IRL: 6-5-04 Game time: March 2064 Tuckers drone notices a body in the cage behind the harpy. It appears to be scratched up male dwarf in leather pants and cowboy boots. Tucker performs a quick head check and finds that SlyFox(y)_Lady is dead with a flash burn around the datajack. MC c/o not being able to carry the 2nd LMG as well. His cat tells him to bend over. *Apparently the dingo gave Little Sister a baby... Socrates checks the body out in the harpy cage. Socrates pokes the dwarf in the cage. Slidelock checks out the guards for any other equipment and finds 2 cougar fine blades, long blade ver (Str+1M) and takes them w/ the sheaths. MC is finishing fitting one of the suits of the armor to him. Socrates gets yanked out of the cage by MC. MC Grabs the dwarf by the ankle and pulls him out upside down. The dwarf starts screaming and swearing in 3 seperate languages. Tuckers asks someone to hit the snooze on that alarm. The dwarf asks for his other boot. Slidelock grabs the boot from the cage and hands it to the dwarf Grendle offers the dwarf a job. The team loots SlyFox(y)_Lady. SlyFox(y)_Lady is tossed in to the harpys cage, stealth fishnets and all. Sissy asks Slidelock, "Isn't she your mate?" "Uh, no.... I was just trying to preserve the peace at the time." Discussions ensues w/ the Dwarf who we find out is a decker. Peacemaker is the dwarves name. Introductions are made all 'round. Peacemaker determines that there is a virus running around in SlyFox(y)_Lady's old deck. Tucker looked over MC's new armor and determines there is a tracking device in the ass of it. Tucker also notices a boobytrap Mc is asked to remove the armor for his safety Peacemaker manages to clear out the virus. MC has the armor off and is working with Tucker and Grendle to disarm the booby trap explosive and the tracking device Peacemaker mentions that he has seen a pair of twins whose eyes are violet and have platinum hair. Sounds like the twins we are looking for but their eyes have changed from the ice blue they used to have. He also mentions that he has seen the Ancient One in the room w/ the twins and that he felt the "willies" around this person. The room also had cages in it to contain the twins. Peacemaker c/o of missing his deck Slidelock recalls a deck back in the room he and Grendle crashed earlier. Slidelock ran back and grabbed the deck checking to make sure that the prisoners were secure. He ran the deck back to Peacemaker who finds that it's his old deck, "My baby!" Slidelock mentions to Socrates, per Tuckers earlier suggestion, to take the mage hood. Slidelock asks Peacemaker to see if he can locate what floor the twins are in. Peacemaker locates a level, 5 levels down, with a great deal of power usage. By this time MC has disabled the explosives and tracking device on the armor and is putting it back on. Grendle and Peacemaker discuss methods to locate, isolate and reconnoiter this level. During the above discussion Peacemaker suggests asking the old decker if he could answer the question. Grendle shrugs and says ok. He heads back into the security room, followed by Slidelock, to see if he can ask SlyFox(y)Lady's ghost. During the conversation, a rather confusing and perverted conversation at that, Sissy mentions that SlyFox(y)Lady's ghost is an ancestor spirit. Mc slides over and takes a lock of SlyFox(y)Lady's hair as well as a piece of the fishnet stockings and fingernail trimmings and hands them over to Little Sister. Peacemaker is still working on the security and such for the 6th level. He mentions that he can get us to the 5th lvl but not without setting off a whole host of alarms. Best he can do is the 4th floor which puts us 2 levels above the target floor. Sissy asks us, each in turn, if we accept the marking she is offering. We all do, well all except Tucker. She marks each of us w/ a koala glyph which now creates a ward against the SlyFox(y)_Lady Ancestor Spirit. Everyone now heads to the cargo elevator. Everyone not in lab coats/armor and looking like they belong have zipties wrapped around their hands to appear like they have been secured in front of them. Socrates slaps the mage hood on Peacemakers head. We head down to the next level and the doors open automatically. A female voice in a Scottish accents asks who are. She's looking at Grendle who responds that Dr. Morgan requested a flower from outside and couldn't have _anyone_ else go get it... yada yada yada.... Grendle manages to fast talk our way past the lady and we head to Dr. Morgans lab. Little Sisters Low Freq hearing picks up screams coming from a distance. She also feels this astrally as great pain. Little Sister winces. We head out of the elevator and in the direction of Dr. Morgans lab. There is a palm and retina scanner on this door. Slidelock whips out one of cybereyes and leans forward to pretend he's scanning his eye. Grendle and Peacemaker bypass the hand scanner. We enter a hallway with a door at the end of it that has the same