Jericho Sebastian

a.k.a. Vince Knight, Slidelock

1. What is your characters Sex? Male

2. What is your characters physical size?Slightly large for a dwarf. Mostly in height though he's solidly built. Dwarves are, on average: 54 Kg / 119 lbs and 1.2 m / 3' 11" (47 in.). Jericho is 57.6Kg / 127 lbs and 1.42 m / 4' 8" (56 in.). This all means that Jericho stands about a full head above the average dwarf.

3. What is the color of the characters Hair, eyes, and skin? Natural Eyes were blue. Cyber Eyes are a brilliant blue. Skin pre-comet: tanned. Skin post-comet: Deep blue-black, reminiscent of a ravens wing. Hair pre-comet: Auburn. Hair post-comet SURGE: All body hair is white. Hair on head merged w/ beard and became essentially a full mane reminiscent of a lions. Jerichos mane flows over his shoulders and down his back in a gradual taper to a point at his sacrum. In the front the mane mimics the shape of the back but only goes as far as his sternum. In length the hair over his chest, shoulders and back is about 2 to 3 inches, shorter at the edges and near the point. The rest of Jerichos body hair is normal in type and length. The hair on his head is long, down to just past his shoulder blades and is normally worn in a braid often woven or tied off with a blue cloth. His beard is long, as well, falling to his sternum and is normally worn in two braids either side of his mouth mirroring the style of the braid in his hair. With the most recent comet SURGE Jericho has developed a skin color so deep it looks black in less than normal room illumination. With normal lighting Jericho's skin has a blue overtone to it reminiscent of a ravens wing.

4.What is the character's general appearance (i.e., How does he dress, etc.)? Neat but casual. Slidelock tends towards jeans and a shirt with a vest. Jeans are typically indigo or black and belted with a black leather belt. Shirts are normally t-shirts of various colors with a plain, undistinguished black leather vest over the top. The vest is normally a Secura UltraVest, subtle, unassuming armor. On occasion Slidelock will opt for a regular, short sleeved button up shirt with a collar left unbuttoned and not tucked in. Foot wear is normally a pair of black harness boots though on occasion will be a pair of black jungle boots.

5.Where was the character born (City, State, Hospital Name)? Chicago, Illinois. County General.

6. What is the characters date of birth?April 27, 2039

7. What was the character's family life like? Father, Davan Sebastian, deceased. Mother, Charlene Sebastian, unknown. Jerichos mother was human and his father was dwarf. It is a well documented fact that the offspring of a mixed race child will be one race or the other, not a mixture of both. While Charlene loved Davan she believed that the child would favor her and be born human. When Jericho was born dwarven she was unable to handle it. Charlene tried for a short time but eventually was unable to reconcile her concept of what should be with reality and left Jericho and Davan one night with out a word.

Jericho was raised by Davan until the age of 14. Davan worked for Ares Macrotechnology as a weapons designer specializing in handguns. The forman of the R&D lab that Davan worked with had made a deal with the Mafia to supply prototypes of some of the weapons the lab developed in exchange for lucrative payments. The Mafia used a few of these weapons against the Yakuza in one of their increasingly frequent battles and the Yakuza came out of the battle with fewer than half the soldiers that went into it. The Yakuza was understandably angered about the situation and decided to track down the source of the weapons. The trail lead back to the R&D lab at Ares Macrotechnology. Feeling that Ares Macrotechnology had entered into an agreement with the Mafia to suply them weapons the Yakuza took the only action they felt made sense, they destroyed the lab. The only problem with this course of action was that the lab was still fully manned. Davan was one of the people working in the lab at the time. He didn't survive.

Jericho spent the next two years in foster care. The prevailing attitude of the time was severly prejudiced against meta-humans and it was reflected in how Jericho was treated by those who were supposedly responsible for his well-being. Jericho was bounced from family to youth facility and back again through those two years. This long term emotional neglect on the heels of the loss of his father eventually became more than Jericho was willing to accept and, at the age of 16, he struck out on his own. Less than a year later saw the advent of the Bug Containment Zone.

During the year he spent on the streets Jericho never rested in his search for those responsible for his fathers death. Jericho did everything he could from learning Japanese to Yakuza politics and territories and learning the katana. During the time he spent as a messenger/courier he discreetly inquired after information on the group responsible. No one was ever able to provide anything definitive. The only namehe ever ferreted out was the Jade Dragon. So far Jericho has not been able to determine who the Jade Dragon is, if it's even a person.

