Date: 8:30 PM 8/28/2004 Game date: Disscussion ensues re: where we're going Doyle and Raggnor disucuss directions Raggnor strips the dead troll and takes it's uniform, weapons and armor. Raggnor washes the uniform in the river and hangs it out dry, Raggnor cut the horns off the troll, insulting his personal honor, his clan and his moot's honor. He then throws the body on the fire. Taffy annoys Marsell for, what else? taffy. Marsell is not amused. Doyle finds that Taffy is "modeling" a pair of silver coins like a sandwich board. Begin questioning of Taffy re: where she found the coins. Taffy maintains that she found the coins behind the dogs other ear. The dogs ear is stuck back against it's head by taffy. **For the record, Sandy does not go Tee-hee-hee when she laughs, she goes Tee-Hee. Taffy asks Doyle if her armor is done yet. He tells her no. Taffy asks if she needs more coins. Doyle tells her yes and she says ok, and takes off. Pel says, "What?!" and takes off after her and just manages to catch her as she passes Marsell. Marsell realizes that her coin pouch is covered in taffy and that she is missing two coins. Pel, after much effort, manages to take Taffy down to the rivers edge and get her to clean up and remove all the taffy from herself. Shivaro, not able control herself, realized that there are people playing down at the river and just had to go play, too. Pel checks Taffy, her pockets and such, and finds a bag of holding filled w/ taffy. Pel manages to take the bag of taffy away from Taffy in exchange for a suit of Fernweave and the agreement that she take it off to eat her taffy each night. Pel quietly hands the bag of taffy off to Raggnor to safe-guard who puts it in his threaded thief proof bag. We decide to head down-river towards Throal on our way to the Bloodwood. The group moves down-river - Pel w/ Taffy on Swiftwing, Shivaro in otter form in the river and the rest on the river bank A little way down the river Taffy notices a boat with people on it. Pel Air Whispers back to Raggnor that a boat is up ahead. The group begins camoflaging themselves in traveling cloaks and such. Shivaro is out of the water... as she reaches for her clothing the dog streaks past her grabbing her clothes... The group approaches the boat at dusk. Raggnor rides up on his newly acquired thundra beast. Volpanis Silent Walks near the boat to take a head account and discover the house device - the house is Syrtis, which is somewhat neutral to Volpanis' house but they have been known to raid the Bloodwood. As Raggnor rides up crossbows are trained on him, "Stop. Come no closer. Who are you and why are you here?" "I am a traveler seaking passage for myself and companions." "Who are your companions?" "They are stout companions." The conversation continues along these lines. The S'krang seem to be concerned that Raggnor and his group are Theran spies. Raggnor begins bargaining with the captain for passage. Raggnor lets them know that we have 3 elementalists, a swordsman, a warrior and a weaponsmith. Agreement: We take passage for 30 sp ea., 15 sp for Taffy, and agree to aid them in a fight. Any services provided to the ship and/or its crew by the party above and beyond this are to be done at the individuals going rate. Marsell, Shivaro, Silvara bunk in one cabin. Doyle, Volpanis, Corlon bunk inthe other cabin. Raggnor hangs a hammock on deck. Pel and Taffy find a place out of the way and hang hammocks. Raggnor goes looking for the women and knocks on their door. Not knowing why, he says, "Housekeeping, you want towel?" Raggnor discusses the passage agreement w/ Marsell. Passage - 1st day - Pel has only had to track down Taffy 5x's, of course one of those occasions was near the fire cannon... Taffy tries to get taffy from Raggnor who has apparently learned the Talent Knack of Selective Hearing. Taffy eventually finds Doyle who bores her to sleep. Doyle sends a sailor to fetch Pel Pel finds Taffy and uses Air Mattress to take her back to the cubbyhole with out waking her. Group decides to post their own watch. Volpanis, Raggnor and Doyle 2nd day - pretty much the same as the first day... Doyle hears screaming coming from the womens cabin. The screaming is pure pain. Doyle rushes to the cabin and bursts thru the door. Initiative. Doyle sees a metallic sword shape piercing thru from the astral slashing at him. The first attack causes some damage. The second attack comes from a second sword appearing in the same manner as the first. Doyle uses Gloom to Astrally Perceive. Gloom sees pure black along with the smell of blood and rotting meat. Doyle casts Air Armor. Silvara screams and rolls away from her bed Marsell grabs for her sword and rolls from her bed. Doyle cries " 'Ware, Horror! 