scanner config. Slidelock again uses the cybereye to bypass the retinal scanner and Grendle and Peacemaker try to bypass the hand scanner. Their attempt to bypass the scanner fails but the door opens and a female steps out. Grendle jumps back acting surprised, "Aaaahhh! Don't do that!" Apparently this is the wife of the person Grendle is posing as, Brenda. They speak for a few minutes during which she has her hands down Grendles pants checking to see if his new fur goes all the way down. Brenda notices Little Sister and says "Sylvia? You're not Sylvia." Socrates drops a stunball into the room. The troll is a leaning against the wall and Brenda is looking slightly annoyed. Initiative. Socrates cast a force 8 stunbolt, pushed to force 9, at Brenda. Peacemaker shot Brenda w/ the Ares Slivergun and knocks her backwards which pulls Grendle forward a step. Tucker sweeps into the room and runs a sensor sweep. Tucker mentions over the com system: 3 ppl in the room 2 armored. MC uses his silenced pistol and shoots the stunned troll. Slidelock fires two shots and drops the stunned troll in front of the door. Grendle steps into the room and motions Peacemaker to the jack at the counter. Two armored ppl, one carrying an LMG and the other with an Ares Redline laser gun, step out from either side of the room along with a tall elf. Grendle taps the elf and has slowed him down somewhat The guard w/ the laser gun aims at Socrates and fires. Socrates dodges by rolling fwd into the room and under the counter. The guard w/ an LMG fires at Peacemaker who follows Socrates. Sissy takes the hit meant for Peacemaker Socrates stuns the tall elf w/ stunbolt. Peacemaker crawls into the room the elf walked out of it. Tucker does a tight focused scan on the guard w/ the laser. The guards armor has Celtic symbols on it. Tucker over the comms: "F*ck! Tir-na-NoG Paladin!" Little Sister works on healing Sissy. Mc charges the guard w/ the laser and knocks him over. Slidelock fires at the guard w/ the LMG. Mc gets thrown across the room by the prone Paladin. Little Sister ducks and the security door behind her gets dented from the LMG the guard fired. Slidelock can now lookup through the countertop and see the guard. Socrates drops the spells he had on Slidelock and Tuckers drone and casts a manabolt at the guard w/ the LMG. The guard drops. Grendle attacks the Paladin w/ Pentjat-Silat augmented by his kris blade. Grendle manages to wedge the kris blade into a slot of the armor near the laser pinning the arm to the ground. Peacemaker examines the room he's in and finds some alchemy equipment, some artifacts and a computer. Tucker moves her drone into the room the Paladin came out of and find a spartan room w/ a carpet and a picture of a platinum haired elf woman. Initiative. Tucker performs a scan of the room next to the one she is in. Nothing specific other than 'stuff' The Paladin attacks Grendle w/ his unencumbered hand which Grendle blocks and in turn drives his kris a little deeper. Sissy is still bleeding. She tells Little Sister that something wicked this way comes. She has summoned a very powerful spirit. Little Sister passes along this msg. Slidelock moved up near the prone Paladin drawing his left hand Predator III and fires. Grendle drove the kris deeper into the Paladins arm. The Paladins fist solidified from a gauntlet to, effectively, a solid mace and swung at Grendle who managed to dodge out of the way. Socrates casts stunbolt on the Paladin. Something manifests in the room right next to the Paladin. Tucker squeezes the drone out of the room past the elemental. Slidelock vacates the immediate area and heads to the room Peacemaker is in to check for valuable objects. Peacemaker is jacking out and grabbing the items on the velvet cloth. Grendle attempts to snag the sword on the back of the Paladin and doesn't quite get it Grendle bugs out. The Paladin sits up and draws his sword. Mc swaps from his LMG on his Ares Alpha for AVM armor fires on the paladin denting his armor Socrates runs out of the small room towards the door. Slidelock follows him. *MC feels the cats claws on his back Initiative Slidelock ran from the hallway screaming "It got loose! It got loose!" and hid behind the security desk. Socrates casts improved invisibility on Tuckers drone Tucker sends the drone across thelobby and into a hallway. MC fires into the ceiling. Grendle runs out of the hallway towards the elevator ordering the guard to get reinforcements and the dr. to medical. The Guard hits the alarm. MC fires into the ceiling and herds ppl out of the room. Grendle repeats his instructions and hits the down button for the elevator. Socrates heads to the elevator as well. Little Sister drags Sissy to the elevator. Slidelock and Tuckers drone make it to the elevator just before the doors closed. * OOC - extra karma is to be awarded for surviving a Paladin. The elevator has a palm and retinal scanner. Dr. Morgans hand/eye will get us to the next couple of levels.