Jericho's knowledge of the layout, gangs and warlords of Chicago served him well when he ran into a UCAS Special Ops unit operating inside the Bug Containment Zone. The UCAS military had been keeping tabs on the bug spirits and to that end had been sending SpecOps teams into the Containment Zone. While making a delivery Jericho ducked into an abondoned apartment building to avoid a local gang. In the building Jericho walked into a SpecOps team lying low and out of sight of the same gang he had avoided. After narrowly avoiding being shot by the team Jericho was taken prisoner so he wouldn't give them away. Jericho was taken back to their base of operations outside the Containment Zone. After determining that Jericho was not carrying a bug spirit, not a pleasant experience, he was questioned as to his knowledge of the Containment Zone. Finding that his knowledge of the area, gleaned from a year of living on the streets and acting as a messenger/courier for whoever needed a neutral party, was extensive, Team 6 obtained permission for Jericho to act as a civilian guide for them. Jerichos agreement with the UCAS military was to act as a civilian guide for Team 6 in exchange for payment in the form he desired. It was a mark of how desperately they needed quality info on the Containment Zone that the military agreed to pay Jericho in alpha grade cyberware. Jericho had found on the streets that, while he was very good with a pistol, having been taught by his father, having an edge was always useful. He felt that cyberware would help get that edge. Jericho spent the next two years working with Team 6.

On a routine patrol inside the Containment Zone Team 6 came across another team illegally capturing bug spirits instead of following the mandate of kill-on-sight. Team 6 reported this back at HQ. A little while later they sent back out into the field to follow up on a lead concerning a supposed massing of bug spirits. On the way to investigate this Team 6 was ambushed by the same team they had seen and reported earlier. In the ensuing firefight Team 6 was wiped out leaving only Jericho and a wounded captain alive. Jericho managed to get the captain out of the Containment Zone and to medical attention. Fearing reprisal, having overheard the radio tranmissions from the other team to an unknown recipient, Jericho slipped away in the chaos surrounding the captains delivery to medical attention.

Jericho managed to get away to a town outside of Chicago assisted by a dwarven female who he only knew as Foxy. Jericho was almost run down trying to get across a road outside of the city. Foxy stopped and offered to give him a ride out of the immediate area. Jericho laid low for a few weeks listening in to the militarys transmissions and gathering data through the matrix on what had happened to Team 6. Apparently someone high up in the military brass had made a deal with an R&D firm to collect bug spirits for experimentation. The official story states that Jericho had knowingly led Team 6 into an ambush ordered by a Col. Charles Canson. Col. Canson had been aware of the illegal collection of bug spirits and had been quietly investigating it. It is believed that Jericho was used to discredit Col. Canson in addition to removing the threat that Team 6 had inadvertantly become.

Foxy assisted Jericho in getting out of town a short time later after the immediacy of the search for him had died down. Jericho made his way to Seattle where his god-father, Arten Tamson, lived. Arten was a first rate talismonger and hermetic mage. For a short time Jericho worked with Arten as his assistant in Artens shop. A few months later Jericho was able to obtain part-time employment in a gun shop, returning to the guns that his father had taught him to respect and love.

8. Has the character begun his own family? No.

9. Where or how was the character educated? Public education until the age of 16. After that he picked up some skills on the streets of Chicago as a messenger/transporter for various warlords during the Bug Containment Zone. After that he picked up some military training, specifically small unit tactics and assault rifles, working as a guide for the UCAS Special Ops units operating inside the Bug Containment Zone.

10. Has the character ever done anything else for a living? He currently has a part time job working in a gun shop repairing weapons, specificaly pistols and assault rifles. For a little while before that he worked in his godfathers talismongers shop as an assitant. Before the talismongers shop he was a civilian scout employed by the UCAS SpecOps teams for his knowledge of the city of Chicago during the Bug Containment Zone. Prior to his attachment to UCAS SpecOps Team 6 he worked as a freelance messenger/transporter on the streets of Chicago.

11. What are the characters beliefs on church and state? That no one should determine a persons spiritual beliefs or method of worship. For the most part is indifferent to to others beliefs as long as he is let alone.

12. Describe the characters Moral code. Include how mercenary he is, whether or not he'll kill innocents, etc. Jericho will only shoot at those who pull a weapon on him or those he is loyal to. He would much rather not need to use his weapons. When it becomes necessary to use force Jericho chooses to apply it quickly and efficiently.

13. What are the character have any goals? To put together enough money to open his own gun shop building custom pieces for collectors. To find the Yakuza responsible for killing his father / discover the identity of the Jade Dragon in relation to the death of his father.

14. Why does the character run the shadows?(Why does he run the shadows still, rather than getting a "real" job?) Jericho does both. His primary reaon for running the shadows is financial at this time. Jerichos dream is to open his own custom firearms weaponsmithy.

