Felix heads out to find the local equivilent of hipwaders. Sabine finds a quiet alley out of the way to see if she can 'Peer through the Veil' and see if she can make dcontact w/ the spirit of the man who died in Felix's room and find out any extra info on what happened. Felix returns w/ actual hipwaders for the group. Sabine returns after a fruitless search on the other side of the Veil. Everyone, including Geoffrey in his new trousers and wishing for his kilt, dons their hipwaders. Geoffrey, not all that sure about this, is stricken with a premonition that he realy needs to go along or something even worse could happen and he wouldn't see the group again. A young boy arrives bearing a red flag and says he is here to show us to the entrance. The group follows him for about 30 mins to Baker's street. The aromas from Bakers street are much more pleasant then the odor from the boy leading us. Eleanor stops and makes arrangements for bread to be delivered to her room at the Dancing Drachen and then gives a little to the boy. The boy trims his nails he eats the bread so fast. The sewer maintenance has a flight of stairs leading down and a full sized unlocked door. The boy has disappeared after receiving a guilder from Felix *** Nikolo is still in Montaigne, regrettng ever seeing red hot pokers *** Felix enteres first, followed by Geoffrey and Gunthar, all of whom have some experience in moving quietly. Surprisingly, there is no smell coming from the sewer and the stones are dry. This is quite odd. Don Alejandro and Sabine decide to bring up the rear leaving Eleanor and Grainne in the middle. Felix advises that no firearms be used. Eleanor recalls that firearms, when fired in an enclosed stone place, tend to richochet. After following the map halfway down it, about 500 ft, Felix has discovered 12 skeletons, severly burnt, who look as if they may have fallen where they stood. From the evidence that was left, burned clothes and such, this appears to be the group that Felix hired to search the sewer earlier. There does not appear to be any scorch marks on the surrounding walls. Sabine 'Peers through the Veil' and discovers that the astral signature over the devastation is the same as what killed the man who died in Felix's room. Sabine tells Felix that there is an arcane force linking this devastation to the man who died in his room. Sabine walks to the back of the group and clears Grainnes 30' limit. Grainnes thumb-buzz has disappeared. There appears to be no active magic here. Felix checks the map and we move on. Felix finds four more bodies, they were also members of the sewer patrol. These have not been burned, insted they have been stapled to the wall by various pieces of metal rammed through their body and into the wall behind them. Only the back end of the staple is visible as it protrudes from their left side, transsects their body, exits their right side nad enters the sewer wall. Felix notes that this six foor section of stones here are much better crafted than the rest of the sewer. Felix points this out to the group and warns them to avoid this section. Sabine steps up and 'Peers Through the Veil' at these bodies. The astral signature looks completely normal. Felix pries a boot off one of the bodies and throws it onto the stones here. Nothing happens. Felix leaps this section of stones and checks for traps in the path ahead. Felix has found a bridge in the path spanning a 10 foot, apparently bottomless, chasm. Felix gives the bridge the once, twice and thrice over. the bridge appears to be of a drawbridge type that opens in the center. The ceiling over the bridge is vaulted with no obvious openings. There is no cross path here. Felix spies a paw print in the dust on the other side of the bridge, it appears feline. Eleanor produces a piton made of a silvery-grey metal that no one has seen before, to tie a rope off to. The piton sinks into the stones easily. Feilx ties off the rope and ties it to himself and crosses easily. The rest of the group crosses using the rope as a hand rail. Sabine crosses last, unable to remove the piton. Sabine gets the feeling that the piton changed form after it entered the stone. As the group was crossing, Geoffrey examined the paw print and determined it to be feline. There are 3 paw prints in total along the far edge of the chasm leading from right to left and apparently disappearing into the wall. Sabine 'Peers through the Veil' and discovers a red line bisecting this wall vertically from floor to ceiling. We travel along the hall and turn a corner coming up to a door w/ a skeletal arm hanging from the door handle and several burned bodies scattered in front of it. Felix examines the area and finds a broken metal thread. Sabine also sees this broken thread which appears