Transcribed by Kathy Burrow Wake up in a prison cell w/a barred door of dracheneisen Remember a drinking night, a bar room brawl & a lg fist w/ a panzerhand then darkness Shares a cell currently w/ a Vesten mannavnjar (Jim’s character – Gunther) Given an option to be hung tomorrow or accept a task from an Eisen, Volner – Capt. Gen of the garrison @ Fryeberg Nikolo accepts the job, unknown though it is, to avoid hanging Volner places a silvery bracelet, which becomes invisible, around Nikolo’s wrist At this point, Nikolo vows to never go drinking again Johann Volkner of Kirk Van Kirk: Vendel Pistoleer Don Alejandro: Castille Swordsman, Musketeer Eleanor du Paix: Corporal Musketeer Felix Agustin du Paix: Ne’er do well Job is to help the above folks find & liberate Monique, Johann’s Ward After completion of this task Nikolo can return to Fryeberg & Volner and be released from this bracelet This Monique is being held by someone named William who resides on a barge, upriver, and wields a Zwiehander Nikolo has heard of William, bad rep. Last men who challenged William were beheaded & emasculated, tied to a log & sent down river Something attacks us in the room where the conversation is taking place A green box w/ dangle balls has appeared 400 1’ tall rabbits walk out from under the box, bow, and disappear Johann tells Gunther to open the box Gunther discovers a red headed female in a white druids robe. The woman identifies herself as Grania. Grania demands down & ask for Volner. Gunther says “present!” and throws her over his shoulder Grania states she was sent as payment for a debt from Brian. Discussion re: action from here, City guard hands Nikolo a promissory note for 500g Felix takes Nikolo to find gear needed for breaking/entering Lockpicks, crowbar, cord, small hooks, twin, skeleton key Nikolo manages to obtain gear he needs for the price of Doing the local guild a “favor” in the near future 2/12/05 We are on board a river boat heading down river Nikolo is lounging on a pile of bales & sacks watching the shipboard activity. Several of the group are helping sail the ship Johann notices a cloud moving against the wind Don Alejandro slides down a rope just before lightning strikes. Felix has been struck by the lightning and falls out of the rigging. Nikolo just manages to move out of the way of being hit by Felix as he fell. Nikolo is struck by lightning as well – 10 flesh wounds The capt. starts swearing & then tosses Felix back up into the rigging. There is a lairdom (storm) mage for hire in Frieberg, Nikolo learned about this @ the Thieves Guild, Nikolo passes this along. 3 hrs later, we pull in Felix dives into the river to clean up. Nikolo decides to clean up as well Felix & Nikolo change into dark clothes Felix obtains a small bucket of pitch & Geoffrey MacDonald (NPC) adds powdered lime to it for added punch We pile into the long boat & head down river Felix & Nikolo slip off the boat as we approach William’s barge and make their way “swim” to the barge As we approach the barge an ominous dread settles in the pit of our stomachs We are hailed by the barge to which Johann replies We are told to dock @ the pier & get out. Nikolo slips down between the barge & pier to a tieline Felix swims under water to the side of the barge to get in position Johann is questioned by the guards re: his intentions Johann bribes the guard to gain an audience w/ William The guard pokes his head into a door and Johann hears the name “Andre” A man, Andre, appears on deck and bargains w/ Johann for an audience w/ William William comes on deck & begins bargaining w/ Johann for the “package” he wants Nikolo begins climbing up the side of the barge & looks over the side William begins to smoke while Andre mutters staring straight ahead. William screams “Kill them!” Nikolo swarms, quietly, over the railing and onto the roof of the barge. A fight breaks out. Johann shoots William William bounds onto the dock Felix swarms over the side & grapples w/ Andre A brute squad fires & wounds Eleanor Johann shoots William twice Eleanor draws her pistol Don Alejandro shoots William Eleanor shoots William Felix gets thrown over board, climbs back up & stabs Andre Brutes attack Geoffrey Brutes shoot @ Johann who takes a flesh wound Nikolo looks into a sky light & sees our pkg hovering inside a green flame surrounded by 4 monks in black robes, chanting… Nikolo opens the sky light & leaps in… Felix hamstrings Andre & gets stabbed by a brute’s bayonet Johann leapt onto the barge and into a doorway Nikolo