Three weeks after the warehouse escapade all our dramatic wounds have healed. Geoffrey wanders out with a full cask of whiskey under his arm. Don Alejandro points out that this is how we left him. Geoffrey agrees that it's good that some things stay constant. Geoffrey is under contract to locate the ppl running the factory/warehouse for which he will receive a cask of whiskey a week. Geoffrey reports into Sabine, pretty much when the cask needs to be refilled. Felix suggests investigating who the owner of the warehouse is. Since Freiberg doesn't collect taxes there aren't any public records of who would own the building. Sabine summons corporal Oswald and asks him to bring her all the reports and witness statments taken by the Wach Hunde, and when he can get them, the reports of the town watch all relating to the clean up operation of the warehouse. Felix suggests taking over the warehouse to investigate it and watch it for any people returning. There has been a marked drop in the population of Freiberg rats. We suspect that one of the white and grey striped tigers is still loose in the tunnels under Freiberg. Geoffrey brings up the point of tracking down suppliers of the warehouse. The Family of Vink Barron was selling the pots and pans that the factory was creating. **Vink Barron was the name of the commander who assaulted our hero's outside of Velkberg blocking their entry into the city and thus the port when they were on their way to Posen. It was his Dracheneisen armor that was returned by Don Alejandro to the Swordsmen's Guild as a gesture of good faith. Felix suggests Sabine have a conversation with the Family of Vink Barron and determine who owned the warehouse. The Family of Vink Barron are in Posen. Don Alejandro suggests checking into who was buying gunpowder locally. Felix hires a few discreet gentlemen to keep an eye on the warehouse. The idea of restarting the business is proposed by Felix. The person supplying the iron for the factory came from Castille. Actually a distant relation to Don Alejandro When word gets out that we're looking to revitalize the factory a large group of ppl line up outside. We take the proposition to the Capt. General Wilhelm Volner and ask for his recommendation for a business mgr. An accountant/business mgr is located. His name is Arthur and he is the brother of the man who runs Volners house. The man comes well recommended and has been running a brewery up until recently when the town was blown up while he was on a business trip. After going over the books it has been determined that it would cost 200 guilder a week to run the factory. We would be able to turn out 300 units per week. The local underworld indicates that Sieben, the man offering supplies - in this case slaves - to the factory, is someone we don't want to cross, can supply us with just about anything we need, no one ever meets him in person. A mercenary company welched on a deal with him and all turned up dead two days later. There has been no local contact for the Family of Vink Barron for a couple of months. Discussion of buyers has brought up two possibilities: Posen, where the old shipments were being delivered, and General Montague to supply his army. It would be a good idea to avoid Posen as much of the group is wanted dead by the Posen gov't. A mercenary company is located to send a couple of riders to ride post to deliver a message to Gen. Montague with the Montaigne gov't in Exile located in Wasche. Don Alejandro began receiving some rather odd looks as he was asking around for the theives guild, the _honest_ theives guild... after a little bit a couple of Wasche Hunde begin following him just to keep him from getting hurt. We decide to convert a section of the warehouse for our personal use. Discussion ensues re: looking over the warehouse for the remaining cat and investigating the premises. We need to remove the cat and lockdown the other entrances/exits. We decide to hire a squad of crossbow men and a few vials of Spider Venom poison to assist in taking out the tiger. Sabine is approached by two of the Niebelung who want to know how she obtained the unmarked panzerhand. Sabine explains the situation and describes the individual who she took the panzerhand from. Sabine presses the Niebelung for details as to why they're asking and receives the answer that it's an internal problem but enough of a problem that they're here talking to her. Sabine explains the current situation/investigation to the Niebelung and asks for their help in shedding any light on the case. Sabine offers to pass along any information she obtains during the case that reflects upon their request. The Neibelung offer that the Vodacce are looking for pots. Sabine asks around at the Wasch Hunde for recomendations for a squad of crossbowmen. Everyone gets 2XP