'Ware, Horror!" Initiative Raggnor comes barreling down the hallway, shoves Doyle into the room and gets to Silvara's side. He sees Marsell and Silvara dressed in what appear to be rags now, Shivaro is sleeping and two swords. Raggnor attacks one of the swords with gauntletted hands and produces a loud bell like ringing. His second attack misses the sword. Doyle uses Gloom to Astrally Perceive with the same results as before. Doyle attacks the blade thrice, two sword attacks and a shield bash, and manages to cause a couple of ting'ing tones. The swords attack Raggnor and Doyle. Raggnor takes two strikes, Doyle one which he just manages to Avoid. Silvara managed to play tones off one of the swords Marsells strike missed the opposing sword. Pel sees that Taffy is not in the cabinet. He opens the cabinet door and sees Taffy in shock. There are three S'krang bodies in the kitchen that appear to be bags of skin encasing the bones. Pel streaks towards Taffy grabbing her and pulls her out the nearest porthole. Pel and Taffy are now over the river. Shivaro wakes up screaming. Volpanis wakes up and dons his armor Initiative. Raggnor takes a hit. Silvara is grabbed by a pair of claw-swords and is pulled against the wall Raggnor Spots Armor Flaw and struck the claw-sword at Silvaras throat doing some damage. Doyle takes some strain commanding Gloom to aid him and weaves a couple of threads. Silvara commands Raggnor to stop in a raspy throat. Volpanis charges towards the screaming. As he charges down the companionway and down a ladder he trips over a body. The body is one of the eviscerated s'krang, skin covering a skeleton. Pel casts Air Armor on himself since he woke up w/o armor. Marsell struck at one of the claw-swords and silence rang out. Initiative. Doyle casts a spell and then says, "Oh, Passions preserve us." Marsell shouts, "What the hell is going on?!" Marsell lets loose a pitieous wail and her body is moving in random twitches Shivaro and Silvara are in the same state as Marsell. That which Doyle was looking at smiles and states "you look like dinner." Doyle says "Bye, we'll be seeing you again." Raggnor asks Doyle, "Do you feel like telling me what that was?" "It looked like it was a dismembered torso hung on wires, using the swords as limbs. It's mouth was a gash that takes up half it's face." Doyle is fairly certain that it had something to do with his death and that he has been marked by the horror. Raggnor suggests that Doyle make a likeness of the horror. Doyle takes some time to carve a likeness of it. There are ten s'krang left alive, one of them the capt. The capt. offers some potions to Raggnor for the healing of the group. Capt. doesn't want to take the ship back to his city. He wants to know if the group brought the horror. Raggnor disabused him of that notion stating horrors go where they want. Pel takes Taffy into the forest along the bank, leaving her with Swiftwing for a moment while he heads back to the ship to get all his gear. Pel sets up camp in the forest with Taffy and Swiftwing standing watch for the night. The remaining s'krang give the bodies of their companions to the river. Marsell uses a healing potion to heal one of her two wounds. Shivaro has a real problem with sleeping on the ship after all this. Raggnor points out that Shivaro has two choices, sleep here or leave the ship and sleep alone in the forest. Shivaro chooses to stay on board. Raggnor tells Doyle to stand watch on the womens door, anyone attempting to pass should be killed before calling him. Raggnor calls Pel and Taffy back to the ship near dawn. As we pass the s'krang Cliff City we see a city built 3,000 feet up on the cliff. We spend one more day onboard helping out where we can. We dis-embarked as close to Barter Town as we could and travelled over land the rest of the way. Barter Town is in an uproar over the war with Thera. Barter Town is the gateway to Throal. We need to arrange quarters and time in the library, research assistants and such. May need to exchange services/skills/knowledge for help. Pel will be taking on the task of finding Taffys family. Pel is pointed to the Gov. of Yistane when looking for Taffy's family. The Gov. and his wife are the god-parents of Taffy. Taffy's grandparents are in Trevara. Pel turns Taffy over to the Gov. explaining the whole story of what has happened to her. Pel receives 2000 sp for the return of Taffy. Pel returns Taffy's supply of taffy to her and makes sure she understands not to eat it while wearing her fernweave and reminds her to water the armor. The group meets back at the Temple of Mynebruj Chancellor Wishten is the man we need to contact at the Library of Throal. We take quarters at an inn recommended by the Temple. Pel offers his services to the Library of Throal as a cartographer. Raggnor manages to take the time to 'smooth' Pels armor. Everyone receives 1000 LP.