begins to smoke as 3 monks turn to face him. These monks have featureless faces w/ lg mouths – nothing else No eyes, nose, ears – nothing Eleanor shoots William Nikolo hears the rattling of a door on the other side of the flame from him. Geoffrey continues whittling down the brute squad A black monk leaps @ Nikolo & attempts to gnaw on him Nikolo takes a dramatic wound & feels a little queasy as if from poison. Johann pours a dbl measure of powder into the door lock and ignites it w/ a pistol. Eleanor shot William who replies w/ his Zwiehander & rips her shirt. A brute squad shoots @ Eleanor & hits her. A loud “bang” reaches Nikolo’s ears and ruddy light floods the room. Felix climbs out on the deck and stabs William in the back who falls to the ground Nikolo stabs the monk-mouth on him, twice, which in turns, explodes Nikolo is now covered in black ichor, his joints ache, has trouble seeing & his mind feels on fire – the poison is working Johann steps in the room & shoots two of the monks. The remaining monk loses control of the flame & is completely engulfed in flames, This causes a hole to be burned thru the hull of the barge. Water rushes in. Don Alejandro removes a brute squad. Felix follows Andre around the corner & finds Andre & 2 brute squads in the water 20 yds out. Felix backs up, runs across the deck & dives into the water to chase Andre Eleanor orders the remaining brutes 6 to surrender, they do. Johann scoops up Monique & gets out. Nikolo runs out snagging a small coffer on the way On the dock the bands around Monique begin tightening. Nikolo begins working on the locks & after a bit of fussing gets them all free. A doctor is called for. A brute is dispatched for a doc. Felix returns from losing Andre in the fog. The barge is cut from the dock Next Session Haven’t been able to open the chest yet, no Keyholes Group took girl to doctors up the hill. Town Watch came by & Nikolo faded into the shadows. Felix gets flagon of wine from doc & then heads to tavern after the Scotsman, Geoffrey. Johann looks outside the docs, notices Nikolo in the shadows, impales a guilder on a dagger & sticks it in a post. Nikolo takes both. A short time later Niko sees Felix follow 2 men from the tavern w/a really funny guy w/a purple nose & a red butt and carrying a cask under one arm. The 2 men are carrying axes & clothed in furs. Niko follows them stealthily. Felix follows as well. The 2 men & fuzzy guy enter a warehouse. Felix pokes around a bit & heads back to the tavern. Niko notices a sound, looks around then realizes that he could see under the dock when approaching the warehouse. He peaks under the dock & notices a boat w/ 3 ppl on board. The 2 men he followed & a small skinny guy w/ a shiny coat in the bow. The skinny guy is holding the cask the furry guy had earlier. The boat is then rowed out in to the river & downstream. 4 hrs Pass during which Niko plies his trade & makes 125g from those who could afford it idling around watching the docks watching the fire. Niko finds an Orphanage of war orphans & leaves them half his take for the night & a note saying “From One Who Cares” in their drop box. About 12am a commotion, screaming comes from the centre of town. Just before heading up the hill, Niko notices about 15 men, some water logged & muddy, head into a house. Niko leaves a thieves mark on the house & heads off to tell the others. Niko tells Felix that the wounded mage had been located. Johann encounters his brother, Karl, w/ him are 2 Vodacce henchmen wearing the crest of Villanova. Monique, a.k.a. “the package” has a very bad experience. Johann speaks w/ Karl asking after the note he had sent home. The 2 Vodacce notice w/o noticing Monique. Karl explains that “Father has some new interests” and that Father wants Johann to escort them to the coast in order to further relations. Johann introduces ppl. Nikolo recognizes the 2 Vodacce’s house & quails inwardly. Karl asks Nikolo to accompany him to meet his business interest. Niko agrees. As they step outside everything looks greyer… They lead Niko to the house he marked earlier. 37 ppl in the parlor armed to the teeth… the place is an armed camp. Niko is ushered into a room w/ 2 Vodacce Women, nobility, 1 a courtesan, they look @ him & he feels that he was just read him entirely. The courtesan he has met one before, Valentina Villanova, The Villanova Wife. That’s a little odd. Giovanni Villanova. 