Current Name Vince Knight
Street Name Slidelock
Real Name Jericho Sebastian
Creator Val
Archetype Dwarven Weapons Specialist
Race Dwarf Height 142 cm
SexMale Weight57.6 kg
EyesElectric Blue HairWhite
Birthdate April 7, 2037
Birthplace Chicago, UCAS
Total Karma 18
Unspent Karma 1
All body hair is white due to SURGE. The hair on his head has become a full lions mane that flows over his shoulders and down his back to his lumbar and over his chest to his sternum. His skin has also been affected by SURGE becoming a deep blue-black.
Character Notes
Resist. to Disease/Toxin (+2)
SURGE - Quick Healer (+2)
SURGE - High Frequency Hearing
109,847¥ 37,671¥
30,000¥ 25,000¥
15,000¥ 8,700¥
7,000¥ 5,000¥
Credstick Total ==>> 238218¥
(6) Lo:Seattle 0 2 0 6 0 06/61:06/61
Bolthole: Seattle, Redmond Barrens
Bolthole: Seattle, Orc Underground
Edges & Flaws
Hunted Lev 1-> -2
Day Job 20hrs/week -2
Ambidexterity-4 +4
Phobia, Moderate: Insect Spirits, +2 to all TN's in presence of Insect Spirits -3
Perceptive: -1 to TN for perception tests. +3
Distinctive Style - Appearance SURGE
Contacts and Bike
Picture Pre-Surge
Slidelocks Background
Nat Aug Alt
Body 5 0 5
Quickness 6 0 6
Strength 6 0 6
Charisma 4 0 4
Intelligence 6 0 6
Willpower 4 0 4
Essence 6   2.50
Run Mult. 2    
Magic 0 0 2
BioIndex 0 0 0
Reaction 6 (4) 6(10)
Init. Dice 1 (2) 1(3)
Karma 1
Combat 8
Type Conc Ball Imp
Secure Ultra-Vest DwMod 14 4 3
Secure Long Coat DwMod 10 4 2
Forearm Guards DwMod 12 0 1
Total  65
Condition Monitor
Stun Physical Overdamage
+1 to TNs L L +1 to TNs      
+2 to TNs M M +2 to TNs      
+3 to TNs S S +3 to TNs
Unconscious D D Dying
Stun overflows into Physical
+ TN# = -REAC#
Target Numbers
Vision Magnification Level 3 sets all target ranges to short. Smartgun Link II subtracts 2 from all Target Numbers. The Ambidexterity Edge at a level 4 allows two weapons to be used simultaneously with a plus 1 to all target numbers for each weapon. Firearms: All Ranges treated as Short Range with a base TN of 3. Single Firearm: Base TN of 2. Thrown/Melee Weapons: All Ranges treated as Short Range. Two Weapons - Base TN of 5. One Weapon - Base TN of 4
Active Knowledge & Language
Assault Rifles (QCK) [4]

English (LAN)/Cityspeak [4/6]

Assault Rifles B/R (INT) [4]

English (LAN) (RW) [2]

Pistols (QCK) [6]

Japanese (LAN) [4]

Pistols B/R (INT) [4]

Japanese (LAN) (RW) [2]

Shotguns (QCK) [3]

Area Knowledge (KNO)/Chicago [3/5]

Edged Weapons (STR) [3]

Gun Smithing (KNO) [4]

Thrown Weapons (STR) [3]

SW:Insect Spirits (KNO) [3]

Athletics (BOD) [3]

ST:Fences (KNO) [3]

Stealth (QCK)/Sneaking [2/4]

ST:Yakuza Teritory (KNO) [3]

Bike (REA) [2]

ST:Yakuza Politics (KNO) [3]

Biotech (INT)/First Aid [1/3]

ST:Police Security Procedures (KNO) [3]

Etiquette (CHA)/Street [2/4]

ST: Arms Dealers [1]

Negotiation (CHA) [3]

BK:Sorcery (KNO) [2]


BK:Conjuring (KNO) [3]


BK:Talismongering (KNO) [2]

Name Slot(1-6) Stress Notes
Wired Reflexes [2](step)(A) E:2.56     sr3.302|+4RCT, +2INI Stepped Reflex Trigger
Datajack(A) E:0.16     sr3.298|
Eyes, Cyber Replacement(A) E:0.16     sr3.300|Holds .5 Essence of eye mods free of Essence cost
Eyes, Flare Comp(A) E:0.08     sr3.300|Eliminate glare modifiers
Eyes, Low-Light(A) E:0.16     sr3.300|Low-light vision
Eyes, Thermographic(A) E:0.16     sr3.300|Thermographic vision
Eyes, Vis Mag Ele[3](A) E:0.08     sr3.300|Undetectable, pgs SR3-110 and SR3-280. Converts all ranges to short.
Eyes, Disp Link(A) E:0.08     sr3.300|Display text in field of vision
Smartlink II(A) E:0.40     mm.31|-2 to TNs for firing a Smartlink-II weapon, +2 Called Shot modifier
Range Finder(A) E:0.08     mm.32|Displays range to target
Pers. Smartlink Safety(A) E:0.00     mm.31|Safety on unless in contact with user
Extra Induction Pad(A) E:0.08, left hand     mm.31|