Grainne makes her way back down the hallway, avoiding the tripwire thanks to the intervention of a small rat who stops her from stepping on the trip wire, points at it and shakes it's head. Grainne closes and bars the metal door, the first one we came through, against the cats and makes her way back to the warehouse. Eleanor is now organizing the kids and looking after them. The children are mostly of the der Waisen, war orphans, and as such are severly lacking in motivation and interest. Sabine makes her way to the guardroom, finds a mug, wipes it out and fills it w/ beer. Geoffrey finds a liquer chest, bypasses the lock and starts sharing it out. He offers Sabine a cup to quell the pain of her chest wound. Sabine accepts w/o question then follows it with more beer. Geoffrey opens the other door in the guardroom and pokes his head out. He hears booted feet that may be coming in our direction. Sabine asks Felix to watch the door and asks Geoffrey to bind her chest wound to stop the bleeding. Felix hears some indistinct voices but makes out the word 'grenade'. He passes this along to the rest of the group in whispers. A THUNK sounds from the door. Felix advises us to get out of the room. Sabine grabs her mug and exits the room heading down the stairs to the warehouse. The door explodes inward with many dents and black burns on it. Felix is on the balcony outside around the corner of the door. As the last exists the door a second grenade bounces into the room. Grainne is huddled into a corner of the balcony, out of the way. Don Alessandro is wishing for his musket. Felix tosses him one of the muskets on the balcony. Don Alessandro finds the musket empty and puts it to one side, pointing out he has a sword so he doesn't need the bayonet. A small trail of beer runs out the door past Felix. Felix glances into the room and sees the grenade laying in a puddle of beer. In her haste to exit the room Sabine had forgotten to turn off the tap in the beer cask. Geoffrey finishes binding Sabine's wound and then finishes off the schnaaps in his cup. Geoffrey begins to get a bad feeling about all this. Felix enters the guardroom and pockets the beer soaked grenade then makes his way to the other doorway. Felix pokes his head around the corner and sees a smoking cask 30' away. He mentions this to the others who followed him in. Sabine says 'Damn!' and takes off down the hallway. With no time to spare she empties the dregs of her mug on it and yanks the fuse from the barrel. Sabine then drops the smoldering fuse on the floor and grinds it under her boot heel. At this point, she notices black powder, small piles of gunpowder, on he floor. Mercifully, she missed dropping the smoldering fuse on one. **Sabine earns a drama die for heroic actions** Sabine looks about and sees a 20' x 20' room w/ 14 casks of gunpowder, assorted Montaigne uniforms complete w/ bullet holes and several stacks of muskets. There is a heavy, steel bound, barred door here, w/ a mechanical device locking it. Felix calls out "Is it safe?" Sabine tells Felix to get up here, she has a grenade she needs to throw him on. The group enters the room and looks about. Don Alessandro sets up shop w/ Grainne, Eleanor and others and begins loading muskets. They manage to get 10 loaded by the time Felix gets the door unlocked and determines there is no one on the other side. Felix opens the door and heads off the the left after asking Sabine to watch the hall to the right. Don Alessandro steps into the hall with a musket and watches after Felix. Felix makes it to the end of the hall, and listening carefully, hears machinery sounds. Felix slips around the corner and sees a dimmer, disused corridor. Sabine sees 6 men walk around the corner and point muskets at her and Don Alessandro. Sabine swears and offeres up a prayer. Initiative 2,3,3 Don Alessandro hears Sabine swear, swings around and fires his musket, dropping one of the rifleman. Sabine steps back into the powder-room door. Felix comes running, shouting, 'We've got company!' passes the powder-room door and throws his beer-soaked grenade. The riflemen blanche, turn and break for cover. Sabine hears an Eisen voice commanding the riflemen to stand and fight. Sabine calls out, 'Show me your fist and I'll stand and fight!' Alessandro and Sabine take off down the hall after the riflemen passing Felix in the hall. Geoffrey grabs a rifle and leans out the door facing in the direction Felix came from. A monstrous size cat comes bounding down the hall. Geoffrey fires off the musket and, surprising himself, hits the cat. The cat leaps at Felix and knocks him down. Geoffrey introduces the cat to the gross art of bayonet-ing. Don Alessandro turns the corner and sees a large man with a panzerhand and a sword, a group of heavily armored men behind him and the riflemen beyond still running. Sabine follows Don Alessandro to see him cooly aim and fire his pistol, point blank at the large man. Sabine says, 'Show me your fist' and makes a grab to bind his sword. The man moves the sword subtly and Sabine's grip slips off. Gunther throws an axe at the cat, eliciting a yowl of pain. Felix, at intimate range, stabs the fur wall laying on top of him. The cat is pissed and rakes Felix with it's claws. The commander facing Sabine takes a vicious swipe at her with his broadsword leaving Sabine w/ a new crimson trail on her severely ragged shirt. Felix stabs the cat again, much to the kitties dismay. The cat responds in kind, much to Felix's dismay. The commander strikes again and Sabine parrys with her panzerhand. Geoffrey shish-kababs the cat again. The riflemen keep running... Initiative 1,2,8 Sabine attempts to bind the commanders broadsword again and once more slips off. Felix attempts to stab the cat, and due to blood loss, pain and weariness, misses. Grainne grabs a musket, steps out of the powder-room and shoots the cat. The cat yowls, then slumps on top of Felix. Grainne has gone above and beyond the call in defending a paying customer Sabine attempts and fails at another bind. The commander, realizing that Don Alessandro has proven the more dangerous opponent, adds a couple of wounds to the Musketeer's torso. Felix extracts himself from the cats cruel embrace. Geoffrey drops the useless musket, draws his claymore and starts down the hall. Gunthar decides that's a good idea and walks after Geoffrey, stepping on the cat in the process. Don Alessandro adds a second pistol wound to the commanders first. Gunthar swipes at the commander with an axe and hits him. Geoffrey follows suit with his claymore. The commander, having received wounds from a pistol, axe and claymore, one right after the other, drops. The two thugs behind him give up. Sabine takes the broadsword and dracheneisen panzerhand. Curiously, there is no family crest on the panzerhand nor does the man have a signet ring or medallion with his crest on it. We make our way out of the building, following the route the riflemen took. The front rooms are full of workers looking about, confused that all the machinery in the factory has come to a halt. After exiting the building we summon the town watch and the Wach Hunde to question everyone. Everyone is taken to and treated by our favorite doctor. As the word of our exploits gets out we are considered as True Heroes of Freiberg. +10 Reputation. To commemorate our new status everyone is presented a 2-3 point dracheneisen item with the exception of Sabine who is promoted to lieutenant. While recovering, Geoffrey has a conversation with a crow. He shares this conversation with the others even less than he shares his drink, which in the case is not at all. 1000 gp to all 5 XP to all