3 others are in the room, 1 man has his leg propped up bandaged. He’s the mage we met on the ship; he doesn’t recognize Nikolo. Valentina greets Nikolo & says he will do nicely. Essentially Valentina wants him to escort Johann etal to the coast in a group of gypsy wagons Giuseppe, one of the Valentinas Vodacce, escorted Nikolo to the wagons. Nikolo is to obtain horses for the wagons, 25g for them 5 miles outside of town on a hill in a grove of oaks & a shrine we are to meet Valentina etal. Wagons are empty but have a plethora of hidden compartments. Nikolo heads back to the docs & relays the night’s events Niko, on his way back to the docs, encounters Felix trying to convince the Tavern Keep for a bottle, Niko comes up behind him & eventually convinces the Tavern Keep for 3g for a bottle. Niko relates the eve’s events to the group & then tells them he has to run an errand. Felix joins Niko on his way to the Thieves Guild to take care of the favor he owes them. The guildmaster is somewhat dismayed that Nikolo cannot repay his debt but is willing to absolve the debt for the coffer that Niko had. Nikolo was able to obtain 7 horses out of the deal as well. After getting back to the docs conversation ensues re: everything that has happened up until then. There is a loud rumbling boom from outside. We look out & there is a plume of smoke coming from the location of the thieves guild. Nikolo, Johanns servant, & Geoffrey are dispatched to hitch the horses to the wagons & bring the wagons to the docs. A lg. golden globe, central to the explosion, advances across the town. We leave town w/ the doc & family w/ us. Nikolo in the lead wagon, Geoffrey in the 2nd, Johanns servant in the 3rd. The globe expands, suddenly contracts, a boom & a flash followed by a lg. cloud. We drop the docs family off so they can head back to render aide. We head to our rendevous. We approach the rendevous & see a lg nose w/ a Frenchman in the road. Several of the party know him & Eleanor calls out “Cyrano!”. Cyrano introduces Ladies Villanova & Juliet. Lady Juliet is familiar to Niko as a 5 star courtesan. Who is “Legendarily” at odds w/ Villanova. Nikolo climbs down, bows, & greets Lady Villanova. Lady Villanova says they will take the 3rd wagon, the one Monique is in. Monique & Johan have a prob w/ this. Eleanor goes back to speak w/ Monique. Eleanor explains that Lady Villanova wants to speak with Monique. Eleanor, Monique & Johann converse on this. Niko bows to Lady Villanova and goes to see to the horses & wagons. Cyrano asks Lady Villanova why she wants that wagon “There is something I must attend to there.” Nikolo quietly approaches the conversation. Cyrano escorts Lady Villanova to the 3rd wagon. It comes to pass that Lady Villanova wants to speak w/ Johann. Johann asks Eleanor to step out of the wagon. Johann & Cyrano introduce themselves to each other. Lady Villanova & Johann speak re: their business deal & traveling arrangements. Johann states that Valentina may enter if she could convince Monique she means her no harm & that he is the only one armed. Lady Villanova states that she & her husband are no longer seeing eye-to-eye, she turned him into a cyclops. Valentina has laid any animosity between the families aside. Valentina apologizes for the treatment Monique has had. Valentina asks that after all is said & done that Monique come see her, Moniques young man will know where to find her. Valentina asks for wine. Geoffrey, outside, procures wine from Eleanors uncle, Hughes Praisse, in the 2nd wagon. Cyrano goes to retrieve his gear, saddle & such & finds a womans clothes under his saddle. Lady Juliet touches the clothes then looks up in the tree. A pair of brown eyes look back down. It turns out that a naked Ussuran woman is in the tree. Felix approaches & is dissuaded from helping the woman down by Cyrano. Felix manages to go by Cyrano & helps the woman down. Cyrano holds a cloak for the woman to dress behind. Eleanor assist the woman as needed. Nikolo hands the girl some food & nearly gets a finger dislocated. Cyrano tosses the girl food from a distance Geoffrey leads the girl back to the 2nd wagon. As the girl was getting dressed Niko noticed a Fhideli tattoo on her arm. Later the girl begins twisting horse shoes into various shapes Traveling arrangements are made & we begin getting ready to move on. Cyrano rides up ahead to the top of the next hill & sees a village laid to waist. All the trees around the village are knocked down in a radiating pattern w/ the center of the pattern in the village. It takes us ½ a day to travel thru the wreckage. No bodies are seen @ all. No equipment either. Just splintered