to have crossed the hall as a trip wire of some sort. Sabine 'Peers through the Veil' and sees a morass of imaegees. She's able to see that whatever happened was fast and violent. Felix has managed to edge along the wall and make it to the door Sabine activates the full power of her artifact and a longsword blade extends from it and asks Felix to hold. She approaches the door and pushes it with the tip of her blade. The bar holding the door closed rattles. Felix steps up and, using a slim metal bar, pops the door open after asking Sabine to avert her eyes. Sabine does so after advising him it would be a bad idea to employ these skills on a citizens home. The bar falls and clangs on a wodden floor. The door swings fully open and we look down a long, dimly lit wooden corridor. We can now all here multiple whips cracking and children screaming. At the end of the corridor is a wooden door w/ a handle. Felix locates a tripwire in front of this door. Felix points this out to the rest of the group. Sabine percieves pain, suffering and doom here. Felix opens the door to a large well lit room w/ a high ceiling. The source of the sounds of whips and screams is right in front of us. There are approx 500 kids, chained, here and 60 guards in various states of coercing the kids, drinking and other guardly activities. Initiative. 3 and 9 Gunthar sneaks up behind a nearby guard. Eleanor follows suit along with Sabine. Gunthar attacks 3 guards in reach - they fall like wheat before a scythe. Geoffrey sneaks up and with a whistling slice his claymore cleaves 3 brutes asunder. Felix creeps along... Don Alesandro tippy toes across the floor w/ a dagger prepared... A musket report shatters the sounds of the room and Sabine is hit. Gunthar proceeds to wade through guards and fell them like trees. Grainne draws a pistol and a guard drops from lead poisoning. A guard turns and smacks Gunthar. Three guards attack Geoffrey, all missing, with one stabbing another. Don Alejandro takes a cut from a guards sword. Eleanor manages to stop a guards sword by stepping in front of it. Felix drops another guard with a well placed knife. Eleanor drops two more guards. Don Alejandro managed to shorten three more brutes. Sabine manages to make out a faint form on a raised platform across the room. Sabine crosses the room and races up the stairs to the platform... Eleanor draws a pistol and fires it, introducing a brute to the afterlife. Grainne makes the aquaintance of a brutes blade Eleanor manages to take a the sharp side of a blade. Felix introduces three more brutes to the point. Grainne shot another brute. Geoffrey removed three more from oxygen consumption. Initiative. 4,5 36 brutes removed at this point.... Gunthar becomes the first Vendel cuisinart and, whirling, drops three more brutes. Geoffrey attacks and introduces a three brutes to the fine edge of claymorish witticisms... Felix is rushed by a brute squad and gets knocked about a bit. Geoffrey is attacked by the remanents of the brute squad and is nicked a bit, no more than a highlander would have been when learning to shave. Sabine, racing up the stairs, hears the whine of a musketball as it passes her ear, sure it should have hit her. Eleanor drops and draws another pistol. Sabine lunges at the sniper and slashes his abdomen. Gunthar is bludgeoned by the brutes he's engaged with. Sabine notices a sharp dagger like object attached to the muzzle of the musket as she engages the sniper. The sniper slashes Sabine with the bayonet. Sabine then binds his musket. Grainne kills off another brute and Don Alejandro finishes off the rest of the brute squad facing him. As Sabine wrestles back and forth with the sniper she notices a set of keys on his belt. Gunther hurls an axe across the room at the sniper wrestling w/ Sabine. The axe takes up residence in the snipers chest. Felix calls out to the kids in the room asking who knows how to use the lockpicks he's holding up. Eleanor makes her way up the stairs to the platform where Sabine and the sniper are. Geoffrey puts his massive brawn to good use by pulling links apart in the chains holding the children. The sniper releases his musket and draws his sword. Off to the side of the platform inside a partially hidden doorway, a shadowy figure aims and fires a musket at Eleanor as she ascends the stairs. Eleanor doesn't look to happy with her new fasion accessory.... Eleanor steps forward to return the favor, introducing this hidden figure to a new world of pain. The rest of the group assist Sabine in removing these two threats from reality. Grainne hears cats yowling back from the hallway we entered this room from. Sabine calls out to Grainne to close and bar the door. The room the other sniper was hiding in appears to be a guard room. 5XP for all.