IRL: 6-19-04 Game time: March 2064 Dr. Morgan is nominated as the candidate for the mage hood. The nomination is declined and the hood is handed to Grendle in case the opportunity comes up to use it. Initiative. Door to the elevator opens We see a hallway filled with several guards pointing guns at the elevator. Peacemaker hides behind the troll, MC. Socrates casts mageball, one guard falls over. The guards open fire. MC takes a deadly wound when one of the guards hits him w/ full auto. MC realizes that he is now talking to the cat in his head. His very short and rather uncomplicated life flashes in front of his eyes. MC finds himself healed of a great deal of his damage and the cat disappears. Three words echo in his head, "Don't kill us." Slidelock shot the guard MC hit earlier and dropped him. Slidelock shot the guard behind the one he dropped and the bullet simply richocheted off. Grendle held back looking for and opening. Socrates shot the lady behind the reception counter who slumps back bleeding. Grendle surveys the scene. He sees a large pool of blood coming from behind him and the blue cat is missing. Grendle carries the Dr. to one of the guards and strts cussing him out. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?! Can't you see we have an injured man here?!" Grendle begins ordering the guards around imperiously focusing their attn on the injured Dr. He notices a group of guards around the corner. "You! Are you a healer?" Grendle taps the receptionist and reducers her quickness to 0. Tucker zips her drone out and around the corner and pings the group around the corner. She sees 3 guards a mage w/ a shimmer around his armor and a drone acting very oddly. Tucker realizes the lady at the reception desk is a security rigger and proceeds to hack her netwk. Socrates throws a stunbolt at the elf in armor who was shot earlier by Slidelock. The mage Grendle discovered casts Acid Stream at him. Grendle dove for cover around the corner chased by a hail of bullets. The elf dropped his rifle and drew his sword. MC pulls off a called shot, full auto, to the elfs visor. Slidelock runs full tilt from the elevator to the riggers desk and takes a swipe at the riggers datajack cord. He missed. Little Sister grabs a wounded Sissy and pulls her out of the closing elevator. Little Sister begins work on healing Sissy. Peacemaker slides himself out of the elevator so he's just outside out of it. Grendle tosses a smoke grenade towards the mage and his group around the corner. The elf blindly fires a full auto spray. Tucker has managed to hack into and emulate the riggers network. MC switches to ultrasound on his Ares and looks for where the elf was MC fired full auto and hit the elf. Initiative Tucker has managed to completely take over the security drone. A fine spray of blood mists the screens of both drones. The mage kills one of the guards standing next to him. Tucker runs a sensor sweep and announces over the comlink, "Blood mage sacraficing guards!" Slidelock hears a small gasp come from the hallway behind him. Slidelock quick looks around the corner and sees a Latin female, human around corner, who screams when she sees Slidelock Socrates percieves astrally and sees a huge blood spirit, "Oh, frag, a blood spirit." Grendle fights off an engulf attack by the blood spirit. Grendle is currently standing in the middle of the Blood Spirit. Tucker uses the combat drone and goes full auto on the mage. The blood spirit is free, though we don't know yet Grendle attacked the blood spirit and carved a section out of it which managed to spray MC across the mid-section One of the guards opened up full auto on Tuckers combat drone. MC drops prone behind the desk to avoid the random full auto spray. MC uses ultrasound to find a target around the corner and fires at it. Slidelock throws the cougar fine blade at the woman in front of him and finds the knife slips out of his hand as he swings it back over his shoulder. Socrates engages the blood spirit in a banishing contest. Mc flicked the blood spirit claw off his armor at the behest of the cat. Grendle attacks the spirit and carves off another large section. Socrates is still locked in banishment w/ the spirit The Latin lab tech takes off around the corner. Slidelock runs after her and catches up just as the door on the eleavtor closes. Peacemaker is still staying out of sight in the room he found Socrates banished the blood spirit Initiative. Slidelock picks up the computerpad the tech dropped and heads back to the riggers desk. He sees a guard on the other side of the desk and drops him in two shots. Socrates peeked into the astral and finds that there is a large spider spirit around the corner and down the hall and a watcher spirit around the other corner. Socrates communictes this to everyone. Slidelock starts getting rather twitchy and hunkers down behind the desk. Little Sister notices the control panel in the elevator sparking and mentions this to the group. Little Sister grabs Sissy and pulls her out of the elevator doorway. All the guards at this point are down. We grab some loot, Slidelock grabs some pistols and MC swaps out his breastplate. At this point we find out MC has morphed into a big blue kitty troll. We head for the elevator that Slidelock found earlier and proceed to work on the retinal/hand/dna scanner. We use the hand/head from the mage to get past this. We get the door open and Grendle is face to face w/ another blood spirit. Initiative. Tucker begins reprogramming the OS on the new combat drone. MC rushes down the hallway to attack the blood spirit w/ a combat axe managing to carve a rump roast and finds himself drained of a full essence point. Slidelock flattens himself against the wall out of the way of the charging troll and gets behind the group out of the way. Grendle draws his kris and carves off a section of the blood spirit. Socrates engages the spirit in a banishment ritual. Tucker continues to reprogram the drone. Slidelock stays back out of the way. Peacemaker keeps overwatch. MC attacks the blood spirit and carved a section off it. Grendle continues to carve tenderloins off the blood spirit dispelling the spirit. Little Sister is beginning to feel nauseated from all the blood. Sissy is doing a little better but also feeling nauseus. Everyone piles into the elevator and head down to the next level. Socrates casts Improved Invisibility on everyone in the elevator. Socrates keeps Astrally Perceiving. The doors open to a hallway and a shimmering barrier can be seen by those astrally perceiving. Tucker runs a sensor sweep while the doors are open everyone else stays put and stays quiet. Tucker finds two people on each side of the elevator a couple of trolls a human and an elf. Mc hears the cat in his head,"And don't do something stupid." MC feels the spider spirit, which has followed us, on top of the elevator looking down and laughing on the party. Socrates dispells the astral/physical barrier Initiative. The spider drops thru the roof and materializes on Socrates head. Tuckers combat drone runs out into the hallway and fires on both the guards to the right of the elevator. Socrates attacks the spider with his staff focus Slidelock takes off at full run screaming like a bainsidhe out the elevator door, materializing in front of the guards on the right, careens off the wall and runs around a corner, huddling in cover. MC attacks the spider with his axe doing some damage. Peacemaker steps up to the elevator door shooting the guards on the left then ducked back. Tuckers combat drone continues to fire on the same guards Tuckers spy drone was spying and was shot at. Slidelock was shot for a moderate wound. Grendle joins the attack on the spider. Socrates smacks the spider w/ his staff and de-corporializes it. Slidelock drops a concussion grenade in front of the guard who shot him and runs down the hallway. The guard gets knocked back 6 meters. MC took a shot at one of the remaining two guards. Peacemaker shot the same guard who is now dead. Tuckers combat drone moves down the hall to remove another guard. Tuckers spy drone zips down the hall past the guard removed by the combat drone. An earth elemental moves up to loom over the combat drone and whack it. Socrates casts stunbolt against the earth elemental Little Sister exits the elevator and casts stunball down the hall at a couple of guards. Slidelock ducks around the corner to hide and finds a long hallway with an earth elemental at the end. MC shoots the remaining guard standing outside the elevator. Peacemaker shoots the same guard. New initiative.