parts of houses/trees, the occasional corner of a house. During this the Ussuran girl begins chewing on a horseshoe. Cyrano heads up ahead to begin setting up camp. We roll into camp to the scent of venison cooking over a fire. Nikolo arranges the wagons & unhitches the horses & leads them to a tieline. The Ussuran girl takes off like a shot when she smells the venison. Eleanor heads off to sleep after dinner. Cyrano tosses Niko a camp hatchet w/ the order to chop wood. Niko protests he’s not a woodsman. Gunther grabs the hatchet and heads off into the woods. Cyrano begins molding bullets. Granyas thumb tingles briefly. Felix goes to look after Hughes & hears a tearing sound from the 2nd wagon. Felix was going to examine the houses when Cyrano points out the fact that there were no signs of life @ all. Nothing. The Ussuran girl begins circling the camp. Felix shadows her, looses her behind the tree & finds himself flying through the air. He sees a glimpse of golden eyes in the bushes & then nothing. An hour later, during which he felt he was being stalked, Felix returns to camp. Nikolo passes the evening drawing the Ussaran girl’s tattoo trying to recall where he’s seen it before. Cyrano arises the next morning & stirs the fire & makes coffee. Nikolo asks Geoffrey how the Ussuran girl wishes to be addressed & discovers her name is Natalia. We begin our days journey. Uncle Hughes rips a hole in the fabric of reality & pulls a cask of Innish whiskey through. Geoffrey thanks him heartily. During the day Felix, in a drinking contest w/ Natalia (day 2), finds himself being bench-pressed by Natalia. The roads are disturbingly empty. After some time we come upon a Posen Company blocking the road. Cyrano rides fwd to speak w/ them. As soon as Nikolo sees this group he knocks on the wagon door behind the bench & tells Lady Villanova & is told to forget that name. Cyrano rides back & asks for our papers. Nikolo obtains said papers from Lady Juliet. Cyrano hands off the papers to the guard & then suggests he inspects “this pouch of gold 1st”. The guard takes the pouch & the bottle of whiskey. We passed the line of guards & moved on to a tent city. Cyrano goes in search of a good horse. It is agreed that we pass thru this area & continue on. Felix heads off in search of cutlery & Natalia follows him. Cyrano mentions a town he heard of way out there when he returns w/ 3 horses & sundry gear. Felix & Natalia visit the local Jenny’s guild house. Natalia looks about quizzically & leaves w/ Felix. Cyrano heads fwd to setup camp. Game is scarce so we end up eating leftover deer, squirrels, dove. Nikolo sets up the wagons & unhitches the horses & takes them to a tieline. The camp is hailed in Eisen by Ivan Totoffkin. Cyrano & Johann draw pistols as Eleanor translates. Johann states they can approach but leave weapons at the edge of the light. Ivan approaches & leaves his 2 guards at the edge of the firelight. Nikolo recognizes Ivan as the man who was in the boat he saw. Felix recognizes the 2 guards from the tavern. Eleanor sends Grania out to the guards w/ drink. Grania conducts business w/ these 2 & earns 14 beaver pelts. Ivan explains he is looking for Annas niece. Eleanor calls for Natalia. Felix goes in search of Natalia and finds her upside down in the wine barrel drinking w/ Hughes. Natalia smells the vodka & snags the cup from Johann & drains it. Natalia is the daughter of Anna & Kelby, who runs part of the town guard. At the sound of Kelby’s name Cyrano steps from the shadows between the two guards. Cyrano returns a pair of panzer hands to Kelby that were taken from Freiberg. Nikolo steps fwd, asks Kelby to pass a msg along to Constable Volner letting him know that Nikolo has fulfilled his obligations & has not jumped bail but has other obligations he needs to attend to. Kelby agrees to pass along the msg. Ivan leaves w/ Natalia & Valentina & Juliet emerge. Valentina hands a pkg to Johann who studies the info for awhile & then begins making measured diagrams of Cyranos pistol. Nikolo investigates & finds a false bed in the 1st wagon Tapestries are hidden in the false bed. He tells so one…. The rest of the trip to the coast is rather uneventful… We arrive @ Velkberg & discover yet another Eisen patrol who look rather unfriendly. New Session 1-2-0 2 swordsmen squads 2 pikemen squads x-bow swords musk. musk. swords 1 crossbow squad 2 squads Musketeers pike X pike X-Leader in Dracheneisen all unmounted Nikolo becomes part of the scenery The leader says “Kill all the men. Take the