15. What kind of personality does your character have?This should not necessarily be obviously stated in the background, as it is more important for actually playing the character, but it may color or add mood to the history.

16. What special qualities does the character possess?This does not refer to skills, but rather at other things, such as How he gets along with people, does he plan ahead, etc.

17. Are their certain things the character can't or won't do? Why? After his experience in the government run youth facilities and foster care system Jericho has a great deal of understanding and sympathy for kids on the streets. He will never harm a child and on occasion offers assistance to kids he runs across.

18. What things, people, or ideas does the character hate? Child abuse.

19. What things people, or ideas does the character love? Loyalty.

20. What is the character's name? Give both full birth name, as well as nicknames, street names, etc. Birth name: Jericho Sebastian, Current Alias: Vince Knight, Street Name: Slidelock. Sometimes called Papa Smurf by his teammates due to his white hair and beard.

21. Determine what your character used to do, before becoming a shadowrunner (very important). See Question 7

22. Decide why your character left his or her old job, if he had one. (also important). Currently Jericho has a part time job in a gun shop in addition to running the shadows.

23. Come up with a reason for why the character became a shadowrunner. (This very often will tie in with #22. This is not the same as #14, but rather why he started running the shadows originally. What led him to it?) It's good money. Aside from repairing firearms, working the streets is all he really knows. In addition to this it's the only place he can find information about the Yakuza and the Jade Dragon.

24. How did your character come to know his or her contacts?Contacts are an important part of Shadowrun, decide how and why you know them.

25. Does the character have a SIN? Does the character actually use it?Or is the character one of the SINless masses? This may be affected by the characters previous employment. Jericho himself hs a SIN which was procured for him by Ares Macrotechnology when his father, Davan, went to work for them. Part of Ares Macrotechnology employment package is to make sure all it's employees are full citizens and legal regardless of meta-humanity. This is done to ensure loyalty to the corp. In order to keep his identity a secret and disappear Jericho has obtained identity as Vince Knight. Vince Knight has a SIN as well. Currently a Rating 5 Fake ID.

26. Is the character a full-time shadowrunner?Or does the character lead a Batman-like double existence? Jericho works part time to provide a cover for his other activities. The owner of the gun shop has become used to Jerichos comings and goings as he often brings in weapons to sell in the shop.

27. Which person(s) or group(s) do you love the most?

28. Which person(s) or group(s) do you hate the most? Yakuza for killing his father.

29. Which person(s) or group(s) do you respect the most?

30. Which person(s) or group(s) do you fear the most? Universal Brotherhood for bringing the Insect Spirits back into the world.

31. What is your favorite color? Blue

32. What is your favorite food and/or drink?

33. What place would you most like to visit?

34. Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to?

35. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the most enjoyment?(WARNING: Answering Sex for this question can and will result in penalties to your character!)

36. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the least enjoyment?

37. What annoys you the most?

38. What (if any) is your favorite form of art?

39. What is your greatest goal? To find the person responsible for kiling his father.

40. What do you think is your characters best quality?

41. What do you think is your characters worst quality?

42. What is the most important thing you have ever done?

43. Which religion (if any) do you follow? None followed though the approach of hermetic magic seems to make some sense to him.

44. What is your most treasured possession (and why)? A medallion that used to belong to his father. The medallion was given to Davan by Arten Tamson before Jericho was born as thanks for some assistance Davan lent Arten.

45. What are your three most common dreams?

46. What is the Characters current relationship with his family? Father, deceased. Mother, unknown. See Question 7 for details.

47. If the characters family is still alive, what do they do, and where do they live? See Question 7 for details.

48. Where did the character learn his Skills? From his father: Pistols, Pistols B/R and Gun Smithing. While on the streets of Chicago: Negotiation, Etiquette/Street, Edged Weapons, Stealth/Sneaking, Area Knowledge/Chicago, Yakuza Politics, Yakuza Territory, Fences. While working with Team 6: Assault Rifles, Assault Rifles B/R, BioTech/First Aid, Insect Spirits and Small Unit Tactics. While working in Arten Tamson's talismongery: Sorcery, Conjuring and Talismongering. While working in the gun shop he learned to ride a motorcycle to make deliveries.

49. Does the character have a good luck charm? What is it, and why?

50. What type of music does the character like? Jazz.

51. List any past serious relationships that your character has had, and give a brief overview of the relationship.

52. Where does your character live?Why does he live there? Curently in an apartment over the gun shop. It's conveniant and the rent's cheap.

53. Remember, your Gamemaster likes detail, so if you can think of any other little details, quirks, or whatever that you think might please the almighty GM, then add them in as well.Oh, and your GM won't use any of these details against you at a later date. trust me...:)