IRL: 5-22-04 Game time: March 2064 Tucker suggests that we go in quiet and with zero body count Slidelock discovers that he has only 1 pistol w/ and a silencer and it has hollow points. Socrates hands Slidelock a box of 20 gel rounds to Slidelock. Slidelock swaps out the rounds of both clips for gel rounds. We setup marching order and follow Sissy into the dreaming. Slidelock turns on his micro-camcorder and starts recording. We stepped thru the gateway and confronted the Dweller in the Darkness, the Guardian of the Gateway, the one who is supposed to make you suffer as paymentin passage from one plane to another. Slidelock takes a moderate wound from the passage. Sissy takes a light wound. The team begins to have their conversations with the fear aspects that the Dweller shows them. Socrates encounters a big troll named Angus and then his daughter. Mc encounters his mother, and then Staff Sgt. Kincaid in basic training. Slidelock encounters his great grandfather, the creator of the smurfs. then he has a rememberance of being cocooned by the universal brotherhood as an incubator for a bug spirit... Grendle has an encounter of climbing along a ledge and running into a zoonooqua. Little Sister encounters Mc as a bully when they were kids, picked on by kids in school, tied up in a temple watching ritual sacrafices and waiting for her turn of being turned into a blood spirit. Her heart was removed and a special incantation was spoken over her. Her heart was thrown into a rip in reality to a mouth w/ rows of teeth and mult. eyes. Sissy did a great deal of fighting. Took her 3 mins or so to stop speaking in her native language. Initiative. Astral Init - 20+[Init]+1D6 OOC - Valen: Which is worse: Getting killed or having something grow inside of you? OOC - Sandy: Getting Killed. OOC - Lauren: Waking up next to a troll. We have run into a pack of Tasmanian Tigers who keep appearing and disappearing into mist form. Grendles koala is sitting on his shoulder singing. Socrates attacks the nearest tiger to him. Slidelock takes a serious wound when he attacks the nearest tiger. He's one step away from dead, now. Grendle attacks the tiger that wounded Slidelock and "mist-ifies" it. Mc attacks a tiger and takes it out. Sissy transforms into a koala bear and jumps onto a tigers snout, digs her claws into the tigers neck and hangs on. Socrates kills another tiger. Slidelock breaks out his medkit and begins to bind his wounds to stop the bleeding. Grendle kills another tiger. Little Sister wounds a tiger. MC kills a tiger. Sissy manages to kill a tiger. Socrates casts a Treat spell on Slidelock and tells him not to move. Grendle finishes off the last tiger. Socrates completes the spell on Slidelock and has completely healed him. Socrates casts a centering on Slidelock (+4 combat pool dice) and improved invisibility on Tuckers drone. We step out of the Dreaming and into an air conditioned hallway Slidelock finds that the Dweller has had the effect of growing all his hair back. He begins braiding his beard and hair out of the way. Mc puts on his shock gloves. Grendle becomes "One-with-the-shadows" for sneaking Initiative Mc uses shockgloves against the guard sitting at the security desk in the hallway. Tuckers drone sweeps up the hallway looking for life forms in the various rooms on this level. Socrates smacks the guard at the desk. The guard is now paralyzed. Sissy peaks inside a door and uses a blowgun. We hear a toilet flush. Across the hallway is a locked room w/ 3 ppl in it. Slidelock begins working on the keypad w/ a sequencer and bypasses it. Sissy and Little Sister strip down the unconcious woman in the bathroom. The woman is now laying in the hallway around the corner from the locked door. The woman is the anchor for Socrates stun ball to take out the ppl in the locked room. The paralyzed guard is going to be used to bypass the retina scanner for this locked room. The door opens and Socrates casts his stunball. Grendle moves thru the door and finds that a dwarf is woozy at a console and a human passed out at another console on the other side of the room. Initiative. Socrates holds action. Tucker notifies Little Sister of a guard coming down the hallway about to round the corner. Grendle sees an elf tech taking inventory at the end of the room and moves to stun him. The elf is now unconscious. Socrates moves to see down the hallway. Slidelock takes out the lab tech w/ a shot. Mc looks in the room, sees every one down and carts the paralyzed guard off to the ladies rest room. A guard comes up the hallway towards Socrates. Grendle astrally percieves the room and finds an amythest geode the size of a honeydew. Socrates *zots* the guard coming down the hallway. Grendles koala tells hime there is something bad here and points down. Slidelock notices a light flashing on the console in front of him and a vid-screen becomes active. An elf is speaking spetheril from the screen. Grendle translates the elf's tirade as swearing and that he'll be setting off an alrm in a moment. Grendle tells Slidelock to run. Slidelock steps forward and pretends to try and wake up the lab tech who he stunned. "C'mon, wake up, I know it was a late night but you need to wake up." A figure peeks around the corner behind the guard that Socrates *zotted* and wiggles his fingers and then pulls back. Little Sister is distracted by a pair of