IRL: 5-8-04 Game time: March 2064 Everyone decides that the messes left over from the night before are best handled by a good bath. Sissy informs Grendle that the nearest river is a mile off. Grendle bangs on the Bisons side and lets Tucker know where we're going. MC's cat looks thru the van window and proceeds to bathe Grendles face. Grendle gets the hint. Little Sister, Grendle, Socrates and Slidelock head for the river. The cat runs between Grendles legs. Grendles koala tells him not to pee in the water. Grendle explains the issue when asked by Socrates - carnivorous fish. Slidelock gets hit in the face by Sissy's shorts as she dives in the water. Everyone gets clean while Slidelock performs overwatch. When everyone gets out Slidelock jumps in and gets clean. Sissy comes back w/ a leaf w/ paste rolled in it. It's roe eggs. Everyone partakes Sissy she has a large fish cooking Sissy also has croc jerky. Mc's stomach wakes him up in the truck and he heads out of the truck. He runs the mile to the river adn snags the fish Sissy throws him. He grabs a 2nd and runs back to the truck. Mc finds the cat wrapped around Tuckers neck Slidelock finds he has a large bruise on his back the size of a football Slidelock and Little Sister hear barking coming from all over. It begins to get dark and rain. MC won't let us in the truck Socates tries to wake up Tucker by playing recordings of engines The rain drums on the roof of the hanger Mc wakes up 4 hrs later and trys to wake up Tucker He succeeds w/ a stim patch. Tucker wakes up with a shotgun in her hand and the barrel in MC's face. We start hearing loud *booms*. Tucker finds that we have an aircraft on it's way dropping explosives in the forrest Decision is to "make like a hole in the earth" and disappear Inbound aircraft has a signature of 5 - its a varient of a BDM Little Sister mentions we have a large number of large ants coming towards us. Everybody jumps in the truck and Tucker takes off. Socrates slaps a shielding on the truck. Slidelock starts swearing. Tucker and Socrates want to know what the problem is. Slidelock says he left his insecticide grenades in Seattle. Tucker points out he could jump out and fight the if he really wanys to. Slidelock declines and glowers in the corner looking out the window Initiative. Two ants manifest in the truck MC does some base damage to one ant Tucker is at full bore on the road right now Socrates smacs the ant behind Tucker MC looses balance when Tucker accelerates and ends up grappling an ant Ant sat on Little Sister Grendle stabbed Ant and ichor oozed out all over Sissy calls out that we have an ant coming thru the roof Socrates attacks Ant behind Tucker; Tucker is now completely soaked in ichor Grendle and Little Sister attack the unmanifested Ant Tucker drives faster Initiative Ant attacks Little Sister Ant comes thru the side of the truck astrally and bites Sissy, she seems to be having some trouble breathing Grendle attacks the ant attacking Sissy Tucker notices a bridge coming up that appears to be in poor shape "The less time we spend on it the better." All people astrally percieving hear the sound of an exo-skeleton crunching. Ant attacks Sissy who counter-attacks All people astrally percieving hear the sound of an exo-skeleton crunching. Little Sister heals Sissy Tucker manages to get the truck over the bridge and it disappears into the chasm behind us Ants stop at the chasm. Socrates straps himself into a chair Slidelock tries to buckle himself into a harness. A little time passes on the road. We find a stream, offload the necessary gear ands drive the truck into the stream to hose it out. Slidelock asks Socrates to cast Healthy Glow on him to remove the ichor. Slidelock completely shaves to remove the ichor from his hair. Slidelock changes clothes and burns the bdu's he was wearing. Tucker stops him from burning the bdu's w/ fire retardant foam. Tucker makes Slidelock put the hair and bdu's into chem toilet to sanitize everything. Sissy mentions that the approach to the facility was coming soon. We find out that Aztechnology has harnessed a wyvern for guarding the facility. Tucker suggests using a drone for a recon of the facility. We wait for night to do the recon w/ the balloon drone. Slidelock is outside of th truck, smells to much like ichor inside. A koala crawls out of Grendles pants and up to his shoulders. The koala hands out eucalyptus leaves all 'round. It's explained that his will help vs. magic. Tucker declines, "Fuckyouno" MC appears to be rubbing himself all over w/ the cat. Astrally it can be seen that the cat is giving MC a bath. Grendle asks if MC fed the cat fish from earlier. "No! Here, smell!" Grendle fends off the cat. We set up watches. Slidelock pitches a tent up wind of the truck under a tree and sits in the entrance looking out into the night. Tucker has launched the drone and began looking around Tucker sends an image back to us that Sly Foxy(y)_Lady washes and MC ID's - "wyvern" Sissy mentions: "The song lines are very strong here. The merge there." Slidelock asks: "Well, if the song lines all converge here and the song lines are the way to the dreaming then can't we walk the song lines into the compound w/o being noticed?" Sissy: "Let me meditate on it." Tucker mentions that the long and short of it is that based on what she has seen we really don't want to fight these guards with all the armor and weapons they have. Sissy asks if Little Sister is willing to accept? "Accept what?" "Accept the path." "What Path?" "It's like the walkabout but in the dreaming. I will open the gate but you must follow the path exactly as I lay it out. If you step off the path you will be lost in the plains of existance." Little Sister thinks about it for a little bit then: "Yes, I will follow your path." Tucker does not accept the path, "Uh, no" Slidelock thinks about it and says, "I came this far. Might as well go all the way." Grendle agrees to go along MC begins stuffing clips of ammo into his vest, "I guess..."