Women.” Pikemen lower pikes & set to charge Musketeers fire a volley, Swordsmen move up, crossbow men fire Nikolo & Cyrano take shots from Muskets Geoffrey takes a hit from crossbow Gunthar throws 2 axes @ the leader, hitting him once Johann slips out the back door of the 3rd wagon, hides behind a tree & takes careful aim @ the leader Geoffrey leaps off the wagon and charges the lefthanded swords squad. Cyrano calvary charges the leader and stabs him thru the eye slit then continues past him & behind him to face the Musketeers Felix rolls out of the wagon and dashes off Don Alejandro drops behind a wagon wheel & takes cover Don Alejandro shoots & drops a swordsman Nikolo takes another hit from a musket The swordsman chasing Felix fail to notice him up the tree Nikolo spurs the horses and charges around the melee & down the street. As Nikolo steers the horses past the melee Gunthar begins a balancing act on the roof of the wagon & gets nicked by a pike. Gunthar leaps off the wagon into the squad of pikeman w/ a battle axe & goes cuisinart on them w/ a whirl attack Geoffrey drops 3 swordsmen Cyrano is in duel w/ the leader & has perforated his face a few times Don Alejandro shoots & drops a swordsman Felix leaps into a group of swordsmen & becomes Felix Scissorhands killing them all, then turns & winks @ the squad of pike watching him Monique leans out & fires off 2 pistols @ a brute squad killing 1 Cyrano introduces the leader to darkness @ the tip of his blade. Johann shoots @ the leader & ventilates his occipital thru his visor showering Cyrano w/ the gore. A cloud of smoke floats up from the trees A grenade is lobbed over the 2nd wagon into a squad of pike tumbling them all Johann – “Who is the idiot carrying those?! Planchet?!” As he stalks a squad of pike w/ a brace of pistols Nikolo cont.s to keep the horses on track Felix kills off 2 more swordsmen All the men still on the field remove their helms, place them on their weapons & kneel, calling quarter. Cyrano calls Felix to bind these men Niko hears a tap on the wall behind him & Valentina tells him he can slow down now Johann, through Don Alejandro, leans that the commander was named Vink Barron The Dracheneisen armor is taken to return to his family As Niko slows the horses he finds the port below. The remaining men are allowed to leave Niko returns w/ Cyrano & arrangements are made to collect the valuables & change the horses from wagon 2 We head in to Vokenburg & down to the harbor A 3 masted ship is docked, flying Johanns family crest Johann escorts Ladies Villanova & Juliet past 42 men @ the head of the pier and to the ship. Half the men @ the head of the pier follow. The man that escorted Niko to Lady V. steps out & congratulates Niko & Johann Discussion re bathing ensues & Gunthar ends up in the harbor Niko & Felix are dispatched to sell the horses, wagons, pistols/muskets & such. Geoffrey tags along for the $ of a drink. Cyrano heads to the dr’s. Johann q’s the Harbor Master. Re: returning the dracheneisen Felix, Niko, & Geoffrey thoroughly search the wagons & found 2 – boxes of mutilated horseshoes 1 – tapestry in 3 pc. – quite lg. the tapestry all together would cover the side wall of a manor house Cyrano pays the dr extra for good work then heads to the inn. Johann takes the dbl on the 3rd floor & orders baths. After ~ 3 hrs we find a knothole that depresses & ejects a green mist. We feel a bit ill. As the smoke clears we find a bag which Felix picks up. Felix feels bad. Felix appears to have sap on his hands. We use the wine skin to wash his hands & the jewels that fell out of the bag when he dropped it. We smell brimstone & the area begins heating. Enter crib notes of all this **NOTE: there was just no way I could keep up w/ the notes in this section. There was just to much happening and it was all absolutely hilarious. I just couldn't stay in character and take impartial notes while finding traps, poisoning Felix, and blowing up the wagons... ~~~~~ They sent Felix & Niko off w/ 3 wagons, 6 horses, various muskets & they returned 5 hrs later, smelling of Elder berries & carrying a carpet, but it was a REALLY big carpet Cyrano sends Niko & Felix upstairs to bathe & sends a tailor along to fit them for traveling clothes. Cyrano heads down to the docks & arranges travel Johann enters the room & is filled in on the happenings of the day. Johann sends Felix to rest up & Niko to an inn on the waterfront to gather information. Niko changes into something a little less reputable before heading out. Johann has a couple of Jenny’s sent up to Felix. 