pretty eyes, "He has pretty eyes." Mc exits the bathroom and moves down the hallway. Tucker accelerates down the hall and rams the above figure in the head w/ his drone. Initiative Socrates stood up and stepped out of site behind the guards desk. Tucker determines that the mage he smacked is still conscious even if he is laying flat on his back and that the other guard at the end of the hallway is pulling a predator III. Mc takes out the guard that Socrates *zotted* Sly Foxy(y)_Lady is standing on the alarm the elf on the other end of the vid phone set off. S/he/it tells us the alarm is suppressed. Slidelock shakes the dwarf a few more times, palms his badge, tells him to get some sleep and walks out. Grendle tries to fast talk the elf on the vid phone. Grendle manages to convince the elf that everything is ok, it was only a practical joke played by the other dwarf the elf saw on the screen. Socrates moves down the hallway again and takes out the guard Tuckers drone knocked flat. MC moves down the hallway around the corner to the end of the hall and stuns the last standing guard. Slidelock walks back to the dwarf and takes the lab coat, both cyber eyes and any other electronic gear he had on him. Grendle pats down the human on the other side of the room taking the lab coat, the badge, and any other electronic gear he had. Sissy hands Little Sister the clothing the woman in the bathroom was wearing and tells her to put it on. MC begins working his way back down the hallway looking in each room All the guards are moved into the room Slidelock and Grendle were in. Their wrists are bound w/ plasteel restraints, their ankles w/ gaffers tape, their mouths and eyes gaffers taped as well. Little Sister mentions that the cargo lift is moving. Sly Fox(y)_Lady determines that the cargo lift is stopping on our floor. Inside is a troll w/ a mage hooded and bound individual. Grendle strips the shoulder armor of a guard and changes his jumpsuit to match the guards black coloring. Grendle takes the guards station. Slidelock takes the pda that the elven tech was using and walks out of the room. The troll and mage walk out of the cargo lift and around the corner into a shielded room. Tuckers drone was able to get a partial scan of the room. It has several cages in it populated w/ misc. humanoids and paranormals, a harpy and something that looked kinda 'wolfish'. Mc Id's this as a dingo. One guard was seen in the room along w/ the troll but only part of the room was scanned before the door closed. Both guards Sly Fox(y)_Lady was able to tell us that the elf on the vid phone was no longer transmitting the alarm. Discussion ensued re: how to enter the room. Sissy Id's the Dingo as a were-dingo Tucker, via her drone, and Grendle start working on bypassing the keypad and handprint scanner on the door. No communications wires are seen coming out of the room. It appears to be a heavily secured lab. Tucker and Grendle bypass the palm scanner, neutralizing the gas trap in he process. Sissy mentions that there's an astral barrier on the doorway which could cause problems for the dual-natured beings inside. Sly Fox(y)_Lady mentions: The computer in the room detects Tuckers drone as it enters and alarms go off. Tuckers drone detects 9 cages in here and two guards, two trolls in medium body armor Initiative. Socrates casts a stunball and knocks out one of the trolls. Socrates uses a free action: points into the room, "Oh shit!" The guard still standing looks about a bit confused. Sly Fox(y)_Lady mentions she doesn't feel so well. Grendle moves into the room and points to a far corner, "It's over there!" The troll turns to look and Grendle sucker punches him. Troll responds "Huh?". Socrates casts stunbolt and knocks out the remaining troll. Grendles koala tells him to let the dingo go... Grendle shuts off the alarm from inside the room. Grendle manages to use the keysequencer open the cage holding the mage. Socrates tells the mage to stay calm and we would remove the mage mask. Little Sister manages to heal the mage. Socrates asks him who he is. Grendle questions him in Spetherial. We find that the twins are several levels below. The mage tells us to beware the dark one. The dark one is very very old and magically active. We won't be able to see him just feel him. He is the one who commanded the experiments on the mage and the twins. Sissy is speaking to the two Aboriginals in the cages. They are both adepts, one physi the other shamanic. We find from Sissy that we'll need to return to this floor to follow the dreaming out. The plan at this time is to get the twins as quick as possible and get back to this level, drop the astral barrier, let the dingo go and pop the lock on the cage of the harpy and let it out to create havoc on this level to coverour escape. Socrates stuns the harpy into unconsciousness, pops the cage open and plucks 4 feathers from it. Slidelock does the same. Mc grabs both of the Ares MP LMG's and shoulders one. The extra med. security armor and LMG will be stashed in the head near our exit to grab on the way out if there's time. The pocket computer holds a list of spell components and a list of artifacts found in the room we stashed the guards in. The amythest is listed in there. It was found on the plains known as Katatjuta, known as the Mini-Heads to the Aboriginies. This is a major holy spot to the them.