches Eleanors countenance turn ashen. Sabine steps out of the tavern grabs the nearest guard and orders him to find a wagon now. The guard stammers and Sabine says, "I said now! Soldier! Step to it!" The guard runs off at top speed. Sabine steps back in to the tavern and is greeted by a hairy fist with a drink. Sabine downs the ale and orders another. The sound of a wagon driven at rediculous speed arises from outside. Sabine picks up Eleanor and takes her out to the wagon. The group follows and piles into the wagon. Sabine orders the soldier to the doctors NOW. The soldier complies with all haste. We arrive at the doctors. Sabine hops out, picks up Eleanor and carries her into the doctors. Eleanor discovers the joy of 'modern' anti-baceterials.... Two hours later the doctor has managed to patch everyone up. Sabine pays the doctor. Eleanor demands her brandy from Geoffrey and begins to down it. Everyone returns to the Dancing Drachen Inn. Felix hired 20 specialized sewer cleaners to scour the sewers and keep an eye out for anything odd. Not to long after Felix made his arrangements his contact with the sewer cleaners guild knocks on his door at the Dancing Drachen Inn. Felix answers the door and finds the man with severe burns down one side of his body and missing his arm. The man says they found a door and pitches face down on the floor. Just about everyone in the tavern looses their lunch. The man rolls over and pushes a map to Felix telling him to start at Bakers Lane. The man then dies. The innkeep arrived just moments later and demands to know what happened. Sabine comes up the stairs at that moment. The innkeep asks if there is a dragon in town. Sabine assures the man there isn't one and makes arrangements for a local undertakers to remove the body. While waiting for the body to be removed Sabine 'Peers Through the Veil' and finds the body is purple in color. The map which is drawn in his blood appears normal. Discussion re: when to enter the sewers. Daylight looks to be a good time. A knock sounds on Felix's door. Felix opens the door to greet the man from the Posen swamp. The man is looking for the sewer worker who has died. Meanwhile, unknown to Gunthar, Eleanor has agreed to pay Grainnes professional fee for spending time with Gunthar. Graninne takes Gunthar to her room across the hall and closes the door. Conversation continues with the man who arrived in Felix's room. The man needs to have some vodka moved and is looking for a shipping captain. Felix continues speaking with the man. The man offers samples all 'round. The sounds of seriously squeeking leather straps and bed frame comes from Grainnes room. Sabine asks Felix if there is any need to gather equipment for their morning excursion. Felix says no and the man looking to move the vodka suggests Felix take a bundle of skins from him. As Felix puts it away in his shirt it meows. Felix heads down to the docks to make arrangements for the vodka merchant. Sabine heads over to Gryphon park to check with Tamara and see what she's found. Sabine activates her gauntlet and 'Peers Through the Veil'. Everything appears mundane. Sabine hears a tinking behind the Gryphon statue. Sabine walks around the statue and finds a small figure running off leaving a hammer and chisel at the base of the statue. Sabine sprints after the figure only to lose them in the dark. Sabine finds Tamara who reports nothing out of the ordinary. Sabine returns to the Inn and gets some sleep. In the morning, the group wakes to the sun streaming through their eastern facing windows. Sabine pays the innkeep for spice fried potatoes with sausage and a lager. The group heads to Bakers Lane. 4 XP for all.