2 Eisen Jenny’s. “Be gentle”: whimper: Monique applied antidotes to Felix & Niko Next Session __________ 3 Frog Inn – Niko’s mission *Ask about Vink Barron & who hired him +A group of ppl have managed to put to rest a bandit of note. Morning – Niko returns to the inn *Sees Gunthar playing checkers w/ a baboon “Most intelligent conversation I’ve had all week!” *Niko passes thru the common room & upstairs *Meets Johann upstairs who has a tray of fruits & cheeses *Reports in to Johann what he discovered & spears some food on his knife *Felix is ensconced w/ the 2 Jennys & loving it. *Johann heads down to ensure passage *Felix is dressed then carried down to the harbor by the Jennys We all manage to get down to the dock on time & find Gunthar neck deep in the harbor. It has something to do w/ the small hairy orange butted man… A lg. rolled brown papered object is loaded on board Nikolo is a bit queasy & Gunthar is even more so to the point that 2 sailors drag him to the scuppers. 4 days pass During which – Cyrano begins teaching Johann fencing Niko talks to Felix & begins learning his knife style Felix tests Nikos off hand skills by having him run across a rope 5’ off the deck & stabbing a dangling monkeys fist. He does well. Cyrano is drilling Johann w/ sword balance & point control by stabbing the monkeys fist. “Sail Ho!” Sailors begin scrambling across the deck Niko leaps from the rope to the rigging & climbs ½ way up. Johann climbs to the crows nest w/ his Rifle Cyrano surveys the ship approaching from astern. The capt. begins cursing in Eisen. Something about a rune mage. Eleanor calls this to Johann. Cyrano calls the rune mages location to Johann Nikolo climbs down from the rigging & liberates the monkeys fist, coils it & attaches it to his belt. At 100 yds we see: its flying a Vesten flag. Big men w/ spears & shields, bows & shields, swords & shields Axes, a short bald man waving his hands & a small group of men w/ frothing mouths. A white robed men calls in Eisen “I wish to speak w/ you” Gunthar begins speaking in Vesten w/ him. The man identifies himself as Scorsett. Gunthar calls Johann down. Gunthar explains that this is the man who seeks the sorceries, be respectful. Scorsett requests to come aboard Gunthar, w/o checking w/ the capt. calls “Ja!” Scorsett calls “Do I have permission?” & walks across water from one boat to the other. Nikolo covers his eyes w/ one hand shaking his head & vows to never drink again, Geoffrey begins a running translation. Essentially, Scorsett wants the tapestry we rescued in exchange for a jar that will help against the wyrm where we are going. Everyone starts @ the word “Wyrm” Johann extracts the promise that the run-mage we encountered earlier, who is on board the other boat, that the mage will not trouble Felix again while in his employ. Not a problem since the mage will be occupied for 20-30 yrs. Scorsett calls over Felix & explains that he possesses an object that could be dangerous to him. Felix hands over the glowing stone. Scorsett holds the stone in one hand there’s a click, @ which Felix & Niko dive for cover and powder falls from his hand. Scorsett confirms the agreement, tapestry for the ungent, picks up the tapestry which is as rigid as a pole & walks back across the water to the Vesten ship. Grainne (Granya), coming to consciousness, screams @ the sight of multiple compound eyes. Eleanor hands her musket to Don Alejandro & runs below decks Gunthar manages to get ahead of Eleanor & proceeds to brain himself on the companionway lintel. Gunthar blocks the doorway & sees the lg. 18” dia spider Gunthar tries to remove the spider w/ an axe @ which Eleanor grabs his arm. Geoffrey is employed as a translator & eventually everything is sorted out. It takes about a day to sort out living arrangements For the next few days Nikolo works w/ Felix on Knife tech. Cyrano & Johann work on fencing techs. Discussion takes place re: the nature of the next mission of rescuing Gen. Montague from prison. Cyrano, Eleanor & Johann speak w/ Nikolo re: his need to be part of the mission. Nikolo finally aggrees & his bracelet from the constable in Freiberg falls off. We dock 2 hrs later @ Insel pop 25K Johann dispatches Felix & Cyrano to find transportation Grainne, Monique, Nikolo & Gunthar go w/ Johann Johann & Monique have a small, quiet marriage ceremony Felix & Cyrano scrounge about for gear. A warehouse is obtained for a base of ops. We return w/ Johann & find Eleanor has setup food for everyone. 4xp ea